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"Holy shit you look look like me!" King Damian exclaims in astonishment. His smile is wide and his eyes excited and at ease.

As expected, Yeonjuns first interactions with the king left a sour taste in his mouth and if this were an animal, his eye would be violently twitching. Still, he puts on a smile.

"You think so?" The prince replies

"Well-" King Damian adjusts the bandana on his head, making it tighter "-maybe not right now"

While Yeonjun had never been in the kings presence, he's well aware of the kings looks; his portrait practically in every building; also he could be seen on billboards, TV, brand deals, and magazines, but he doesn't look like he did in the ads. King Damian is skinnier, his hair gone and his skin sickly pale. The only color on his face being the dark circles under his eyes. He's dying and it's obvious.

Still, he stands here smiling in front of the prince, and Yeonjun knows he's a bad person for only being able to think horrible things of the king at the moment.

Then follows an awkward silence, King Damian stands facing the prince with a smile while Yeonjun waits for something to happen. After a few moments of the king just staring and smiling, Yeonjun awkwardly coughs.

Suddenly King Damian takes a deep breath and his legs begins to give out. He's falling and tries to catch himself by holding himself up on a decorative table that had a skinny vased flower set on top. The King isn't strong enough to hold himself up and he knocks over the table and vase; although Yeonjun is quick to catch him.

"Are you okay?!" Yeonjun has a firm grip on the king when he catches him but he feels so skinny and fragile in his grip he significantly loosens his grip once King Damian is balanced again.

"Its... it's just... I'm okay" King Damian holds his head slightly, it seems as though the almost fall drained everything left of him "let's sit, yeah?"

Yeonjun nods, thinking that it would be the best idea right now. He tries to help the King to his seat but he waves Yeonjun off, persistent to make it to the chair himself.

Then, they're sitting across from each other at the table placed in the kings room. Too small for a party but big enough to have someone for company.

"Tea?" King Damian asks the prince.

"Yes please" Yeonjun didn't hate tea but it wasn't something he craved, although he could nervously stir his spoon in the drink to ease his anxiety.

King Damians hands are shaking as he pours the drink into the tea cups, and a few times Yeonjun worried that the kings shaking hands would loose their grip, causing the shatter of the tea pot and spilling of hot tea, eventually though, drinks were served.

"Thank you"

"So, how was your trip?" king Damian asks he he drops two ice cubes into his tea cup.

"Uneventful but comfortable" Yeonjun skips on the sugar and stirs his spoon in his drink.

"I heard you had barley started vacations, I'm glad you don't have to miss any important events in spite of me" King Damian smiles before taking a small sip of his tea

I'd rather be on a beach than sitting here with you yeonjun bitterly thinks but would never say that out loud to a dying man "please don't worry about me, I'm fine" socially this would be a good time to input a smile but the one Yeonjun provides is tight lipped and unexpressive, a complete opposite King Smiles over here.

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