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"Wow a white rhino!" Jii stared wide eyes at the enclosed animal drinking water.

"Aren't these like really rare?" Beomgyu questions

"Extremely" Yeonjun smiles proud

"That's sad" Beomgyu frowns "they're so beautiful"

"Dad we should donate to repopulating them!" Jii screams exasperated while pulling at the princes shirt.

"Taehyun and I have tried but we were rejected in the request" Yeonjun inform with a saddened and apologetic smile as he sees the frown in his sons face begin to form.

"Rejected? By who?"

"The council. Royal title or not we still have to get approved before donating a huge amount of money; some princess from the Netherlands used a massive amount of money for her gambling addiction and passed it off as donations" Yeonjun furthermore explains the situation "and when we proposed the donation we were almost instantly rejected seeing as rhinos are not native to Obeliav or Tai-Wei, the council ruled it was unnecessary"

"Well I don't think it should be up to a council to decide what deserves to be saved" Jii angrily crosses his arms over his chest.

Earlier, Jii arrived with Jae at Ahea, where his highness and the crew were at for a small vacation after a whole month of traveling and events.

The small prince was euphoric when he turned up at prince Yeonjuns bedroom door and found that he and Beomgyu were already in the room together; to which he demanded some one on one time with the two. So, that led them at Aheas famous zoo which entirely was inhabited by rare and exotic animals.

"That's why you have to be the change Jii. You are the future of Obeliav and the world" Beomgyu lovingly runs a hand through the boys hair. From orphan to future king, he was truly a phenomenon all around and Beomgyu has no doubt he will make big changes to the country and world. After all, he had Yeonjun to look up to. Sure, Yeonjun was chaotic and unpredictable, but he loved his people and the country. Just not the anarchy.

"The first thing I'm gonna do when I'm King is save the rhinos! AHHH ALBINO PEACOCKS!?" Jii takes off in a sprint towards the next exhibit where Yeonjun and Beomgyu slowly follow along with smiles. The small prince too fast for his own good that the two don't even try keeping pace with him.

"He's gotten so big" Beomgyu smiles proudly

"You say that every time you see him" Yeonjun teases. The comment had meant to be light but the photographer visibly shifts.

"I don't see him much these days"

"Well just move in with me and you can see him all the time" the prince suggests with a shrug as if telling the weather.

"No thanks, I don't want to walk a marathon every time I want a snack"

"Then just ask the maid to bring you a snack silly"

"Prince Yeonjun, you're lazy"

"Yeah whatever, but since Jii is here we can take him to the beach later, he loves digging for shells" the suggestion causes the photographer to smile.

"I'm not getting in the water though"

"Oh come on that's the whole reason people go to the beach!"

"No, I am a human, I will stay on land where I belong"

"You're a pussy"

"Hater!" The mood shifts when Yeonjun looks over to the side and see three royal guards making marching towards the royal, Namjoon in the lead. Aside from the night that Yeonjun was taken back, this is the only other time that Beomgyu has seen Namjoon,

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