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For the past week, Jae has been quiet and distant. At first, Yeonjun didn't really think much of it- but then Jae stopped having breakfast and dinner with him altogether one day. The prince knows that he and Jae have been on thin ice, but he still loved him. After all, Jae is the closest thing to a parent Yeonjun will ever have- Jae is Yeonjuns parent.

"Can I help you, master Yeonjun?" The guard who was in front of Jae's office asked the prince.

"I just wanted to visit my apa for a bit"

"Sir Jae has asked to not be disturbed" the guard firmly said- not even looking at the prince, but rather above him.

"I understand that but it would only be for a minute or two"

"I'm sorry Master Yeonjun, Sir Jae has-"

"-has asked to not be disturbed yeah, yeah, I fucking heard you the first time" Yeonjun turns around to leave.

The sound of the office door opening catches the prince's attention. He spins around and finds Jae peeking into the hallways from inside the office. He looks like he hadn't slept in days, and his usually neat hair was messy as if he just got out of bed and decided not to do anything with it.

"Yeonjun, I actually need to discuss something with you"

Yeonjun has a weird feeling about Jae's tone of voice.


"Hello, I saw that you were looking for work" Beomgyu spoke to the manager of the store. The manager was a short man with dark hair beginning to gray at the roots.

"Sorry, we're looking for older people with work experience"

"I'm a really hard worker!"Beomgyu tried convincing.

"Try again in four years" the manager walked away from the conversation, leaving Beomgyu with no other choice but to leave.

"Four years? But rent is due next week" Beomgyu was beginning to feel hopeless.

He was able to pull it off the other times by luck, but things weren't looking good this time.

He had to pay the bills, buy food- enough for a restaurant, and Kai also needs a school uniform cause he's growing fast.


"Hi" Yeonjun smiles as he takes a set in a chair in front of Jae office desk.

"Hello Yeonjun, how have you been?" Yeonjun knots his eyebrows at the formal greeting but pushes it aside.

"Good, I passed my exam for history so I can finally stop learning about rapscallion kings and finally get to move on to literature- we're going to read Lolita"

"Lolita? Isn't that too inappropriate?"

"I'm almost 18" a look of unease passes on Jae's face.

"Right, I almost forgot.." Jae doesn't say it, but every time he sees Yeonjun, he sees a little boy running through the castle halls. It's hard to believe that soon he's going to have his beautillion ball and start his journey to becoming a king. 

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, TaiWei has contacted the King and Queen and they have required you to visit their castle for a weekend. The plane will leave in a few hours."

"Required? I'm guessing that I have no choice in this?"

"Do you not want to meet your fiancés family?"

"He's not my fiancé, he's my betrothed. There's a difference."

"Yeonjun I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now"

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