What if i had never met you that night

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"Hey Derek come on" Addison shouted holding her pregnant belly
"Coming coming" I said running down the stairs
"What do you think the new chief will be like" she asked
"She's meant to be a real hoot"
"Oh it's a She is it"
"Yes Addie but it's fine our baby will be a huge magnet for me to stick on to" I said trying to be charming
"Good try mister but I'll be keeping a close eye on my man" she said hitting my chest softly
"Yes ma'am" I giggled
"Chief Grey can I get you anything before you meet your staff for the fist time" Webber asked
"No I'm good Dr Webber I think I'll be fine but Steven can you do something for me" I asked my receptionist
"Yes miss" he asked
"Could you please find me Dr Derek Shepherd and tell him to come see me before the meeting"
"Yes Dr Grey" he said walking quickly away
I walked into the conference room and saw a tall blonde headed woman wearing a short tight red dress, a lab coat and glasses.
"Hello Dr Shepherd take a seat" she said
"Ok what do you need" I asked
"Well as you probably don't know I'm Dr Grey your new chief of surgery and I wanted to talk to you before the whole hospital did because your the chief of neurosurgery and I'm a neurosurgeon if that makes sense"
"Yes ma'am just call me Derek because I hope we can be you know friends because I heard you came from Boston so you won't have anyone here"
"Yes your right and you can call me Meredith so that's all I need but if you have anything else"
"Well I was wondering what about a drink tonight if your not busy introduce you to a few other doctors here what do you say?" i asked
"Yea I would love to meet you about 8"
"Sure will 8 o'clock joes see you there" I said walking out but all I could think about was wow she is one looker but I had to get this out my head I have a wife and a baby I can't be looking at other women like that.
"Hey have you seen Addison" I asked Alex
"Yea I just saw her walk out of the meeting she probably went to the attending's lounge" he said
I went towards the attending's lounge when I heard shouting it sounded like Addison and someone else the other person I could tell was a man but a man I knew.
"He can't know" she shouted
"Can't know what that you've been sneaking of on secret business trips to come and sleep with me or he can't know that the baby is mine and not his" he shouted
"Yes Mark yes he can't know any of that I want this marriage to last and you will never be a part of this child"
"Oh really well that's not what you were saying last night after you told the brainless brain surgeon that you were meeting up with friends but you were with me and didn't come home until 2:30 this morning so I think you want me in your life"
I had heard enough so I turned away and headed towards my patients room and I walked into Meredith on the way there
"Hey you up for lunch?" I asked
"Yea sure when?" She replied
"Well in about 10 minutes but would you like to come and consult on a patient with me he has a spinal Tumour and a brain tumour"
"Yea sure"
We walked to the patients room making conversation and we consulted on the patient then headed for lunch which was filled again by small talk until I got a text from Addison.
A-"Hey do you want to get lunch?"
D-"I'm actually eating lunch just now"
A-"oh who with?"
D-"chief Grey and Alex is joining us in a few minutes"
A-"oh ok well do you want to go to joes later and have some time to talk over things about the a baby and what we're going to do after the baby's born"
D-"Im actually going with Meredith, Alex, Christina and Owen sorry"
D-"chief Grey we're on a first name basis"
D-"Addison I want a divorce I didn't want to tell you this over the phone but its better if I do it this way because you'll probably cry and I'll feel sorry for you and I don't want to do that because I know you are cheating on me and I know that the baby is his I over heard your conversation in the lounge earlier.....I'm sorry"
A-"Derek it's ok I knew it was over after I cheated on you and I'm sorry if I hurt you"
D-"it's fine bye Addie"
"Hey how are you"she said walking up to me and I couldn't hold it in any longer and I pulled her in kissing her and she didn't pull away but when I did she had a big smile on her face.
"Hi" I said smiling while she took my hand..........
I was woken by my amazing dream and I was brought back to reality.
Hello so here's a new fill in chapter because I have no other ideas so if you have any please comment them.
I'm going to be taking a break from this to try and think of more ideas but my ER and we're doctors series will be updated more because I'm now on holiday whoop woop.
Over and out

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