Trust Me

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"Mer you ready to go?" I shouted
"Yep what do you think?" She said coming out the room and showing me her outfit of a pair of shorts and a vest top since it was summer we decided to basically match because I was wearing shorts and a white v neck
"You look Ehm wow there are no words to describe what you look like"
"Suck up" she said giggling and slapping my arm
"Come here" I said pulling her in for a kiss
"Let's go lover boy" she said pulling my arm out the door but our pagers went off
"It's Owen it says board meeting 911 what's going on" I said walking to the car
"I don't know but hospital first walk second yeah"
"Yeah let's go"
When we got to the hospital we got pointed in the direction of conference room 1
"What is going on we get paged on our day off" Meredith shouted
"I'm sorry it's just a few of the interns have came down with ehm syphilis" Owen replied
"Again is this hospital a syphilis magnet" I said sarcastically
"I guess so, so i want you to talk to your interns"
"Really we're missing our walk for a bunch of brainless sex magnets"
"Unfortunately yes so go"
We all walked out the room and paged our interns
"So do you know why I paged you here" I asked
"Yea because Finn decided to catch syphilis and spread it" one of the interns said giggling
"Oh really it was Dr Dandrige was it I'm surprised he got a women with that cut up face of yours"
"I would say the same for your nose but I like your cuts whoever did that must be a artist"
"Yea you say that but your lying whoever did this was a down right brainless immature excuse of a man" I replied
"Oh really.....right you've shouted at me can I go"
"Yes but don't do it again"
"Yea sure" Finn walked away round the corner
I turned around and saw Meredith walk into a storage room so I slowly walked towards the door when I heard a scream so ran into the door and saw Finn kissing Meredith while Meredith was trying to get him off
"Oh my god Derek thank god" she said running up to me holding my arm
"Just because I don't want to use violence I'm going to walk away" I said walking out I got a few steps out the door when I heard it close then I heard
"Your sister told me you were all talk but she tells me a lot of things along with doing a lot of things too"
"Cmon Derek just walk away" Alex said from behind the desk
"Alex there's a line where someone can cross and Finn Is way over it" I said lunging in punching him once then again then loads more before Jackson and Alex pulled me away while Meredith just stood there in tears
"Cmon Meredith let's go" I said holding her by waist and walking away with her leaning against my shoulder
"Is that all you can do" Finn said getting up
"If you don't shut up and walk you'll be more than on the floor you'll be in a hospital bed" Alex said sternly
when we got outside and into the car Meredith finally spoke
"Derek can you forgive me"
"For what you try to push him off" I said hugging her tightly
"Can we just go home and spend time together there"
"Yea we can let's go"
We drove home and spent the time we had left on the couch while I iced my hand until my mom came in and saw Meredith and me cuddled up on the couch so she put the kids in bed
"Derek what happened to your hand" my mom asked when Amelia came in
"Hey Derek some nurse showed me a video of you beating up Finn nice swings" she said
"You beat up Nancy's boyfriend" my mom asked
"Yea he kissed Meredith and it probably would have led to something much worse if she didn't scream and fought him off so ehm Nancy is no longer welcome in this house"
"Meredith are you ok" Lizzie asked
"Yea I'm glad I had my man near by...I love you Der" she said cuddling up more
"I love you too Mer" I said kissing her head
💉-So my school life is coming back to normal so there will hopefully be more updates for you guys so I hope you are enjoying the story so far and let me know what I should do with Finn and possibly Nancy.
💉-Secondly I want to thank you all for 4k views love you all😀😀😀😀😀

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