Shady's In This Bitch!

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Sabrina POV


"The eagle has landed!" sounded through every intercom in multiple corners of the building including the one at my cubicle. It was the message I had been eagerly anticipating all morning.

"Shady's in this bitch!" My quirky co-worker friend Heidi yelled from her desk as a few snickers erupted and other employees cheered.

My heart dropped to my stomach, and I could feel my pulse pounding intensely in my ears for this crucial moment in my career. I wanted to be excited, and I was...but I had to remind myself to even breathe. Marshall Mathers would be the most famous person I've ever worked with before. I quickly checked my phone one last time for that single special "good luck" text I was waiting for which never came. Through a deep, dry breath, I swigged the absolute last droplet of my Monster Energy drink down before fumbling about to slowly make my way to the conference room. This was the occasion my company, Nike, had been impatiently awaiting its arrival for over a month and I was unbelievably thrilled to be a part of it. But now that the time was upon me, I just wanted to run to the nearest bathroom to throw up. I still consider myself green. I have been in the fashion business for years now, and excel at my work, but this? This was out of my league. Whatever they pitched at me today, I planned to say "Yes, that's absolutely possible.".

"You'll do great!" Heidi smiled at me and touched my arm as I nervously walked past her desk on my way to the meeting.

The average consumer doesn't know this, but Nike Headquarters has a helicopter landing pad on the roof of the building for all the special guests. Famous people don't have to trek across the campus to do business like all other customers. That's how countless celebrities like LeBron, Michael Jordan, or Justin Timberlake, enter our building. I even got a glimpse of Will Smith in the short six months I've worked at the main headquarters in Oregon. My job is exhilarating! I adore fashion, I'm obsessed with making any look come to life.

Today was extra special because Nike was once again going to release a shoe with Eminem after a seven-year hiatus. Mr. Mathers had gone through some personal issues and Nike chose to disconnect from him for a time. Now, Eminem was back, and I was ecstatic! Someone must have seen something in me to be chosen for a major project! Ever since I got here, I had been killing it. I had no distractions since I'd left it all back home in Philadelphia. I don't even feel like that house on the other side of the country is home anymore. He didn't even bother to wish me good luck and he knows how important this project is.

I arrived in the conference room first and took a seat second to the end. My palms got sweatier with anticipation; I could feel each pound my heart made inside my chest as I awaited everyone's arrival. My boss walked in to quietly wink at me and sat at the center chair of the long table followed by a colleague of mine, and then another. Someone who I assumed to be of Eminem's entourage trailed in and took a seat directly across from me, a bald guy whom I knew to be his manager entered next, followed immediately by the man himself. I took a sharp unexpected breath, held onto the table, and my body jolted. I hoped nobody noticed. When Mr. Mathers took the chair seated diagonally across from me, I felt like I was having an out of body experience. His sexy eyes were an even more intense blue and mesmerizing in person.

The meeting began with Paul Rosenberg explaining that Eminem and his brand want to release a sneaker once again, but this time there was a bit of a new twist to it. Nike is going to unite with both Eminem and Carhartt to make a shoe made of the same material as the iconic Carhartt jacket that Marshall was known to wear back in his 8-mile days. It was a wonderful concept, and every shoe he has ever put out turns to gold. I was apprehensive because I knew this was the moment that my expertise would come in.

"So, Sabrina..." My boss started, "The Carhartt has always been made from quill. It's a versatile material, diagonal design." I stared at him knowing all too well the underlying inquiry, "Can you do it?"

I don't know why my eyes reflexively blinked to quickly meet Marshall's magnificent baby blues gazing over the table at me, "Yes, I can." I sat up straight. "Absolutely. I'll make it work."

I really hoped that was true. It was...right?

"That would be dope." Were the first words I heard spoken from Marshall's sexy mouth.

I couldn't help grinning and he hid a smirk as our eyes met once more.

Thankfully the spotlight was now off me and the meeting turned to the others at the table discussing the fact that this design was to be extremely limited. It's called a "friends and family" release which is basically when Nike will make about fifty pairs of sneakers specifically designed by a celebrity which they then get to gift to their loved ones. It's a definite win for Nike. It's a win for everyone involved. It's the kind of thing that could catapult my career into working anywhere I wanted. I paid close attention and took notes diligently.

The conversation was led by my boss Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Rosenberg concerning the timeframe of production and marketing aspects pertaining to the project when I noticed Marshall looking at me again. I'd glance over and catch him staring, then look away and look up to find him still sneaking a glance. It made me breathe a little quicker. When everyone finally began to adjourn and shake hands, Marshall continued to hold eye contact and made his way around the table. He inched closer as I pushed in my chair and gathered my phone and water bottle before I turned around. I hoped I didn't act too weird; I wasn't prepared for this!

"I love your tattoo."

I was elated that he even noticed me, "Oh, thank you. It's fresh, I just got it done a few weeks ago. I got it for my grandmother."

I ran my fingertips over the baby blue and vibrant pink ink of the hummingbird.

"Well, it looks good on you." He leaned in to keep his voice low and I loved the way his blue eyes sparkled when he spoke to me, "I hope I didn't weird you out, but I couldn't stop staring at you the whole time. I'm Marshall."

I had to concentrate on vigorously biting my lip to keep from grinning goofily ear to ear, "I'm Sabrina."

"I appreciate you making this sneaker idea come to life Sabrina. Carhartt's never done a shoe before, I thought it was a cool idea."

"It's brilliant! I'm so excited to start on it right away, I love new challenges." 

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