Power Moves Only

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Sabrina POV

Marshall pleased my body so perfectly when we alone in our hotel suite. This feeling of passion still felt new to me. I never wore high-heeled boots before, but that night was a special occasion and I felt different. I felt in control of my life. The past two years had been nothing but changes and obstacles that almost broke me. It was so meaningful that Marshall went out of his way to take me back to the same restaurant we had gone to when we first met. And that he was able to get the same suite for afterwards.

"I've never came like that before!" I gasped as I was coming down from my orgasm and placed my spiky heel back down to lie there on the couch and catch my breath.

"What do you mean? I make you cum like that all the time."

"No, but I mean..." I kept my voice low as it was a little embarrassing, "if you ever notice, I never... Marshall, that's the first time I've ever finished during oral! And I don't just mean with you, I mean ever!"

"Is it?" He grinned in pride.

"I guess I've never had anyone do it right before."

Marshall leaned into me to give me frantic kisses, "That's hot."

I couldn't believe how solid his dick was when my hands found their way inside his jeans to stroke him.

"Mmm...it's like that?" I whispered and his eyes found mine in the dim lighting. "You're so hard baby. It's sexy."

Marshall and I made love all over our suite that night until the sun was beginning to rise. We fell asleep together for a few hours on top of disheveled sheets until Marshall's phone began ringing over and over again. He ignored it at first, but finally answered from the pillow next to me in a low, groggy voice. I pretended to still be sleep, then checked my own phone to discover it was already after ten. I snuggled back into my pillow and groaned. I was supposed to go into the office again today and with this late start, I was going to be there until at least seven or eight. I didn't know what Marshall planned to do all day in Oregon all alone.

"Yup." Silence "Yeah, I know Paul, but that can wait til I get back." Silence "It's none of your business, quit being so fucking nosy." Silence "Aight, that's fine."

"Babe." Marshall nudged my side, "Baby, wake up. The plane's leaving at noon."

"At noon?!" I flung back the blanket, "Marshall, there's no way I can fly back at noon. I must go back to my apartment to shower and change, and I need to stop at the office once more before we head back to Detroit. You could just fly back; I'll catch a flight tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? No. There's no way in hell I'd do that to you." He said as he began texting someone.

"I guess we could compromise and go back later tonight; I wanted to stop back at my place and pack some more clothes, but I suppose that can wait."

I gave Marshall a final kiss before I hurried back to my apartment to shower and change. I spent a few hours in the office as we had another top-notch client coming through to sign some contract, and it was a huge deal. I was preparing to start on the new project straight away when I completed the Eminem Carhartt. I would be needed in Oregon full time again soon enough, and I could only hope that Marshall would be supportive.

I didn't know when I was going to tell him about it, but it wasn't going to be tonight because he was miserable on the plane. He kept sneezing, blowing his nose, clearing his throat. I questioned if he needed anything, and he simply shook his head without even speaking. My poor Marshall. I covered him up with a blanket, and he kicked his sneakers off for the remainder of the flight. When we landed in Detroit, he gave me a hug, but he went his direction, and I went mine. I could tell he just wanted to be alone.

It wasn't until I had gone back home to my lonesome apartment there in Detroit that my phone vibrated on the nightstand. I was exhausted from getting no sleep the previous night, I had laid down with all my clothes still on just to rest my eyes. I expected it to be Marshall, but it was my older sister in Philadelphia. I didn't speak to any of my siblings that often. They were all busy with their own lives and there was the distance.

"Diana? Hi, what's wrong?" I sat up blinking to wake up some.

"What makes you think something is wrong?"

"I know you wouldn't just call me after nine 'o'clock on a weeknight. What's up?"

My sister hesitated, "Well I was going to start with asking how you like it there in Detroit and how your job is going, but yes, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Work is great, Detroit is meh... What's going on D?"

"It's Coco."

Coco is my twenty-year-old niece whose real name is Courtney. My sister and her daughter have always had a rocky relationship. Throughout her teen years my niece really put her mother through the ringer. We always had a different relationship; I was usually able to reach Coco in a way my sister couldn't. Diana spent all of Coco's childhood trying to mold her into what she was supposed to be, and, in her teens, she started to rebel.

Diana continued, "She's got this boyfriend, he's terrible. He has no direction; he buys her alcohol."

"She promised me no more drinking." I pressed my lips together becoming pissed, "Have you met the guy?"

"Oh yeah! He has a face tat!"

"Oh my god." I couldn't help giggling a little.

"It's not funny!"

"Ok, ok, I understand. It's not funny. I'll give her a call tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! We just had a huge fight. Why can't you call her right now?"

"And say what?" It annoyed me that my sister calls me this late to have me parent her adult child.

"Tell her to come home. She couldn't have done this in a worse way."

"I'm sorry Diana, but I just got home from a flight. I'm exhausted, I will give her a call tomorrow. I'll talk some sense into her."

I talked to my sister a bit more about work and asked how the other members of the family were, but I never mentioned being in a new relationship. It wasn't any of her business, she'd pass judgement on that too. I texted my niece though and told her we needed to talk the next day. I couldn't wait to hear her side of the story. Then I texted Marshall before I went to sleep to tell him I hoped he was feeling better, and sweet dreams.    

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