God's Plan

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Sabrina POV

Marshall left to return to Detroit early this morning and he was already texting me about how much he missed and loved me. I smiled as I looked out the window of the train, I was on my way from Manhattan to Jersey City to have lunch with my twenty-year-old niece. I usually keep in communication with her about once a week or so, but something was different lately. Coco was angry at the world; she didn't have the innocence or the kindness that she once possessed. I hadn't seen her in person since last Christmas, and I needed to be able to look into her eyes. I wanted to hopefully help her find some direction with her life.

I got to the diner a few minutes early, anxiously sipping water and looking up each time the door opened until she finally entered, "Hey! How are you doing?" I rose to greet her.

Coco's appearance had altered. She looked tired with gray dark circles under her eyes, and her overall complexion wasn't good. Not to mention her hair was all straggly and unkept. That wasn't like her not to take pride in her appearance. When Courtney was little, my older sister had her in all kinds of pageants and dance performances where her hair and makeup was consistently pristine. I always sensed that she hated it.

"Here, give me a hug!" I hugged her petite frame and she awkwardly reciprocated.

Coco sat down silently without removing her coat and kept her hands in her pocket.

"Get whatever you want, I know it's only lunch time, but if you want a big meal go ahead. It's on me."

"I'm not hungry." Were her first words to me.

"What do you mean you're not hungry? Order something and take it home for later."

We perused the menu before both ordering burgers and fries.

Coco started, "So, have you dated anyone again since you and Brandon split?"

"Yes, I've been seeing someone for a few months now. He's great." I kept it vague.

"How's your job going?" She questioned me, "Have you gone anywhere far away lately?"

"It's awesome and no, nowhere foreign. Just New York. That's why it's lucky I get to stop over and see you while I'm close by." I paused for a moment, "As you know, your mother is concerned about you. And so am I."

Coco glared at me as if I were way out of line, "That bitch needs to get off my back. That's why I can't go back home."

"First of all, don't call your mother a bitch, and second, where are you staying right now?"

"I was at my friend's house. Now, I live with my boyfriend."

"Yeah? What's he like?"

The server came to set our food in front of us and we thanked her. Coco never answered my question.

"Why don't you take your coat off?"

She tried to force a smile, "It's hot in here."

"No, it's not." I shrugged then understood she was trying to hide something, "Take off your coat."

Coco stalled by taking a sip of her drink and looking at her phone.

I forcefully struck the table with my pointer finger, "Now!"

Coco hesitated for another second, then slowly peeled her coat down her body and drooped in her chair.

I held my hands over my mouth, "Holy fucking shit. You're pregnant!" It was a little bump, but she was definitely showing.

"Yeah," A small smile ran across her lips, "I just turned four months."

"Oh, well congratulations." I didn't know what else to say. "Why haven't you told your mother about this?"

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