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Life continued as usual. Thanks to Soobin showing the Prince the secret passage, Yeonjun was able to slip in and out of the castle with no detection. The only downside was that he could only return to Beomgyu at night. 

return to Beomgyu... the prince wonders when he switched from returning to the restaurant, to returning to Beomgyu.

"Young Master, are you paying attention?" Jin called out for the nth time. Yeonjun looked up from the paper he was currently doodling on instead of learning. 

"What..." The prince hides his paper shamefully. Jin took a deep breath. Usually, Yeonjun is good in his lessons... well, most times at least. 

"The flowers are dying," Jin said to the prince.

"They die every year" Yeonjun added while looking at the flowers..

"Only to bloom again a few months later" 

"Are we going somewhere with this?" Yeonjun asked.

"No. Does everything always have to go somewhere?" Jin asked as he moved his seat in front of Yeonjuns desk. He had made it so that their lectures were held in the garden, but now that fall is fast approaching they both knew they soon would have to return to inside lectures. 

"If nothing ever goes somewhere then what's the point?" 

"Can you elaborate?" Jin asked the prince. Yeonjun ran a hand through his hair trying to think of the words he wanted to say, but even he didn't know what he meant.

"Like... change. Why is it seen as a bad thing? why can't we change tradition? why can't I go to school with other kids, and why can't we interact with our people without it being for politics or approval? why can't I be with-" Yeonjun cut himself off before he said Beomgyu's name.

"Be with what?" Jin asked

"I don't know, it doesn't matter anyway" Yeonjun finds it easy to voice his feelings to Jin. He does it without even thinking.

"Yeonjun, some things might never change, but that doesn't mean you have to stay the same"

"I just...I'm about to inherit a country but I still feel like the smallest person on the planet" Jin has grown fond of the prince. He thought that the prince had a beautiful mind and an even more beautiful soul, it's a shame it's not allowed to be free. 

"The good thing about being small in our endless universe is that you can fit more places-" Jin stood up from his seat "-we'll stop here for today" Jin began gathering his things, and while he was preoccupied with that, Yeonjun looked back at his drawing that he hid from Jin's sight. 

It was him on a rocket ship leaving earth, but this time Beomgyu, Soobin, and Kai were with him too. 


"Kai?" Beomgyu called out to Kai while he was picking up a table that an old couple had just ate at. There was a sound of plates shattering where Kai's reply should have been. Beomgyu quickly sets the plates down on the table and turns to where his friend had been prior. Sure enough the plates Kai had been holding were shattered around him.

"I'm awake!"

"Really Kai?! you told me you were sleeping again!" Beomgyu gently moved Kai away from the broken plates. 

"i-I'm sorry hyung, I was for two days, but then I ran out of pills..." 

"I'll go get a broom to clean this"

"No, I made the mess, I'm gonna clean it."

"No, you-" Beomgyu began to protest but was cut off mid sentence.

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