My Boo

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Marshall POV

Sabrina was my chick! I mean, not like my real chick, but she was the only one I was fuckin right now. I was hoping she didn't start catching feelings cuz I don't need that shit. Ever since I got sober and I see women for what they truly are, I haven't had any luck with the ladies. It's easier to keep them at arm's length, I've had too many bitches going through my drawers or selling stories to the tabloids. Usually, I just hit it once or twice and move on, but I couldn't get enough of Sabrina lately. She is everything I wanted physically in a woman.

I sat there in the studio trying to write all morning but kept getting caught up in daydreams about Sabrina. Her ass was crazy, when I did her bent over the couch the other night at her place, her back and her silhouette was so fucking sexy. Those perky titties always bounced perfectly when she sat on top of my dick riding me. I couldn't believe it when she told me she was thirty-six cuz her body is so firm. What the fuck was her husband thinking? If I had me a beautiful woman like Sabrina, I'd never let her go. If she were mine, I'd come home to that shit every night. But I can't. My life is too hectic, plus I'm too set in my terrified, paranoid ways. In my experience, my fame always muddies the waters with relationships.

I don't think a woman like Sabrina could ever love a rapper anyway. She'll get sick of me and move on. I know she would never be satisfied if I were to allow her into my world. Other than when I'm performing somewhere, my life is kind of boring these days. Sabrina's young and full of life. I'm sure she's intelligent as hell too with the job she has. Nike don't let just anyone sit in on those meetings. Only an elite few.

"Yo, your girl's here." Porter announced as he entered the studio.

"She is?! What the fuck is she doing here?" I jumped from my seat to hurry out to the lobby cuz I hadn't seen Sabrina at all in the past two days, but she was nowhere to be found. "No, she ain't."

I didn't think Sabrina even knew where my studio was. I opened the door to see if she was for some reason waiting in the parking lot to no avail, but Desiree was out there in her little Beetle giving security a problem. I quickly shut the door before the bitch bombarded me. I'm done with that hoe! Let security deal with her psychotic, obsessed ass. It pissed me off cuz I was mad excited for a minute thinking Sabrina came to surprise me.

"Yo, that ain't my fucking girl! That's just some hoe I used to fuck with." I told Porter when I was back inside.

"I noticed Des wasn't hanging around here anymore. When I gonna get to meet the new one?"

"Why you think there's a new one?" I hid my laugh for a second, but I'd been dying to tell my boys about Sabrina, "You already met her, man. You know exactly who she is. It's the chick from Nike."

Porter gave me a shocked look, "Get the fuck out of here!" He pessimistically rolled his eyes, "She's not your type, dawg."

"What the fuck do ya mean she's not my type? I don't say shit about the bitches you fuck with!"

"She seemed nice enough, and she's pretty and everything, but she's obviously career oriented; she wouldn't be able to give you all her attention all the time. She got goals, I could tell. Did you see all the fucking notes she took when we was at the meeting?"

"So? She's thorough." I took in what he said for a minute before laying my pen down, "Whatever man. I'm going to get something to eat."

I got up to get lunch and already knew where I was headed. I'd been thinking about her all day. As much as I tell myself she was just something to blow off steam, I didn't want to be hanging out with any other female right now. Only Sabrina. I made it over to the huge Nike building in less than ten minutes and took a chance that Sabrina would wanna spend some time. Hopefully she didn't eat yet because I was fucking starved.

"Look at chu." I stood in the open doorway of Sabrina's office.

"Marshall! I was just about to take lunch!"

I could tell by the look on her face she was happy to see me, as much as she tried to hide it. Sabrina looked so pretty with her hair down over her shoulders and the tight pants she had on made her ass bulge and her thick thighs looked fucking amazing. Every time I see this chick, she looks better than I remember. I nonchalantly closed and locked the door to her office, then turned the light off, and we both remained silent.

"What are you doing?" Sabrina giggled as I came over to kiss her and squeeze her ass firmly.

"Are you wearing a thong in these?" I blurted out.

"We can't do it in my office again!" She whispered it, then laughed against my lips.

"Baby, we can do whatever the fuck we want. Especially with you looking all gorgeous today."

She finally wrapped her arms around my neck and our kisses became hotter. I hadn't seen Sabrina in a couple days, and I missed the shit out of her.

"I was gonna take you to lunch, but when I saw you just now..." I held up her hand in mine to twirl her around, "You've been doing squats."

I made her giggle again and my fingertips grazed her sides as I kissed her. I knew her pussy was getting wet as fuck.

"Wait a second." I took out my phone to find some music to set the mood and turned it low, "That's better."

I leaned into Sabrina, swirling our tongues together, her hands gripped me tighter when I licked her lips, then sucked down her neck. I let her cardigan fall down over her shoulders, and she was wearing a sexy tank top underneath with her titties popping out. My fingertips grazed over the crack of her ass, then took each ass cheek firmly in my hands as we made out so hard, I felt like my fucking lips could bust. I wanted to get her naked in that office so bad. Going out to lunch was gonna have to wait until I get my fuck on.

I slowly undid the snaps to her pants and allowed my fingers to wander, "I wanna taste you baby."

I backed Sabrina to the desk with me kissing on her while she kicked her shoes off. I yanked her pants down her ass, peeled her thong smoothly down her legs, and those silky thighs instinctively spread for me. Her eyes were fucking sexy when I pulsed my finger in her wet pussy, I swore they rolled back in her head. Her sweetness coated my fingers while I kissed her luscious moaning lips, circling her clit with my index finger.

"We have to be quiet." Her hot little mouth panted to me.

"I wanna lick your pussy baby." I kneeled before her.

Sabrina's face held an eager hint of a smile, and I knew she was as horny as I was. When I got down on my knees, my dick got fully hard the moment my tongue touched her pussy. She made the sexiest little moan, while her legs tightened on either side of my head, and I could feel her feet push into my back. I grabbed the sides of her ass to draw her closer to my face and flicked her clit repeatedly with my tongue as Sabrina ran her nails over my scalp and tried her best to stifle her moans. My hand ran up her soft legs before adding my finger to please her slowly from the inside while my tongue continued to drive Sabrina insane.

"You got my dick all hard." I was trying to be as silent as possible. "I wanna make you cum baby."

Sabrina enthusiastically nodded and rushed to undo my fly. Before I knew it, I was balls deep in Sabrina right there in her office in the middle of the day. We had to be careful, and she did her best to cover up her high-pitched panting when she came so hard almost right away. It was hot as fuck! I got her fully up on the desk now and was going as fast as I think is humanly possible as her sweet pussy clamped around me once more. This time, Sabrina didn't hold back and succumbed into a loud, sexy moan and I finished almost at the same time then came back down to our senses wilting breathlessly together onto her desk.

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