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"Why did you run away?" Beomgyu asks Yeonjun. The two were back at Beomgyu's hotel room. Soobin had volunteered to go pick up Huening Kai from school- after all, he knew that Beomjun would be needing a moment.

Yeonjun bit the inside of his cheek. He was seated at the edge of Beomgyu's bed. The bus boy sat on the couch right across from Yeonjun. The prince didn't know what to say. He wondered if now was a good time to come clean, to tell the truth about everything, but would Beomgyu believe him? how would the busboy react? Was it too late to tell the truth? was there still room for lies?

"My dad wanted to force me to move countries, so I left" It was the truth- albeit, ominous.

"What? why would he want that?"

"Because everyone wants me to inherit the throne"


"AH- it's a metaphor, you know, for the family empire or business" Yeonjun quickly covers his lie.

"I see.."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for bothering you, I was just overwhelmed and didn't know where to go, so I went to you.. Soobin and I are going to look for a place to stay right away though, but we don't know the area well, so we were wondering if you knew any places?"

"You can stay here" Beomgyu cringed at the tone in his voice. It almost sounded desperate.


"W-Well, i mean, everything must be overwhelming t-to you, and I don't mind you sleeping here- and as for Soobin, he could keep Huening Kai company at his house so that he won't be so lonely" He could feel his face burning up. Why was he so quick to offer this boy to stay with him? Yeonjun wondered the same thing, but he was thankful.

"You really are a great person" Yeonjun blurted out.

"D-Don't say it like that" Beomgyu stood up to get his jacket from across the room. Yeonjun stood up at the same time, and due to how close the edge of the bed and the sofa were, they ended up face to face. Chests almost touching.

"Say it like what?" Yeonjun asked Boemgyu. The busboy could smell Yeonjun, he smelled like outside, sweat, and expensive perfume. The smell was making him dizzy.

"L-Like you're in some kind of Korean Drama" Although Beomgyu was clearly phased by the close proximity, he had more pride than to show complete weakness.

"I've never watched one before, should we watch one later tonight?"

"First, we should go pawn all the things you're planning to trade. The pawnshop isn't open on weekends." Beomgyu finally slides passed to get his jacket.

"Whaaa, it suddenly got chilly" Beomgyu rubs his arms to try to get warmth from the friction.

"Do you want to go back and get a jacket?" Yeonjun asks seriously.

"No, we're already walking, it would be a waste of time"

Yeonjun wraps an arm around Beomgyus shoulders and pulls the busboy in close. Their bodies collide a bit roughly, causing Beomgyu to grunt from the impact.
Yeonjun slides his arm around Beomgyus shoulders and pulls him closer. Their bodies collide harshly and Beomgyu grunts from the impact.

"What are you doing!?" Beomgyu almost yells.

"We'll stay warmer like this" Yeonjun says in a 'duh' tone.

"You're weird!" Beomgyu shoves the prince off and away from him. The before-mentioned speeds up his pace so that Yeonjun wouldn't see his blushing cheeks.

"Ahahaha, was I not warm enough for you?" Yeonjun easily matches Beomgyus speed; he has a boyish grin on his face as he stared at the curly brunette.

"Not really" Beomgyu sticks his tongue out mockingly.

Before Beomgyu could process whats happening, Yeonjun pulls out his camera and snaps a picture of the busboys current face. The flash blinded Beomgyu for a few seconds- just enough time Yeonjun to look at the picture.

"Awww you look like a bear" Yeonjun cooes at the picture.

"DANIEL DELETE IT!" The prince holds his phone up over his head while Beomgyu tries to jump for the picture, and despite their heights almost being the same, Yeonjun has longer arms.


The castle was in havoc. Staff of all branches were running around in panic, looking every corner and room for the missing prince, although everyone knew to an exstent that it was futile. The prince had run away with the Dukes son, and it seemed as though they had no intentions of coming back.

Jae was speaking to Namjoon. He was a mess, his eyes red and puff, and still filling with tears. His entire body shaking of fear.

Espensive diamond shoes sounded across the marble floors, the Queen was angry- no she was furious. She turned to one of the guards. Her purple gown flowed with her steps, and even it looks angry. She stops in front of a guard. Her beautiful green eyes cold.

"Where is he" Her beautiful face was stoic as always, but her eyes told everything. She was enraged.

"we don't know.." The guard mumbles.

"WHAT? IS THAT HOW YOU SPEAK TO YOUR QUEEN?" She yells, causing everybody in the castle to shake.

"F-Forgive me your greatness, w-we don't know w-where the prince has ran o-off to" Her face is puzzled for a few seconds before she smiles, a cold wicked smile.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is? YOUR ONLY JOB WAS TO MAKE SURE HE DOESNT RUN AWAY!"

"Your Majesty" Jae approaches the queen. She has no idea who he is.

"What is it?"

"Your greatness, we don't know where Master Yeonjun is but I can assure you that we will return him. Right now our greatest concern is his saftey"

"Saftey?" she laughs dryly "I dont give a rats ass about his saftey! don't even bother bringing him back, the second he is found he will be sent on a plane to TaiWei IF HE'S LUCKY!" She has nothing else to say and takes he leave. The sound her her heels defening to everyone, including Jae.

The nanny feels his knees give in, but Namjoon is quick to catch him from falling.

"Sir Jae? are you okay?Sir Jae-"

but Jae couldn't hear anything.

"please, please Namjoon, please bring him back to me, I need him safe, I need my baby!" He felt himself beggining to break.


"I can give you two hundred" The pawn shop dealer tells Yeonjun.

"This is worth at least one thousand!" Yeonjun lies.

"three hundred" The pawn shop keeper says

"nine hundred" Yeonjun challenges.

"four hundred fifty"

"nine fifty and not a penny less" Yeonjun says sternly. The pawn shop keep locks his jaw...


"HAHAHA I can't believe you conned nine fifty out out old Joe!" Beomgyu jumped up and down from excitment.

"I should have gotten one thousand" Yeonjun said, still a bit salty.

"You were so cool back there! i've never seen the old man like that, he looked so scared HAHAHA" Yeonjun didn't understand why Beomgyu was so happy, but he didn't care. He'd happily bargain and trick whoever he needed as long as Beomgyu would smile like that. The sun had set and the streets were now lit up by streets lights, shops, and headlights.

Beomgyu stops, it was sudden and caused the prince to bump into him.

"Lets go somewhere" Beomgyu suddenly says.

"Go where?" Yeonjun knots his brows together in confusion.

"You'll see" Beomgyu grins

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