No Love, Just Sex

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Sabrina POV

I was prepared to tell Marshall that our relationship should remain professional. I had the intention of backing him off the next time I saw him and make him work a little for it, but when he showed up unexpectedly at my office that day looking sexy as hell...

I love the way he uses his tongue when he kisses me and how he breathes deep, and low when he's really turned on, it makes my body tingle. When Marshall ate my pussy for the first time, right there in my office, I had to thrash my head from side to side to stifle my screams from receiving amazing oral pleasures at work. I had never had a quickie on my lunch break before. It was a refreshing way to start the afternoon.

Half an hour and a few orgasms later, Marshall and I smirked at each other as we redressed our partially disrobed bodies. I knew he was going to hit and run with something more important to be doing, but he shocked me when he asked if I wanted to get lunch together. I was nervously thrilled as I grabbed my coat and bag wondering where he was about to take me. Being in public wouldn't be easy. I knew everyone at my job would see me leaving with Marshall and I didn't know if that was a big deal. I could feel my face glowing when he held the door for me, and Elise gave me a big knowing smile at our departure together.

Marshall held my hand as we walked through the parking lot, and I felt so happy I could burst. Our encounter that day was going better than usual, and I was thinking perhaps I was wrong about him until we got closer to his Escalade and to see a red Beetle had him parked in. I didn't understand what was going on at first. I thought the girl had broken down in the parking lot, but now I was thinking she may be a crazy Stan.

"Sabrina, go back inside!" Marshall hastily urged me.

"Why? Who is she?" I walked closer to inquire what was going on.

"Just go the fuck inside!"

A little scantily dressed blond girl who was far too young for Marshall bolted out of the car and charged toward him, "Why won't you answer my calls? I thought we'd get back together again, like last time. Why did you force me to love you?!"

"Jesus Christ, Desiree! I didn't force you to do shit! All this shit you're doing is fucking psychotic. We broke up. Get that! It was nothing." He stressed all syllables in his last words to her.

"Who the fuck is she? Is this the bitch you fuckin now?" She got loud, shouting in my direction then lunged at Marshall, "I gave you one last chance motherfucker! You think I care?! I don't even fucking care! I don't give a fuck anymore Marshall!"

"Des, move your fucking car! I gotta get out, you're kidnapping me right now you stupid bitch! Here, Ima get it all on video." He took out his phone to start filming.

I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself, "You guys can't be doing this shit at my job. Leave. Immediately."

I turned to go back inside before anyone saw Marshall and his little thot making a scene at my job. I have a reputation to uphold, and I refuse to make any exceptions even if it is for Marshall Mathers, he cannot bring that kind of negative attention to my place of employment. No one was around, and I don't think anyone even noticed, but still. He obviously was involved with that girl recently and I hoped like hell that she really was his ex, and he wasn't just cheating on her with me. I wish he wouldn't involve me in his nonsense.

Marshall ran in front of me and put his hand out to stop me from leaving, "Baby, fuck all this." He motioned at her. "That bitch don't mean shit to me."

"You told me you would make me famous!" Desiree had an annoying scream.

"I told you I'd put you in a fucking video, which I did! I held up my end of the deal! And now it's over!"

"Fuck you, Marshall! You can't fuck and you got a little dick anyway!" She stomped back to her car and slammed the door.

"Des, fuck you!"

I repeated my attempt to flee the situation and Marshall continued to try to stall me. The little bitch finally wound up screeching her tires as she drove off and I think both Marshall and I were mortified at what just happened. I attempted to quickly get back inside the building and grab something for lunch which turned into me powerwalking and Marshall briskly following me, trying to get my attention. We walked to the courtyard of the campus and found a corner with a bench to try and regain our composure, but it was useless.

"Don't worry about her babe. She's old news. You're being a spoiled brat!"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I turned to face him and spoke through gritted teeth, "I don't even need to be here right now. I could be working on the project from Oregon just like before if you hadn't set me up. The only reason you want me in Detroit is so I can always be ready for you at your beck and call."

"Yeah? Go the fuck back to Oregon then!"

I shook my head in disbelief at how callous he could be. "Did you really put her in a music video?"

"It's none of your business!"

"Marshall! You can't bring your mess here and expect me to just let it go!" I shouted at him.

"It was for a no name artist. The bitch is just looking for exposure. There's no way in hell I'd use my name to further that slut's career." He said it sincerely.

"But you would with me?"

"Yeah, I mean, you got talent." He tried reasoning with me.

"Like I'm your...what? And" I kept uneasily pausing, "do I owe you now for my career? I was doing fine on my own before I met you. I didn't get a fucking master's degree for this bullshit; I don't care who the fuck you are. Marshall, I don't like this. You and that little smut making a scene at my job, how does she even know where I work by the way?"

He shrugged, "She must have followed me."

If looks could kill, my eyes were stabbing him with daggers all over his body for putting me in this position. I stood up forcefully as I needed space. I was trying to keep my emotions in check.

"Yeah, that's not weird at all." I firmly placed my hands on my hips, "So, she's your ex-girlfriend?"

"Sabrina, what the fuck does it even matter? I got rid of her. Me and her are way done. What the fuck don't you get about that?" His eye twitched.

"Apparently not when you have your other little girlfriend stalking you and showing up at my job. Do you have any idea how creepy and juvenile that even sounds? I have just a twinge of dignity. Or is that too spoiled-brattish for your taste?" I cocked my neck at him and glared.

"Yo, you got a smart-ass..." He stopped himself before he said something out of bounds, "Baby, she don't mean a goddamn thing to me, she's just the bitch I was fuckin."

Our eyes met when he said that, and we both knew how familiar that felt.

I scoffed at the ridiculous irony, "Kinda like me." My eyes pleaded with Marshall's for him to say something to make the pathetic feeling in my soul go away, but he stayed silent, "This is getting to be a little more drama than it's worth. There's a lot that goes into a relationship Marshall, and it takes more than just crazy good sex." I spoke clearly before heading back inside the building.

Marshall called my name a few times, but he didn't chase me. I had wasted my entire lunch hour with him and his nonsense. My grandmother had taught me that if a man wants you, he will make it happen, you should never have to beg anyone. I continued my way inside and I suppose Marshall left because I didn't see him anymore that afternoon. I shed a few tears there at my desk, but I would be fine. It was just sex.

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