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"Is it hard pretending to not love someone when you actually do?"

"Um.." Beomgyu attempts to swallow the lump in his throat but fails to no avail. He doesn't know how to answer that question, it's been one that he's unknowingly been putting on hold; but now here it is, right in front of him. Demanding to be noticed. Needing to be, because while Prince Taehyun is also royalty to the art of nonchalant, even Beomgyu could see the bother in the Princes face.

Taehyun knows 5 different languages, has traveled around the world for life changing events; reforestation, building schools, raising money to help lower class families with medical bills, fighting sex trafficking, hell even saving the fucking polar bears. Furthermore, Taehyun has been on the cover of the most prestige fashion magazines countless of times and has even been named most handsome man in the world three fucking times.

Yet still, Prince Yeonjun was in love with this mediocre photographer with shaggy hair and a ranch stain on his shirt. Taehyun needs to know to.

Why you and not me?

"Oh!" Beomgyu finds his breath and forces a good laugh "you heard about my breakup with Seongwha? I can assure you my prince that i am coping! it's nothing to bother you with!"

Once again Beomgyu dodged the question, and once again, Taehyun is annoyed that he can get away with it.

The prince smiles sweetly "that's good, we're all worried about you"

Beomgyu knows the prince is being petty and it's causing his stomach to twists into knots "well excuse me your highness I need to freshen up"

"Yes, we do have to leave in 30 minutes after all." Taehyun checks the time in his watch.


"Yes, you're coming to the Ribbon cutting with me" Taehyun put his cup into the sink and exits without so much as another word or glance.

He doesn't really like Beomgyu much but that's futile. On the other hand, he knows that if Beomgyu goes then Yeonjun would be happy.


"Im gonna throw up" Kai says

"Just don't drop the camera and you'll be fine!" The prince assured his friend. Him, Kai and Soobin were about to pull up to the Ribbon cutting of a new children's hospital that he and Taehyun funded.

"Is the lens still on or did I already take them off?" Kai rotates the camera like a rubix cube. Soobin, who was sitting next to him, shows him the button and the lens flick open "thank god that could have been bad" Kai sighs in relief.

"When we get there I'll show you to where the photographers stand" Soobin say

"What? I won't be standing with you two?"

"Only for the cutting and then after that it's free reign" Soobin explains the situation

"Oh my god if this is how Beomgyu feels all the time no wonder he's such a nervous mess" the car pulls into the event and the chauffeur opens the door, letting the prince out first. Since it was a private event with enough press already, they didn't have to worry about being flashed by bright paparazzi lights.

While Soobin showed Kai his area and explained more about what he should be doing; Yeonjun did formal greetings.

"It's an honor to be graced in your presence" a nurse bows her respects.

Yeonjun laughs with dismissal "Please don't, you guys are the ones actually doing the gracing. Im honored because you're all true heroes. I just have a crown" He hated royalty and the who anarchy of it, but god does he love people.

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