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"I'm gonna throw up" Yeonjun takes a deep breath

"No, you're not I won't let you," Hoseok says sternly.

"He should throw up before the performance rather than during don't you think?" Jungkook thinks out loud

"He's not going to throw up at all. You've trained too hard for this Daniel"

"If you throw up you're buying us all ramen," Jungkook says.

"Jungkook shut up-" Hoseok sends a glare at the instigator before turning back to Yeonjun "- you're going to be fine Danny boy, it's your first time performing in front of a crowd so it's normal for you to be nervous but once you're out there and the music starts your nerves will turn into adrenaline"

After all, his hard work and hours of practicing it was time to perform in the alley where he had first seen Hoseok and Jungkook dance. He was nervous of course, but to calm his nerves he reminded himself that his friends would be there to cheer him on, and Beomgyu as well. That was enough to want to try his best.


"The crowd is bigger this time" Beomgyu acknowledges as he, Huening Kai and Soobin make their way through to the front.

"It's like they're celebrities" Kai jokes.

"I hope Daniel is comfortable with performing in front of so many people" Beomgyu worries.

As it turns out, Beomgyu was worried over nothing. Yeonjun performed perfectly, almost hypnotizing. The crowd loved him. Seeing Yeonjun like this was fascinating to Beomgyu, sure he had seen little snippets of Yeonjun dancing, but this was the first time seeing his boyfriend perform. He had never seen Yeonjun look so serious, so passionate and free.

When the dance finished, everybody clapped and cheered, but Yeonjun was only looking for one person. Beomgyu. The blue-haired boy was proud and excited but seeing Beomgyu made him feel a different type of way. The smile and look the two exchanged made Yeonjun feel like he belonged somewhere. 

So, as the chestnut-haired boy stood in the middle of an applauding crowd, Yeonjun finally figured out that he belongs with Beomgyu, a beautiful realization.


"My boy is natural!" Hoseok yells, wrapping an arm around Yeonjun, pulling the boy close.

After the performance, Hoseok revealed he had planned an after-party at the studio. It was unlike the parties Yeonjun read in his books. There was a DJ, and a dance floor, but inside the dance floor was mini dance-offs. There was a long plastic table laid out with store-bought food, and various coolers filled with beers and liquors.

Hoseok was already drunk, Jimin and Jungkook dancing with the crowed, Kai and Soobin left early because Kai had school the next day. 

"Is Jin coming?" Beomgyu asks, which causes Yeonjuns anxiety to skyrocket. 

"No, he's working. Been staying at work overnight for a week now" Yeonjun knew that was a lie. The palace never allows anyone to sleepover, it was only him, Jae, and the maids, and official guards who were allowed to stay overnight, it was the same way for the main palace. They especially wouldn't let a meer event planner- not unless he was staying with one of the live-in staff.

Besides, a week of work is extreme, Yeonjun knew this, Beomgyu knew this, and Hoseok especially knew this. Perhaps there was another reason he was drinking so much tonight. The love of his life was out doing who knows what and it was killing hoseok.

"Well that sucks for him,  he missed a great party and an even greater performance" Beomgyu says.

"I messed up a lot though," Yeonjun says with embarrassment. 

"Lies! you looked perfect!" Beomgyu assures.

"But I wasn't"

"and that's good. Why the hell do you want to be perfect? that would be BORING! you dance with passion, with feeling, and neither of those things is perfect" Hoseok drunkenly slurs. Then he makes a face of excitement and holds up a finger signaling he'd be back. Beomgyu and Yeonjun exchange looks of curiosity and returns with the red solo cups in one hand and a bottle of Soju in the other. He hands each of the boys a cup and pours them a drink, overfilling Yeonjuns by accident, some of the Soju falling over Yeonjuns fingers.

He waves at the DJ to cut the music, and when the music stops abruptly everyone looks around confused. 

"EVERYBODY I'D LIKE TO MAKE A TOAST!" Hoseok yells, and then looks at Daniel with a genuine smile "TO DANIEL!"

"TO DANIEL!" The whole studio cheers, people taking drinks, clapping, whooping. Yeonjun looks at his boyfriend, who has the proudest and gentlest look ever. 

"To Daniel"


"AGHHH why did I drink so much!" Yeonjun groans. He and Beomgyu walking back to the hotel. He wasn't drunk but had just enough to feel sick. He had an arm around Beomgyu, putting half his weight on his boyfriend to support him from falling

"Hoseok knows you're too nice to refuse his drink offer so he took advantage of that" Beomgyu chuckles as he recalls all the shots and chugs the two took together.

"Next time make up an excuse saying we have to leave" Beomgyu smiles at his boy. Something about the atmosphere changes, it becomes more serious.

"You looked really cool while performing" The prince blushes.

"Is this the part where we wait for the rain to fall to kiss" 

"Don't make this into a movie moment!" Beomgyu scolds

"Why not?" 

"Because we are so much more than that.. looking at you dance made me realize that there's a lot of sides I haven't seen of you.. made me realize that I want to see them all- AGH this is so embarrassing, I swear I had it planned better in my head" 

"You're right"


"You're right. We are so much more than a movie moment, and I won't wait for rain to kiss you" The prince leans in and kisses the busboy. 

What makes a soulmate?

could it be that when the universe was created, the atoms of soulmates were next to each other? 

perhaps a soulmate is two people with synced heartbeats.

Or maybe, just maybe, a soulmate is someone who you bump into, and despite never meeting this person prior, your souls can't stay away from each other.

soulmates could be anybody 

whether you meet them when your forty-seven, or maybe they've been there all along and you haven't realized it. Some people are lucky, and grow up with their soulmate, playing hopscotch and walking to school together, others are even luckier and find their soulmate in aisle five, their hands colliding when reaching for the same jar of red sauce. A soulmate has no boundaries. Not even for a prince and a busboy. 

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