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"You're all over the tabloids" Kai drops three magazines in front of Beomgyu who was eating breakfast. Three different magazines with the same cover, the prince shielding the photographer to safety.

"And it's trending on twitter" Soobin adds in from the other side of the table. Multiple pictures but the same scene of Prince Yeonjun leading his photographer away to safety, even going as far as using his own jacket to shield Beomgyus face from the cameras, meanwhile in the background was a shocked paparazzi with a shattered camera; various headlines (such as, but not limited to)





"Oh my god" Beomgyu pushes the magazine away from him. He was trying to throw up and the propaganda was not helping.

"I've never seen him act like that before" Beomgyu scratches the back of his neck with his casted fingers "he was so aggressive and.... Angry"

"Me either.." Kai adds

"I have" The duke sets down his phone "plenty of times. Although this time it was like he snapped into someone else, versus the other times it was like he was being petty and a brat"

"What do you mean?" The photographer asks

"Well, we were shipped to Tai Wei but Yeonjun didn't go easy. To be blunt he was a cunt to every single staff member, didn't matter if you were the king or just the greeter, he was the worst." Beomgyu suddenly remembers back to when he was getting his suit tailored. The face that Yeonjun had at the worker was the same one he had to the paparazzi.

Speaking of the devil, Yeonjun walks in; suit and all. The kitchen is so quiet you could heard a grain of salt fall off the counter. The prince goes into the fridge and continues on to pour himself a cup.

"Why is it so quiet?"

"It's just really early..." Says Soobin. Yeonjun eyes him curiously for a second before turning his attention onto Beomgyu.

"How are you feeling?" He asks the photographer

"F-fine.. just a little sore" The prince raises a brow.

"Have you not been given any pain killers? that's strange I WONDER WHERE MY ROYAL FUCKING NURSE IS!" If Yeonjun hadn't put the glass down prior he would have surely shattered it in his hand. The yell causes Beomgyu to jump and shake his head vigorously.

"Yeonjun-" just then the royal nurse sprints in with two pain killers and a cold water bottle.

"F-Forgive me" She bows apologetically to the prince.

"Fucking hell I'm not asking you to give him new fingers, you literally have ONE job" He yells at the nurse.

Beomgyu, Soobin and Kai are all sweating nervously wishing this would end already.

If it were Daniel acting like this, he would have slapped him upside the head and force him to apologize; but he's not Daniel, he's Prince Yeonjun of Obeliav and now TaiWei. Future King too. Nobody had the right to go against the prince and embarrass him like that. Not even Beomgyu.

The prince sighs heavily and rubs his eyes annoyingly "Just go, your incompetence has already taken enough of my time. Any longer and I'll be late."

The nurse bows respectfully "Thank you Prince Yeonjun" and she's runs out immediately.

"Late for what? I didn't think we had a schedule! I'm not even ready!" Beomgyu shoots up from his seat.

"I have to go to an interview and then some gala Red Ribbon cutting that Taehyun will join me for later, but you're staying here. Kai will take charge over the pictures for a while while you recover"

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