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"Uh h-hey hold on" Yeonjun removes his arm from his boyfriend. Beomgyu looks at him quizzically but the prince holds up a finger and excuses himself.

"Who was that?" Kai asks Beomgyu.

"I don't know.. I heard the name Taehyun"

Soobin's eyes widened at the sound of the other princes name. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, an action Beomgyu notices.


"Taehyun... hey... uh... hey" There was a soft laugh over the phone.

"I was worried about you. When we received the news of you running away I wanted to call you immediately but I was afraid it was too soon. I'm calling through a pay phone so it's okay they won't be able to track you!"

"Thank you.." Yeonjun felt awkward. Taehyun sighs.

"I know we weren't close, but I was really worried about you"

"I'm fine! I promise"

"Maybe we... ah never mind forget it"

"No say it"

"I'm in the capitol right now, I was going to ask if we could get a cup of coffee but that might be..."

"Taehyun I can't risk being found out"

"Why did you run away? You were a prince- you are a prince, you have everything, what is it that you wanted that your family and money couldn't give you? I'm just trying to make sense of all this"

Yeonjun had the answer. The answer is Beomgyu. Of course he could never tell that to Taehyun. He needs to keep Beomgyu protected before anyone else.

"It's just better this way" Yeonjun says with a dry throat.

"You can trust me Yeonjun. If I wanted to I could have given my palace your number which would have immediately sent them to your location" the words made Yeonjun uneasy. Was it that easy to find him? Is Taehyun going to betray him if he doesn't give him what he wants? What does he want?

"Why haven't you done that then?"

"Because I'm not a bad person."

"What do you want?"

"A peace of mind would be great" Taehyun jokes, making Yeonjun laugh a little.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being secretive and paranoid but given my situation I think I have a right to be"

"I'm going to be at Lattay Cafe tomorrow at 3pm. I will be alone, if you want to come and get a cup of coffee then that would be great. The choice is yours. I have to go now, and in case we don't speak again... please be safe Yeonjun." The line goes dead.


"Taehyun I can't risk being found out... it's just better this way... why haven't you done that then? ... what do you want?... I'm sorry, I know I'm being secretive and paranoid but given my situation I think I have a right to be.." Beomgyu had excused himself to use the restroom, not that Sookai noticed since they were already drunk. He knew it wasn't right to eavesdrop but now that he has he's not sure what to think or do. What is Yeonjun hiding?


"I'll be back" Yeonjun announces as he comes out from the kitchen. Soobin was helping out today at the restaurant so it would be fine for him to leave for an hour or two.

"Where are you going?" Beomgyu asks as he wipes down a table.

"Just gotta run some errands, nothing interesting" Yeonjun kisses Beomgyu on the cheek and leaves before he could be questioned any further.

He was going to meet with Taehyun, his heart is pounding and his palms were sweaty.

Could he trust Taehyun? Was this really okay? He has done some research last night and apparently what Taehyun was saying is the truth. They could easily track Yeonjun by just his phone number. Taehyun could have snitched him out already but he hadn't, so that means he could be trusted... right ?

As precaution he brought his mask. He would take it off once he was sure he was in the clear.

He reached the cafe and he wished the walk had been longer. It was actually alarming how close the cafe was to the restaurant.

The prince walks in and looks around. It was easy to spot Taehyun. Even if he sat in the corner booth with a black hoodie on. The blue haired prince looks around for anyone suspicious looking and when he feels safe enough he joins Taehyun.

At first Taehyun is confused when a blue haired masked boy sits with him.

"Uh... do you need something?" Taehyun asks with a raised brow.

"You really don't recognize me?" Yeonjun laughs out loud.

"Yeon-" The blue haired boy quickly reached across the booth and covers Taehyun mouth with his hand.

"SHHH don't say that name out loud!" Taehyun nods in understanding. Yeonjun hesitantly removes his hand.

"I thought you wouldn't come" Taehyun says breathlessly.

"I wasn't sure if I was going to either" he had tossed and turned all night thinking about this moment.

"I like your hair, why did you dye it blue?"

"I just felt like it, at first I was just going to bleach it but their blue dye was on sale so I just did it"

"I like it"

"Thank you" Yeonjun smiles, he then remembers Taehyun cannot see this smile so he pulls down his mask. The feeling is off, but also liberating.

"So.." Taehyun leans back in the booth seat "..how do you like your coffee?"


"Excuse me?" Jae approaches the merchant, a man in his late 40's with graying hair.

"Yes?" He notices how nicely dressed Jae was and put on a nice act. He was usually a nasty man with a sailors mouth.

"I've got word that you've recently bought a gemed vase?"

"Gotta be more specific, you got a picture?"

Jae continues smiling but his aura darkens "Do you really need a picture for a royal heirloom? we know it's in your possession and that alone can sentence you to life in prison but If I'm being honest I don't give a shit about the vase. I want to know about the person who brought it." The man gulps, fear setting inside him.

"What do you want to know?"

"The name of the person"

"I don't know, I don't ask for names. He had blue hair though and had another tall boy with him."

"Anything else you can tell me?"

"The blue haired one was talking about a restaurant, that's all I know I swear" Jae felt like he hadn't gotten any help. Blue haired boy? Restaurant? None of this was making sense.

"Are you sure that's all you can remember? Any names at all" The merchant thinks for a second.

"One of them did say a name"

"Really? What was it?"

"... I think it was... ah I remember! Beomgyu was the name"

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