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The alley ^^^

Yeonjun easily mastered escaping to the city without anyone noticing. He mostly went out at night because he liked the stars, but some days he went during daylight. Today was not one of those days.

The young prince was getting ready to leave again. He stood in front of his full-length mirror. Yeonjun smoothed the fabric on the sleeves of his Gucci tracksuit, He had wanted to look more casual tonight but realizes that it was inevitable. The only thing Yeonjun owns is brand name clothes.

but as he stared at his reflection; he scrunched his nose. He felt as if he needed a change. The prince ran a hand through his brown hair, only to freeze half way.

His hair. He wanted to change it. He imagined himself with bright blue hair or even platinum blonde.

Yeonjun shook those thoughts away. He didn't want to get excited over something that could never happen. Jae would be royally pissed off if Yeonjun ruined his hair while its so close to his beautillion ball. A beautillion ball was Yeonjuns passage of moving from one stage of his life to another. Instead of being the secret prince; he is going to start his training of being king.

His beautillion ball is six months away,

Yeonjun turned away from the mirror and reached for his hat. He put it on to hide his hair, and he was on his way.


"Throw the trashes" Kai poked his head in through the revolving door. Beomgyu looked up from the dishes; pulling his arms out of the dishwater and shaking off the soap suds.

"Why can't you do it?"

Kai rolled his eyes "because I'm running the register, waiting tables, and also answering phone calls."

"Shut up" Beomgyu grumbled as he began gathering the trash. Kai didn't have time to celebrate.

Beomgyu used a brick from outside to keep the door open so that he could enter and exit the kitchen easier.

"Why is there so much trash" Beomgyu groaned while throwing away his ninth trash bag. He still had a few left to throw.

"Hi again" Beomgyu froze at the voice. He grits his teeth and turned to see Yeonjun, complete in his Gucci tracksuit, hat, and shoes.

"Are you stalking me?" Beomgyu crossed his arms.

"Of course not, I just wanted to see you"

"Thats exactly what a stalker would say" Beomgyu walked away from the Gucci boy and continued with his work. He grabbed another bag which was so heavy and lager that it required two hands and he was still dragging it on the ground to get it to the trash can.

Beomgyu had hoped that the stranger would leave, but the accused stalker was waiting for patiently by the trash can.

"Do you need help?"

"NO" Beomgyu tried lifting the trash bag, but he couldn't get it off the ground. He struggled for a while; it was kind of embarrassing

"Are you sure?"

"YES IM SURE" Yeonjun jumped slightly from Beomgyus outburst. The prince awkwardly scratched the back of his ear while Beomgyu tried to lift up the bag again. This time he pulled so hard that the bag split open.

"If you say anything I'm going to literally fight you"

"I can help you pick-"

"nO, I don't want your help! why can't you understand that!" Beomgyu groaned from frustration. His head pounded from how angry he was.

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