Dark times (part 2)

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"What's wrong sweetie" Carolyn asked me seeing that I was crying
"Derek and Amelia they were in a car crash Amelia's ok but there still trying to cut Derek out" I said crying harder while Lizzie came and held on to me while crying herself
"Oh god my babies are you ok sweetie I know your mommy hormones are everywhere do you want me to go get you a update" she asked handing me a tissue
"No I want you to get me my scrub pants and my hoodie I'll be back in five" I said while she passed me them so I got into them got up and walked out
"Derek your going to be fine we're going to pull you out now" the paramedic said
"Ok just get me home safe to my wife and kids" I said all drowsy
"Yes boss"
They got me out and kept pressure on the wounds on my abdomen and they tried to get my fast flowing back wound under control until I passed out.
"Bailey what's the verdict on Derek and Amelia when will they get here?" I asked
"There on there way now I'm not gonna tell you what's wrong but if you want to be in the room by his head it would be ok" she said holding my arm
"Ok and yes that would be great.....Jo go tell Derek's mom and sisters to hang tight and don't panic but stay with them and keep them talking" I said pointing at her
"Derek Shepherd broken leg, several leg lacerations, two open abdomen wounds and a fast bleeding back wound" the paramedic said
"Amelia Shepherd head laceration and broken arm and a broken ankle" the other paramedic said
in the trauma room I was pacing up and down the room until Bailey crashed in with Derek
"Hey sweetie what did you do" I said
"What did I do what did the idiot who crashed into us do" he said all doped up on morphine
"Hahaha just don't die on me ok I love you too much"
"I love you too and I promise I won't die" he said while I lean down and kiss him
"Ok Derek we're gonna take you to CT then straight to surgery if it's really serious so Meredith I would say bye just now but not good bye good bye" Bailey said
"Ok see you soon honey I love you so much" I said
"I love you too" he said with his hand on my cheek and off he went

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