Miss Independant

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Sabrina POV

"I hate that you have to see me like this, but I'm really glad you stopped by." Marshall pecked my forehead, blew his nose once more, and got up to the island to take some medicine.

"It's fine honey, you're not the first sniffly person I've seen in my life." I tied the bag to his trashcan full of tissues and followed him to the kitchen.

"My head is fucking pounding." He made a face as he gulped the medicine, "How the fuck did you get here?"

Ever since I moved to Detroit, Marshall has had one of his employees, Anthony, drive me to and from work every day. It was sweet, but it was also a little weird. It had been a goal of mine to get my own means of transportation once I got back to Detroit and I had been extremely busy these past few days while Marshall was laid up sick. I had been waiting to drop this bombshell on Marshall since I drove it off the lot.

I smiled at him brightly and raised a brow, "I got my own wheels now."

His eyes met mine, then moved toward the door. I rushed past him through the entryway and flung open the door to show off my new possession with pride. I went looking at cars on my first day back in Detroit over my lunch break. I wound up falling in love with a black convertible Mercedes-Benz with a burgundy interior and purchasing it the same day. I kept it to myself because I wanted to reveal it to Marshall in person.

"I got it three days ago; I couldn't wait to surprise you."

"Holy fuck!" Marshall yelled when he saw my hot new whip, "That's like a fifty-thousand-dollar car!"

"Yeah." We walked around encircling my fancy new vehicle admiring its sharpness.

Marshall kept his voice low, "How much are the payments on this thing?"

He seemed shocked when I admitted, "I don't have any payments. I paid it in cash."

Marshall kept quiet after that, and I could tell he was still pondering something when we re-entered the house to take a seat on the couch. We'd never really talked about money in our relationship, there was no reason to. I didn't know what Marshall was worth, but I knew it was insane. I didn't have as much as Marshall, but I did enjoy being financially secure. I suppose it was something that never entered his mind before either.

I could tell Marshall was weighing his words, "Sabrina, how much dough does Nike give you? You don't have to give me an exact number, but it's over six figures, right?"


"Well damn, you're kinda... amazing, babe." Was his only remark as he picked up the remote flipping through the channels, "Oh shit, I haven't seen this shit in forever!"

"Boogie Nights?" I chuckled to myself as he blew his nose once more then drew me into him to cuddle.

I forgot how funny that movie was, and how clever. When the scene came on where Mark Wahlberg is singing all out of tune, Marshall grabbed the remote to rewind it and listen to it again. I'm not sure why because the singing was terrible, but I never know when and where Marshall is going to find inspiration. I guess the tune was kinda catchy though. We'll have to see if anything comes from watching Boogie Nights again.

AN: Does everyone know what I'm talking about? Because I didn't realize that he got the music for Heat from that song in Boogie Nights til like, a few weeks ago. Sorry, I'm probably just late to the party but anyway...Back to the story!

I took care of Marshall that night, leaving around midnight to go home and be in my own bed. It was the weekend, but I still had some important things going on that I needed to check on at my apartment. I was lying on my couch catnapping at almost ten in the morning the next day when there was a knocking on my door. I had a troublesome night's sleep as I wasn't alone in my apartment. I rose from the couch gently so as not to wake the new addition finally resting next to me on the couch. When I opened the door, my boyfriend looked so much better than last night. His blue eyes sparkled in the sunbeams shooting through the windows.

"Marshall!" I somewhat smiled as I carefully stepped out in nothing but a t-shirt.

"Good morning gorgeous." He bent down and smacked my lips against his own. "Why we still standing out in the hallway?"

I gave a sneaky grin, "I wasn't expecting you, but it's all good. There's someone I want you to meet."

"You had someone here with you last night? That's why you couldn't fucking stay with me?" His voice was pissed.

"Shhh, you'll wake him. He was up almost all night, but it's ok. He just wanted some extra lovin."

"Oh, my fucking God! I leave you alone for one week and you couldn't keep your legs closed? Who the fuck you got in here? Is it your ex?" He was trying to stare past me into the apartment.

"Marshall goddammit, he was finally sleeping so good."

"I give a fuck if the motherfucker's sleeping! I should've known you was one of those bitches!"

"Really?! Marshall you're an idiot." I stood to the side with a cross look pursed on my face as I held my index finger to my lips, "Now shut the fuck up, and enter slowly. I would never betray you, I wanted to surprise you. But you're just too damn paranoid of a person to allow that to happen."

Ghost the Jack-a-Bea as himself

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Ghost the Jack-a-Bea as himself

"A puppy?"

My new doggie's tail wagged as his droopy brown eyes stared up at Marshall. In the past two days I had turned my place into a puppy paradise with Ghost's pen and water/food bowls on my kitchen floor and three bags of treats lining my countertop. His new doggie bed laid snuggly in my living room in front of the fireplace with about a dozen squeaky toys tossed around him. I had been settling into life with my new pet quite nicely.

"Get out Marshall!"

"Oh I'm, I'm sorry babe. I'm a fucking dickhead. C'mere buddy." Marshall sweetly said to my dog causing him to wag his tail some more.

"No, I'm serious Marshall. I refuse to have you treating me like this all the time."

"What was I supposed to think? You was actin all weird."

"And of course, the first thing you jump to is, I must be cheating. Just go!"

"Sabrina," He grabbed my wrist, "are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know. But I don't feel like hanging out with you today."

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