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"What are you talking about?" Soobin knit his eyebrows together.

"I know it sounds crazy-"

"It sounds insane! what if they catch us?"

"What if they dont," They young prince remarked quietly. Soobin is listening, ears all open as Yeonjun continued, " Beomgyu and Kai won't be so guilty anymore. Gyu will finally be able to breathe and maybe Huening Kai will be able to fucking sleep! because of other people's selfish choices they suffered. It's time for that to stop." 

"You do realize what this means? if we get caught who knows what they'll do"

"We won't get caught"

"But if we do-"

"We won't," Yeonjun remarked. 

He knew he couldn't get caught. He's come too far to lose everything- to lose Beomgyu. He knows that his leaving was a selfish and wrong decision, but he didn't care. There were many Kings before him, and there will be many more after, it was no big deal, but, there will only ever be one Yeonjun. 

"Are we actually going to do this?" 

"Yeah... we are"


"No obviously not, this needs to be planned and orchestrated."

"Good, because  Huening Kai wanted to watch movies tonight" 

"What's up with you two? are you dating?" Soobin fidgets with his fingers before answering. 

"We kiss, and hold hands, and are always together, but we're not dating"

"Why not?" 

"Well, thats just us. Friends, lovers, we don't care about the labels, we just want to be together, it's enough for us. What about you and Gyu?" Yeonjun looks down at the city lights.

"Everyone thinks I'm his boyfriend. I like that, it makes me proud when I hear it- even though we're not official."

"Why don't you ask him out?" 

"Because i'm scared"

"Of what?"

Yeonjun swallows hard before answering "There's a lot of reasons. For one, I'm terrified that everything is going to fall apart, what if things between him and I won't work out, or I'm going to get sent back to the royal life... plus, he doesn't even know my name."

"Why don't you just tell him the truth?"

"I want to, I really do. There will be times when it's almost about to come out, but then he smiles, or blinks- or just fucking breathes and I freeze up, because what am I supposed to say? Oh hey, Beomgyu! by the way, my name is actually Yeonjun and everything you know about me is a lie!.." He opens his hands flat and stares at his palms "...He likes Daniel, not Yeonjun."

"What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet"

"You're bringing Shakespeare into this?"

"Yes, I am! stop being so hard on yourself dude! you left to be happy, so be happy"


When Beomgyu woke up, he had a body hangover. He laid in bed for a few minutes staring at the white ceiling. The loud buzzing of the refrigerator could be heard from the other room. He was cold- probably because the window is still cracked open from the night before. Despite this, he doesn't make an effort to cover himself with the blankets tangled around his legs. He was drunk last night but still remembered everything. He cringed at how dramatic and rude he was.

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