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"Why did you do that?" Beomgyu asked after breaking the kiss. He was still on top of Yeonjun's lap. The lanterns were long gone, only the moonlight providing light.

"I...I don't know" Yeonjun stuttered.

"Oh..." Beomgyu sighed while getting off of Yeonjuns lap. The young prince felt like it wasn't the right thing to say.

"Was it okay?"


"Kissing you.. was it okay to do that"

"I..I'm not mad"

"But you're not happy?"

"I'm feeling a lot right now... one of those feelings happen to be happy" Yeonjun smiled at Beomgyu's words. The two sat in silence next to each other. It was a comfortable silence accompanied by a beautiful view of the festival.

"Huening Kai is somewhere down there" Beomgyu smiled softly.

"It looks a lot of fun down there"

"It is, and it's not anything like school festivals. This one is a REAL festival, everything is given to us by the kingdom, that means music, dancing, animals, entertainers, FREE FOOD!"

"Wow, I've only read about these kinds of festivals in books"

"Let's go then!"

"Go where?" The prince asked.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes, smiling slightly at how clueless Yeonjun could be sometimes. "To the festival"


"Yes really! but I can't promise it'll be as exciting like the ones in books" Beomgyu said to Yeonjun as he began to make himself down the ladder. Truthfully, Yeonjun hopes they never end like the ones he reads in books- because those usually end with someone dying, or an irreversible event that forever changes the characters life and sends him on an adventure of self-discovery and reckless acts, and Yeonjun would never want that... haha... unless?


Neither Beomgyu or Yeonjun had a car... or knew how to drive, so they traveled to the festival by foot. To get there the two had to walk through neighborhoods that were a little far from the city part.

It was Yeonjuns first time being in a neighborhood. He was so amazed.

The neighborhood wasn't like the ones described in books. Houses weren't neatly placed side by side down a narrow street. The streets here were wide, houses placed on hills or lower ground seemingly in random spots, and there was store in the middle of the street. It was night time, so the store stood out from the houses. Its light from inside was bright white and due to its large transparent windows, it lit up a good area of the neighborhood.

"Woah, where are we?" Yeonjun asked, slightly stunned.

"My neighborhood. We have to stop by my house to change because I am NOT going to the festival in my work clothes" Beomgyu emphasized.

Yeonjun nodded his head in understanding.

Tonight a lot more people were out than usual. Kids of all kinds of size and age took over the streets and played kickball, and there was even a fair share of pedestrians making their way through.

Beomgyu pointed towards a white house sitting that they were standing out in front of. The blinds were shut but light glowed through the cracks, someone was home. "That's my house right there, wait here, i'll be right back"

Beomgyu didn't let the prince reply and ran right in. Yeonjun watched Beomgyu run inside. The prince stared at the house for a second. He didn't know what to do and he felt awkward.

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