Let Her Come to Me

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Marshall POV

I loved that Sabrina got to see me perform that night even if it was only one short song. I wanted to bring her to my next show so she could get the full Eminem experience. Her lips are so luscious, and her body is so smooth and curvy, sometimes I get intimidated by her beauty. We chilled with my boys for a while after the show at a club and Sabrina carried herself like a star. She's crazy confidant and intelligent which are qualities that are always impossible for me to find in a woman. The time came to say goodnight to everyone, and I made my way out to my Escalade with my girl on my arm. I lodged Sabrina in against the car door to hold her against me and lean in for a kiss. This was the first time all night we had some real alone time together and she was so beautiful. This was my opportunity to make things right.

"Sabrina..." I didn't know exactly what to say to her, "I'm sorry about the last time we saw each other. I didn't mean to- "

"Let's just forget about it." She ran her nails over my neck and down my back when she leaned in to meet my mouth with hers once more, "We've had such a great night Marshall. I don't want to talk about that right now and ruin it."

"Good choice." I grinned when she was so cool with it as I playfully pinched her belly to hear her luscious giggle, "Here, get in." I held the door and helped her up in the Escalade.

"Where are we going?" Her smile was so gorgeous there in the moonlight as she raised her brows.

"Back to the crib."

Sabrina's eyes widened, sparkling in the darkness, "Your place? Marshall, are you sure? I mean, don't you want your space or something?"

"Baby girl, it's fine." I kissed her hand, "Let's have a fresh start. I should have done this shit a long time ago."

I got Sabrina in my truck and took her hand in mine rested on her thigh as we sped off. We talked about the concert on the drive and all our favorite moments. She complimented me on my performance repeatedly and that made me feel so good about myself in a way that I never felt before. I knew she wasn't just saying it, she meant it from her heart. Sabrina wasn't the type to gas me up, she's always direct.

We erupted into a fit of laughter when both our stomachs growled almost simultaneously, "You hungry baby?" I looked over when I stopped at the redlight.

"Famished. Thank you for the salad and the refreshments on the jet earlier today by the way. That was amazing. This entire evening has been so thoughtful of you Marshall." She stroked my hand in her lap as we drove.

"Well, the night's not over yet, right?"

The excitement shown in Sabrina's gorgeous eyes when we finally started up my drive and she got to see my security measures firsthand. I took her through the garage to punch yet another code into the keypad while she gawked at all my different cars in awe. We continued through the kitchen and into the living room where I came up behind her to wrap my arms around her waist and place my chin on her shoulder.

"Marshall," She whispered as I ran my beard over her cheek, "Marshall, I'm awestruck, this house is amazing. I've never been in anything close to this."

"Yeah?" I kissed her cheek and smacked her butt before heading back into the kitchen to find something to eat, "Well, get a good look cuz I'm selling it."

"What?! Where are going to live then?" She sat her fine ass on the barstool at the island and kicked her pink Air Maxes off.

"Still in Detroit, and it's not like it's happening tomorrow or anything. Maybe another three or four years." I grabbed eggs and cheese out of the fridge and sat it on the counter, "This place is where I raised my kids and now, it's just me alone in a big house. I don't need this much space, there's rooms I don't even go in for weeks."

"Fair enough." She agreed.

I grabbed the hot sauce and a pack of bacon, "So, you want yours on an English muffin or toast or what?"

"Neither. I'll just take mine on a plate please."

I started cooking while Sabrina played on her phone for a little while before I broke the silence, "What do I have to do to get to stay here in Detroit with me? I admit it, I fucked up before."

She looked up from scrolling, "You don't have to do anything. I planned on staying intown until the Carhartt's are finished. I still have my apartment here, right?"

She shocked me with her answer.

"Yup." I popped the P as I nodded and pecked her lips, "Breakfast is served."

I watched Sabrina sitting there as she ate her food. We both chowed down, because I for one was fucking starving. I loved how she tied her hair up on top her head and those sexy tendrils fell loosely around her face. Her lips were so luscious, but they weren't that fake injection shit that other bitches get. They were just full enough to be perfect for kissing while I stared into those crazy galaxy-like eyes. My gaze ran down her curvy body covered in a sexy little t-shirt and ripped jeans. She peeled her socks off, bunching them up to place them in her sneakers, then crossed her legs seductively to dangle them in front of me. I'm not usually a foot guy, but her pedicured toes looked good enough to suck on later. They matched the pink on her fingernails too. Or maybe it was just the pink air maxes that turned me on.

"I need a shower." Sabrina announced with a hint of a mysterious smile when we were finished eating.

"Sure. I'll show you the upstairs."

Sabrina's eyes widened once more when we strolled down the hallway to my bedroom. I think she was surprised when I set her up with soap, a towel, and a fresh pair of sweaties to wear to bed and never pushed to join her in the shower. I was anxious as hell knowing she was right on the other side of the door soaping up those perky titties, and I laid back on my bed to picture her bent over with bubbles slipping down her perfect ass to those toned, sexy thighs. I wanted to go in there and ravage the fuck out of her, but I remembered what she said about needing more in our relationship or whatever the fuck this was. I needed to chill for a minute and let her come to me. I started pacing around the bedroom trying not to think of Sabrina naked while I removed my chain from my neck, the watch from my wrist, and placed both items in a case where I keep my jewelry on display. I kept fucking around in my walk-in closet to try to keep my thoughts from wandering to the gorgeous woman in my shower, and how badly I wanted her.

"Hey!" Sabrina surprised me when I came out of the walk-in closet, and she was standing there in a towel.

"Hey." I kissed her cheek as I passed by her trying not to take in too much of her exposed body, "I need to wash up too. Make yourself at home."

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