In your arms again

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I was walking towards the front of the airport when I felt two hands go over my eyes.
"Guess who" the person said as I just stood there remembering all the times I've heard that voice it was so sweet and beautiful. I love hearing her voice it was like an angel.
"I don't know Jennifer Aniston" I replied giggling
"Ha ha your so funny but it's someone better" she replied turning me round and she leaped into my arms
"Hey honey miss me"
"Of course I did the bed is really empty without you and I sort of missed your face" she said into my ear
"Well I sort of missed yours too" I replied pulling her out away from me and kissing her
"Well we better get going our kids our missing you"
"Yea lets go"
We got into the car and we talked all the way home until we got there. When we got there Zola and Bailey ran up and jumped onto me and cuddled in and I realised I want to do more with my wife because we never spend time together.
"Hey kids why don't we go play and let Daddy and Mommy talk" Owen said taking the kids upstairs
"Meredith lets go on holiday" I said fixing my posture
"What?" She replied
"Let's go on holiday me and you we never went on a honeymoon and we never spend time alone together and also it will give Owen and Amelia practice on having kids"
"Yes I thought you'd never ask I've been wanting you to ask for a long time but where"
"Surprise me" she said cuddling into my chest
"I love you and I'm glad I'm in your arms again"
"I love you too" I said kissing her head

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