Family Affair

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Sabrina POV

(4 weeks later)

I sat on the couch trying to answer emails while the house was quiet but kept fantasizing about the night I came back home to live in Detroit. Marshall and I made love by the light of the fire beneath the Christmas tree after I opened the presents he had in store for me, and I could see it in his eyes that he truly loved me. I had something for him too, a gold Gucci chain that I had been holding onto to for quite some time. We were supposed to celebrate Christmas together months before until our plans took this unexpected turn.

Marshall and I celebrated our own special holiday the night I brought Javius home to him, and our relationship continued to align beautifully. I took an extended leave from Nike putting my career on hold while I cared for baby Javius every day. He has undergone an entire transformation since the day he fatefully came into my life just four short months ago. It was amazing watching Marshall bond with this new little child.

Marshall was the only person who I had continuous support from throughout this entire process. Coco had her supervised visitations stripped because of three no-shows, that's how Paul was able to legally allow me to bring Javius home to Detroit. My sister still called weekly to check-in on the baby. My parents had stopped by a few times while I was still on the east coast to see the baby, but always left quickly.

"That's why I'm so confused that they suddenly want to visit." I told Marshall in bed the night before they were to arrive. "She said they're staying with some old friend of my dad's; they don't know anyone in Detroit."

"Babe, why you so worried about this? I think it's nice that they wanna come visit and see how their daughter lives. I'll be at the studio until five, I'll come home right after."

"Yeah, right. They're just being nosy." I rolled my eyes then playfully poked his stomach, "Eminem."


~~ The Dinner ~~

I set the bruschetta before us so hopefully everyone would just eat and there wouldn't be much talking. Unfortunately, Javius was still napping so I was forced to make small talk with my parents. Nerves shot through me as I didn't know what their take would be on Marshall. To say, "Rap wasn't really their thing." Would be an understatement. My dad wore a tie, and my mother repeatedly commented on Marshall's huge, luxurious house. She actually asked him how many square feet it was. They're so weird.

"Marshall, this pile of bricks is the most breathtaking place I've ever seen." My father stated matter-of-factly as his eyes took in the spectacular vaulted ceiling.

"Thank you." Marshall answered quietly.

"First things first, can we have a wine? I need something to take the edge off after the flight." My mother's gawdy jewelry jingled as she spoke.

Marshall looked worried, "Oh, I'm sorry. We don't drink."

I totally forgot that part! I spent so much time worrying about cooking this Italian dinner for my parents I forgot about the wine! And they're big drinkers.

"Like at all?" My mother leaned in and whispered, "Do you get too goofy on it?"

"Oh my god mother, that's what you have to say? Here." I handed her a drink to shut up her big mouth, "A sparkling water will have to do."

"Actually, I'll have one of those things." My father pointed at my Monster energy and Marshall's Red Bull, "It's what all the kids drink these days."

"Yessir." Marshall smirked as he went to the fridge to retrieve it.

My mother's voice echoed boldly throughout the dining room. Everything about her is big. Big earrings, big nails, big purse. She means well, but she sees the world very one-sided. My father is a lean older Italian gentleman with a dark complected face, balding hair, and a thick accent. He sometimes seems like a simpleton but is extremely intelligent. He owns five businesses in Philadelphia: three pizza shops, a bowling alley, and a fine Italian eatery. I've always respected how driven my father is to succeed and strive to do the same.

"So, Marshall," my mother began, and I held my breath for a moment, "You're a rapper?"

I don't know why I was so anxious as I kept smiling and turned to Marshall for his response.

"Yeah, I rap. I'll have to get you guys to a show sometime."

I didn't know if that was a good idea.

"I remember your movie 8 Mile." My father cut in, "I enjoyed it."

"Oh, thank you sir." Marshall answered and I tried not to laugh.

"Marshall, call me Sal!" He slapped my man on the back and laughed heartily.

"Ok Sal." Marshall's face was put at ease and grabbed a piece of bruschetta.

"Aren't we going to say grace?!" My mother seemed panicked when Marshall bit into his food.

"Oh, uh, sorry," Marshall set his bread down and thought for a second, "God is great, God is good, and um...thank you that we could all come together and meet."

My mother looked displeased, so I cleared my throat and bowed my head, "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."

Amens echoed around the table.

"Ok, who's ready for the second course?" I rose to get this over with and texted Marshall from the kitchen.

Sabrina: Sorry she's obnoxious AF

I brought my soup out to serve and saw Marshall look up from his phone and wink at me.

"I made minestrone!" I announced.

I loved how I took such care in cooking with organic veggies to make this special meal for my family and all my mother could say was "minestrone is a winter soup. It's almost summertime."

Javius finally made his presence known and my father seemed so impressed that we had technology installed in our house to be able to watch the baby while he slept in every room.

"When we had kids, it was just those walkie-talkie things." My dad chuckled.

Marshall rose to collect the baby and took some time to return as he must have changed his pamper. My mother held the baby while I heated a bottle.

I served veal scallopini as the main course and Marshall seemed impressed. "It looks great baby, thank you." I smiled from ear to ear being so proud of my cooking presentation.

"That's it? Where's the pasta?" My mother exclaimed.

I smiled through my explanation, "We don't like a lot of carbs in our diet. That's why I made the minestrone. Ya know, beans for protein."

"Sabrina, we 're Italian. We eat carbs!" My mother cackled, "But you look amazing sweetheart honestly."

"Yeah, she does." Marshall kissed my cheek before he took Javius to feed him.

"You too Marshall, you look like you work out a lot." My mother took a sip of her water, "You are shorter than I anticipated though."

I cringed as I looked over at Marshall, but he was just grinning at her dopiness.

"You two kids seem very suitable for each other." My father made a quick save, "Marshall, you seem a lot like my princess here. You're motivated, goal oriented, you're respectful and polite. Clearly you have an impeccable work ethic. And now you have this little guy here. You two have my blessing."

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