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"Have you heard the story about the boy who danced with stars?" Beomgyu asks the prince one night as they laid on top of the restaurant roof. Beomgyu laid his head on Yeonjuns chest, the two looking up at the star lit sky.

"I can't say I have" the prince says "you should tell me"

"One night, a boy sat on the side of the road. He was lost and sad"

"Why was he sad?" Yeonjun asks

"The story doesn't say, but I don't think he has to have a reason, some people are just sad" Beomgyus voice becomes softer "so, he sat there, his head between his knees. Hopeless. Then, a bright light shone. He looked up, and saw a star falling- towards him" Yeonjun begins playing with Beomgyus hair.

"What did the star look like?" Yeonjun asks.

"Sad." Beomgyu answered "the star looked so sad. Then, the Star offered the boy a dance. While they danced the boy asked the star 'why do you look so sad?' but the Star didn't reply, maybe the Star didn't know why it was sad either. So the boy asks another question.

'Why are you here?' And then the star said

'I'm looking for Happiness- do you know what that is?' The boy shook his head

'I don't I'm sorry'

'Theres not much you can do, no need to apologize'

'Why did you choose to fall to me? What is so special about me?' For a moment, the star was silent.

'I didn't choose you, there is nothing special about you, you were just here and I also happen to be here'

'I see..' the boy sighed

'Don't feel discouraged. It's quite wonderful to be nothing in the middle of everything' the star could not smile but the boy could feel peace coming from the sad star.

'Where will you go after this?' He asked

'I'm not sure... perhaps I'll try to be nothing as well. Maybe then I'll find happiness.'

Then the star went back up to the sky, leaving the boy alone with nothing" Beomgyu finishes his story.

"That was really sad" Yeonjun admits. This causes the busboy to laugh softly.

"Well, both of the characters are sad, what do you expect?"

"A happy ending. I hate stories without happy endings, it's the reason why I always read the end of the book first."

"I think the ending was peaceful. That's the point; finding peace with sadness. Plus, happy endings are overrated" Beomgyu sits up and looks down at the prince. Where Yeonjun laid, he saw the moon, the stars, and Beomgyu.

"But not us right?" Yeonjun sits up, looking his love in the eye.

"What do you mean?"

"We're not too overrated for a happy ending right?" Yeonjun sounded desperate.

"Of course not. It's us or nothing." Beomgyu feels his heart aching. This made the prince have hope.

Yeonjun kisses Beomgyus forehead, just a small innocent peck.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS THE FOOD IS READY!" Huening Kai interrupts the moment. The couple looks over the the ladder and see their friend.

"YESS IM SO HUNGRY!" Beomgyu gets up and rushes to get food. Him and Huening Kai quickly get down and go in through the back, making conversation about who knows what. Yeonjun takes his time to go down. When he reaches the ladder he looks at the castle and it's entirety.

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