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"S-so you lied to t-them about who you are?" Soobin asked Yeonjun the next morning during breakfast.

"Yes, but I had to. It's for their safety and mine. The less they know the safer they are." Yeonjun explained.

"If you're p-putting them in danger then w-why do you still go back?" Soobin asked.

"Because I'm selfish" Yeonjun shamefully admitted.

"What are you boys talking about?" Jae asked as he made his way to the two boy. He set a large bowl of berries in the middle of the table.

"Nothing, and everything" Yeonjun smiled up at Jae. The elder smiled down at the boy he raised and patted his head lovingly before taking his seat at the table. He was happy to see Yeonjun and Soobin speaking.

"You confuse me in a beautiful way" Jae told the young prince.

"Confusion now hath made his masterpiece" Yeonjun quoted.

"Okay my literature junkie, it's not time for your English class yet" Jae laughed lightly while the maids and servers came out with the morning breakfast.

Yeonjun stared at his breakfast with a blank facial expression.

"What is this?" Yeonjun asked Jae.

"Perfect blue cheese quiche with whole grain crust, baked egg danish with kimchi and bacon; ricotta honey sandwich and orange juice" Jae answered easily before taking a drink out of his glass.

The food tasted good, but he can't help but think that the Ramen sandwiches he shared with Beomgyu tasted better.

The princes mind wanders from food to the bus boy. He wondered what Beomgyu was doing at this moment- which he had a pretty good feeling he was working at the restaurant.

"Ah the jokers are here" Jae brought Yeonjun out from his thoughts.

"J-jokers?" Soobin asked with confusion.

"Yeah, to spice up our day!"

For breakfast Yeonjun watched people juggle pins, fire sticks, and even cats;

He patiently waits for the moment he can go to the restaurant and wash dishes with a certain bus boy.

"Ah that reminds me; real soon we will have a body guard hired for you"

"Okay" Yeonjun started thinking up plans to make the body guard quit immediately.


"Thank you for coming!" Beomgyu waved the old couple off with a warm smile. The second the door shut he let out a sigh and leaned over the register counter to support himself.

His legs were sore from walking at the festival.

'I should have stretched this morning' Beomgyu thought.


Beomgyu quickly rushed to the back kitchen. He rushed inside so fast he didn't have time to realize that the entire floor was covered in soap and water. Beomgyu falls onto the group and hits his face against the floor. Everything happened so fast he didn't even feel the blow on his face.

"Beomgyu! Are you okay?" Kai rushed over to his friend- almost sipping a few times himself- and dropped to his knee.

"Why is there water and soap everywhere?" Beomgyu asked while he pushed himself up from the ground; Kai helping him as well.

"I accidentally spilled the bucket water" Beomgyus eyes shifted to the mop bucket. He knew Kai was lying when he saw that the mop bucket water wasn't spilt; instead it was filled, in fact, Beomgyu didn't doubt for a second that the mop water didn't spill, instead it over filled.

Is Your Heart Gucci? | BEOMJUNWhere stories live. Discover now