How Far Along Is She?

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Marshall POV

I let myself into Sabrina's place there in Oregon and her dog came running to greet me. He'd gotten so much bigger in just the past week and a half that my girl and I were apart. We texted back and forth in the afternoon and decided to just stay home tonight to be together and relax. I suggested we get a pizza, but Sabrina said she would rather eat a salad, too many carbs. That was probably a good idea as I was about to be performing almost every night soon. I had to keep up my hard body and stamina for when I perform on stage. And in the bedroom. Sabrina made me feel young again, I ain't felt like this in a long time.

"Hey honey! I was so excited when you showed up at work today!" Sabrina walked in the door a few hours later with our takeout bag around her arm and kissed me.

"I couldn't wait to surprise you; I missed you so much baby." I held her tight against me, "Mmm, you smell good."

"Let me quick go change, ok? I love you."

I followed Sabrina back to the bedroom to take a seat on the bed while she stripped her clothes off and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She kept her black bra and panties on to straddle my lap and start kissing me which made my dick get instantly hard. I missed the fuck out of this girl. She was right that it made our reunification that much sweeter. I wanted to fuck her straight away, but Sabrina lightly pushed my chest away from her.

"Just a preview." She gave me one last kiss and bit my lip, "I'm starving."

Sabrina pulled on tiny jean shorts, then yanked her bra off before pulling a baggy rainbow tie-dye over her head grinning from ear to ear the entire time, "I can't believe you're here; I love you, Marshall." She took both my hands in hers to pull me off the bed and lead me toward the kitchen.

"You seem so fucking happy," I said in her ear as I hugged her one more time, "You'd think you missed me or something."

"I missed you so much." She stayed smiling and we took our food out and sat on the couch to eat.

"How's it going with the Virgil project?"

"Oh my god Marshall, I love my job. Like, I love my job. It's fascinating, I learn something new every day. I'm so lucky to have such an incredible team surrounding me." She stabbed a tomato with her fork, "And what about you? You leave for Europe next week. That's exciting! What song do you open with?"

"Square Dance. It's gonna be fucking dope. I play this one festival for three shows and then I fly to another festival for another six days or whatever the fuck it is. I'll call you at night, but time zones."

I wanted to be sad and pissed the fuck off that our jobs kept us in different corners of the world, but I was excited for my girl with her new prestigious project. I could tell she was ecstatic, and I was proud as fuck to call Sabrina my girlfriend. I am happy myself nowadays. I was eager to go put on a bunch of shows over in Europe. Being away from each other was a sacrifice we had to make, but right now we were living our dreams.

"Oh, I heard from Coco last night."

"Yeah, how she doin?"

Sabrina told me over the phone how she visited her niece, and it turns out she's pregnant. Apparently, it's a big deal within their family because her niece Coco is so young and doesn't get along well with Sabrina's sister Diana which would be her mother. Coco seems to trust Sabrina. They have a bond and keep in contact every day to talk about the future and medical aspects. I could tell Sabrina was genuinely concerned.

"It's a boy! But, when I ask her about her boyfriend and what he does for a job, she doesn't really answer. And she won't tell me where she lives. I don't know, it's strange." There was a long pause until I realized she was still deep in thought, "I'm so jealous of her."

My eyes turned slow to Sabrina to speak gently, "Yeah?"

"It's not fair. I'm pretty sure she's unemployed, no car. How will she take him to the doctor? Will she even know when to take him to the doctor? Is the place they stay at safe?" She placed her leftovers in the fridge and turned to face me again, "I spent the better part of a decade trying to have a child and never could. Now this young girl doesn't even have to try to get pregnant and she's clueless."

"Babe, you told me you don't want kids."

"I don't. I've put it to rest. I've had to stuff it deep down as far as it will go and never think about it again. Besides, I'm about to be thirty-seven years old in a few weeks here. That's too old to carry a baby."

"I'm sorry if you feel like you missed out on being a mother sweetheart. I know you'd make an amazing mom."

Sabrina's eyes welled up with tears when I said it. She could tell me she was over it all she wanted, but I knew it wasn't true. I held her for a few minutes, I thought about what my life would be like without my daughters, and I couldn't bear it. They've given me so much direction, they make me a better person. There's no way in hell my life would be complete without them. I've never seen Sabrina cry like that before.

She wiped her eyes a little, "It would've been amazing to have had a baby with you honey."

I smiled a little and scratched the back of my neck, "I don't know how to answer that."

"Sorry," A smile appeared across her lips again, "a girl can dream, right? I understand, I know what we said when we got together. No children, no marriage."

"I can't give you those things Sabrina."

She played with my beard as her eyes sparkled once again and she snapped out of it, "Hey, I design for Virgil Abloh, I don't have time for kids."

I gave a relieved laugh, "By the way, how far along is she? Your niece."

"I think around five months. She's due after Christmas, maybe she'll go into labor while I'm home for the holidays."

"You already decided you're going home to Pennsylvania for the fucking holidays?! So, you wouldn't even consider celebrating home with me in Detroit?!"

"Whoa, slow down there Slim Shady." She put her hand in my face.

I didn't realize how heated my voice sounded so quickly.

"Baby, I'm going on tour alone! I wanna bring you with me so badly, but I know I can't. I wanna see you on my birthday, I wanna be there for yours. And not just special shit but waking up next to you everyday Sabrina! I wanna do life together! Are you ever coming back to Detroit?"

We stared at each other for an awkward moment until Sabrina's ringing phone broke the silence.

"Who the fuck is calling me at eleven'o'clock at night?" She grabbed her phone from the couch, "I don't even know the number."

"Lemme see." I snatched it from her hand to glance at the familiar number, "That's Kim's fucking phone!"

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