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"Soobin, I need your help with buying a number" Yeonjun put his hands on top of the book Soobin was reading. Soobin looked up at the young prince with wide eyes.

"a-a n-number?" The duke's son asked with a confused tone.

"yeah, so I can talk to Beomgyu"

"w-who's B-"

"Soobin this is a matter of life or death!" Yeonjun dramatically threw his back on top of Soobin's books and gasped dramatically while pressing the back of his hand against his forehead.

"R-Right I'm s-sorry, but I d-don't know what you m-mean by number" Yeonjun got off of the table and grabbed a pencil that was laying on the table and a random book. He flipped the back pages that were left blank and drew what he remembered a phone looked like. Yeonjun slid the book back to Soobin.

"Ah, a c-cellphone?"

"Yeah, I need one"

"S-So how do I help you?"

"Go with me into the city and show me where to get one"

"Me? w-why me?"

"Well, you've been in the real world a lot right? you how these things work and where to get them"

"I-I never really got out much" Soobin shamefully admitted while pushing his glasses up on his face with his middle finger.

"Hey, boys, whatcha doing?" Jae suddenly walked into the library. Yeonjun quickly closed the book to hide the drawing of the phone so Jae wouldn't see and ask questions.

"We're just talking" Yeonjun smiled brightly. 

"That's sweet-" Jae smiled at the two "-but Yeonjun is time for your lessons"

"Okay Apa, I'll be right there" Jae nodded and exited the library, expecting Yeonjun to follow close behind.

"Meet me at my room after dinner," He said in a hushed tone to Soobin before running off to his lessons.


Soobin was the future duke, and the role of a duke is to serve as the kings second-hand man and be his shoulder. The duke's son has no choice than to listen to whatever the future king asks of him. 

Even if he asks Soobin to climb down a rope made out of shirts.

"You're almost on the ground Soobin! hurry!" Yeonjun kept an eye out for any witnesses. 

"Y-you're a liar" Soobin said while his eyes were closed.

"Just let go, you'll land on your feet" 

"I-I'm scared" Soobin's voice shook.

"Only because you've never done it before. It actually gets fun after a while, just try it" Soobin decided to trust Yeonjun. He took a deep breath and let go.

he landed in a bush.


"she had the nerve- THE AUDACITY to ask me where my notes were, like BITCH I told you this morning that I forgot them at home"

"wow that's crazy" Beomgyu mumbled while he typed on his phone.

"I should just drop out"

"You're not dropping out" Beomgyu immediately looked up from his phone and glared at Kai.

"Why not? you did it"

"That's different."


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