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Today, the sky is gray, and you could see your breath each time you breathed out. Jii found this especially amusing.

"I told you to keep your scarf up" Jae repositions the boy's scarf around his face.

"He's right Jii, it's beginning to get colder" Yeonjun adds.

"You're not even wearing a scarf yourself" Beomgyu shoves his boyfriend playfully.

"Well boys, thank you for breakfast. I have to take Jii back and also have some work to do"

"Okay bye Jae see you later!" They part ways, Jii and Jae one direction and the couple I'm the other direction.

Today, Beomgyu brought his bike since there was a high chance of rain, he wanted some form of faster transportation in case. It was supposed to rain all week, starting last night.

The streets were damp and the beautiful smell of rain was almost nostalgic. It was still fairly early so not many people were out yet.

Yeonjun rode on the back pegs of Beomgyus bike. The bike was going a steady and moving in a path like a snake would.

"Any update on your mom?" Yeonjun asks Beomgyu

"She's doing good- I mean well, not good, but she's sober.. I think rehab will work out for her"

"Oh yeah, totally! I believe in her" Yeojun says with all his heart.

"We should start making it a rule to stop speaking about things that make us sad" Beomgyu suggests. The two were approaching a bridge.

"Okay if that's what you want to do" Yeonjun doesn't mind anything as long as it's what Beomgyu wants but it frustrates the chestnut haired boy. He wants to know more of the blue haired boys mind.

"What do you think we should do?" It begins raining lightly at this point.

In the middle of the bridge Yeonjun suddenly jumps off the pegs. Of course this surprises the busboy and he abruptly turns his bike to stop. The tires slide on the wet bed and Beomgyu loses grip on it and drops it between his legs.

"Daniel what are you doing?" Beomgyu asks the blue haired boy who is standing in the middle of the bridge with his arms out and nose towards the sky.

The rain pours down harder as the prince takes everything in. The tip of his nose freezing, the rain making his clothes stick to his body, wet hair sticking to his face.

He turns his gaze in front of him and looks at Beomgyu. His boyfriend was smart enough to wear a raincoat so he pulled up his hood to prevent from being drenched.

'This is what it feels like to be alive'

"You want to know what I think we should do?"

"What?" The busboy lifts a curious.

"We should go crazy together in open spaces; on bridges"

They didn't need to say anything else. That's the beautiful thing about soulmates. Their connection stronger than any word in a dictionary.

Beomgyu ditches his rain coat, tosses it over the bridge, steps over his bike and takes off into a jog, only to end up jumping into the princes arms.

Yeonjun wasn't prepared but tries his best. Their heads collide and they fall onto the wet metal of the bridge floor.

It's painful sure, but as they laid next to each other, they laughed. They laugh at it all.

In this moment nothing matters, because together, they are everything.

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