Proud Of Me

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Sabrina POV

"Smack me!" Marshall yelled in my face when I ducked his kiss.

"What?!" That threw me off.

"Smack the fuck outta me!"

I didn't hesitate to slap Marshall's stubbly face as hard as I could, and he immediately captured my mouth in his pushing me against the wall breathlessly while his hands began to roam over the silky fabric clinging to my body. I couldn't resist his touch when his fingertips found their way under my nightgown then roughly ripped it over my head. I wasn't wearing anything underneath as I was dressed for nighttime, and Marshall gripped my tits harshly, then took them in his mouth. My hand snatched the back of his neck to draw his mouth even closer and Marshall took my nipple in his teeth to bite down. I shrieked in pleasure when he did it to the other one then ran his fingertips briskly between my legs. Our tongues entwined again before Marshall enthusiastically ripped his own shirt over his head while I wildly raced to undo his fly. Marshall hoisted me up for my legs to wrap firmly around his waist as his strong arms held me in place against the wall our bodies enmeshed together, breathless as our kissing grew frantic.

Marshall held my ass securely against the wall, his jeans around his ankles, my legs folded around his waistline feeling his bare flesh against mine. He stroked his hard dick against me a few times before thrusting himself inside, exhaling in relief. My back pounded intensely against the solid wall, my arms sturdily clinging around Marshall's neck, my thighs squeezing tighter around his abs. Our bodies smacked together vehemently while he grabbed my ass with both hands to guide me into him, moans escaping my mouth, building up until my orgasm shot through my veins extending to every corner of my being. Marshall cursed and bit into my neck when he climaxed right as I did, clawing into my titties. Afterward, we found our way into the bedroom to cuddle together under the sheets safe and warm away from the world.

He kept looking at me like he wanted to say something, "So, are we good?"

"Yes." I gave a refreshed smile, "I feel better. You always seem to know how to calm me down."

"I just had to fuck some sense into you." We both laughed a little and Marshall sincerely took my chin between his thumb and forefinger, "Baby I promise, I only love you. I only feel this way when I'm with you. I don't even look at other bitches anymore."

"Really?" I still needed reassurance sometimes.

"Babe, how long have we been together? Two years or some shit?"

"Marshall!" I playfully smacked his chest, "We've been together for four months."

His eyes widened, "Well it feels like two years. Ok, in the past four months I haven't even thought about another woman besides you."

I snuggled into him tightly, using my fingertips to outline his rot in pieces tattoo on his stomach, "I'm sorry. I guess I exaggerated the whole Kim thing."

Kim's court situation still concerned me a bit because I didn't realize Marshall was still so closely connected to her. I should have figured; he still raps about his ex-wife to this day, but I believed him when he told me I was the only one he loved. Now here I was about to go and break his heart some more, hopefully not destroying this relationship. I know how badly Marshall wanted me to stay put in his city of Detroit.

I stared into Marshall's dark ocean eyes, "All these things are wonderful honey. I love my ring, I'm so grateful you're allowing me to stay in this fabulous place, and that you even thought of Ghost. I love you, Marshall."

"I love you too baby." I could tell he could sense the underlying trepidation in my voice.

"But we have something serious to talk about." Our eyes anxiously met, "As you know, I've attended some meetings for work while I've been here in the city and something extraordinary happened. I plan to temporarily take a position back in Oregon. It will probably take a little while to complete, four or five months, which would lead up to the holidays. But it's extremely exciting, there's no way I could say 'no'."

My boyfriend was displeased, "What?! Are you kidding? What about the Carhartts?! You're currently employed for me Sabrina."

"You know as well as I do that the project with you is in its final production stages. Any input needed from me at this point can be taken care of by a phone call."

A look of gloom took over my boyfriend's face.

"And seriously, is that all you have to say?! Don't you even want to know what I'm going to be doing while I'm away?" I sat up forcefully, "It's not just any project. Marshall, it's for Virgil!"

His eyes widened when he recognized who I was talking about, "Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes! I was just informed that I will be working next to Virgil Abloh, it's a ten-sneaker deal! And I hate being away from you, but I'd be an idiot to turn this down."

Marshall answered sincerely, "Holy shit, congratulations Sabrina. That's a real accomplishment. I'm proud of you baby."

"Thank you." I beamed, "I'm pretty happy about it."

Marshall kissed me and took me in his arms, but I could still sense his sadness.

I spoke sweetly to him, "You're going to be busy touring in Europe for two weeks here soon, and then maybe you could fly to Oregon for a weekend to see me when you're done. Or even for an entire week. I could come up to Detroit for a few days when I have some time."

He nodded his head in disappointment, "It fucking sucks that you won't be coming home with me. When I waited so long to fall in love with the right woman, I never knew it was going to be this fucking difficult."

"It's challenging, but it will make us miss each other. And when we find our way back together, we'll be even stronger."

"Yeah, whatever."

RIP Virgil Abloh~~ We love you! 

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