Different Area Codes

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Marshall POV

I hung out with my daughters for an entire day before I left for the tour, and I had breakfast with them the next morning. The shit Kim said about me not giving them attention anymore was a total fucking lie, they're all damn near adults now with lives of their own. They understand. It made me happy though when Hailie told me that she and Sabrina had been texting all week. Apparently, my daughter followed my girlfriend on Instagram and was liking pictures of Ghost then Sabrina followed Hailie back and messaged her. I was thrilled that the two of them got along so well but it also clicked in my head that it had something to do with how Kim got Sabrina's number. Lying fucking whore calls up my girl just to start trouble.

Laney cried when I walked out the door, big tears streaming down her red face. I had never gotten used to dealing with being away from all the people I loved while I was away on tour. The food was never the same in other countries, and time zones always confused me, but the fans deserve it. I'm incredibly grateful that my work is actually fun for me, and I am so fortunate to provide for my family doing something I love.

My arrival to a hotel is usually planned for the middle of the night to avoid crowds, so I ended up arriving in the UK at what was three in the morning there, but I still felt like it was 6PM Detroit time. I sat up with Porter for a while talking about the hectic schedule for the next few days, then the conversation turned to life and the world in general. We got on the topic of police brutality and Donald Trump who I could talk shit on for days at this point. It's infuriating, the guy is a total fucking moron and he's in charge of our country. America is currently in a crisis and when it's all over, I want to be on the right side of history.

I had never done the long-distance relationship thing before; I texted Sabrina over two hours ago and she wasn't answering. I hated not being in control of the fucking situation. I never feel secure in myself, and I knew I wouldn't feel solid in this relationship until I could see her again. I wanted to be with her every day. I hated sleeping alone, and I hated Sabrina ignoring me. Paul had been diligently texting back and forth with Alison for the past ten minutes so apparently his wife didn't disregard him. I could never understand how the other guys were able to hold relationships down while overseas. I always fucked it up.

Paul finally looked up from his phone, "Does your girl know what's going to happen with Colin Kaepernick? Is Nike dropping his contract for continuing to kneel during the anthem?"

"It's classified." I answered confidently.

He gave me an ominous stare.

"I'm sure she knows, but she doesn't talk about it. She's working on some other big project right now."

"Right! Virgil Abloh. That's fucking incredible Marshall, you should be proud of her."

"I am. I'm incredibly proud of her. How the fuck do you even know about it?"

"Ya know, people in the business talk. Sabrina is held in high regards." Paul sent one more text.

"Yeah, everyone respects her. She's so intelligent, and you see how down to earth she is." I swigged my Red Bull, "And Sabrina embodies the definition of natural beauty. Even when she first wakes up, she's still fucking gorgeous. I just hope she doesn't forget about me while I'm over here in Europe man."

"The two of you lead very different lives Marshall." Paul's deep voice reminded me.

I scoffed, "Tell me about it."

"But Sabrina won't forget about you. She genuinely cares for you Marshall." He set his phone down.

"Oh yeah? How can you tell?" I was half sarcastic.

"Sabrina is a very busy person and she's trying to make this relationship work even though the two of you are in different cities. And countries for that matter. She's mature, she has a head on her shoulders." Paul got up to make his way to his room for the night, "Make sure you always treat her right Marshall."

"I'm tryin man. I'm tryin."


Performing overseas was exhausting. I was busy almost every moment of the day with promo, sound check and then performing at night, but I talked to Sabrina as much as possible. I felt so far away from her and my daughters and tried to stay in contact with them as best I could. I was missing Hailie moving back to college this weekend. I still sometimes felt like a bad dad when I couldn't take part in normal shit like other fathers.

It wasn't until I was five days into my trip when I flew to the other side of the UK to finish this leg of the tour with three more shows. That was the point that I started getting crazy fucking homesickness but had to focus on my performance each night. On my day off I worked out and played basketball, to keep my mind not wandering to obsess over Sabrina. I was always thinking about her, trying not to worry. We still talked as much as we could, laughing and buggin out which reminded me why I loved her so much. Sabrina's so easy to be myself around. I couldn't wait until the next time I'd get to see her, whenever that would be. Then suddenly the next afternoon as I was preparing for the show later that night...she was there.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I hurried to Sabrina wide-eyed to grab her and kiss her, "Where's Ghostie?"

She laughed and put her arms around my neck, "He's at home, Heidi is taking care of him for a few days. I came to see you!"

My girl was here! She flew halfway around the world to see me perform and I was so fucking excited. I couldn't stop kissing her, flirting with her, and finding little ways to touch her all night long. Sabrina hung out with me and my boys for an hour or two before I took the stage, and she was so laid back. She was everything I had always wanted in a girlfriend. I was so fucking hyped that she was going to get to see me perform!

I put my all into my performance that night. I always do, but tonight was special. I watched Sabrina at the side of the stage rapping along and dancing the whole time. I was thrilled that she knew all the lyrics to my music. Every time I would go backstage for a moment to get a swig of water, I'd give her a kiss. When the show ended, I swooped my arm around Sabrina as I came offstage and brought her with me to my dressing room. I could hardly wait until we got back to the hotel room. I ripped my shirt from my sweat covered body then held her against me as we stood there kissing with me rubbing on her ass as my dick came to life.

"How did you pull off getting all the way over here to Europe without me knowing?"

Sabrina grinned, "Let's just say, I had some assistance. And me and Paul know each other on a personal level now. I had to call him four different times to coordinate this weekend." She leaned in to kiss my neck.

"Paul?" I rolled my eyes, "I knew he was up to something."

"I wasn't trying to go behind your back, I just wanted to surprise you. You surprised?"

"I'm in shock! I don't know if you could tell but I teared up when I saw you." I quietly admitted to her.

"Really? Aww. Nailed it!"

"Now let me get a shower and change so we can get out of here." I gave her one more kiss, "I wouldn't want Paul to walk in on us dry humping."

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