He got a beard, well, I'm tryna wet it

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Sabrina POV

"Hello?" Adrenaline coursed through my body.

"Hello, is Marshall there?" A mellow female voice responded.

My face scrunched up at the absurd phone call, "Who the fuck is this?"

"It's Kim. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering..."

"Fuck you, Kim!" Marshall yelled in the background, "How the fuck did you even get her number?!"

"Oh! So, he is there!" She spoke in a snooty tone, "I was just wondering if Marshall planned on spending any time with his daughters before he leaves for Europe. I notice that they don't get the attention anymore since he has a girlfriend now."

I held the phone between us as Marshall continued to yell, "Kim, quit being a bitch! You're pathetic, can't fucking stand to see me happy!"

Marshall went to snatch the phone from me, they were both yelling over each other simultaneously and I was outraged that Marshall's ex-wife would take it upon herself to call me so late at night just to fuck with me. I knew that Kim was just jealous of our relationship and wanted to ruin our time together. I brushed Marshall's arms off me as I briskly rose from the couch and turned on the light destroying the dim cozy atmosphere Marshall and I had created. I needed to put an end to this nonsense once and for all.

"Don't call this phone! Marshall is a grown-ass man, he can do what he wants! His whereabouts are none of your business!"

Marshall chuckled in the background, "You tell her baby!"

"You don't understand, I know how Marshall is..." Kim was relentless.

"Marshall is none of your concern! I'm getting his time now!" I flung my phone on the couch and Marshall stared at me wide-eyed with a goofy-ass grin on his face.

"Good job, I'm proud of you baby. Don't take any shit!"

I shook my head, "Here, come with me." I led him by the arm upstairs to the bedroom with anticipation.

Marshall stood in front of the bed and ran his hands over my sides, "That was fucking hot. The way you stuck up for me. I've never seen you get like that before Sabrina."

"You're the one who always brings the bullshit around here!" I yelled in his face and forcefully pushed his shoulders to sit him down.

"You're sexy, so aggressive!" He laughed heavily.

"I had to stick up for my man! She's a waste of our time baby. I only have two days with you, and I'm so excited." I finished slowly then turned around to ease my jean shorts down my legs, revealing my thong and Marshall reached out to smack me.

"Look at that." He rubbed the palms of his hands over my ass then squeezed it harshly.

I bent over to touch my ankles with my ass right in Marshall's face and he leaned forward to bite into it, then rubbed it and spanked me again, "Fucking perfection." He grunted.

I stood up straight, sitting back on Marshall's lap for a bit to knead myself against him. I reached back and became so turned on when I felt how hard his dick was through his pants. I stroked him for a bit then turned around to face him and plant a huge kiss on him. I love how we'd been together for a while now, a couple of months, and we still get so excited just from kissing. I pulled my shirt over my head, then unclasped my bra, moaning when he took my tits in his hands. Marshall's blue eyes stayed intently fixated on mine.

Marshall played with my nipples then bit down, "You want me to go down on you baby?"

I enthusiastically nodded as he gradually made his way kissing down my stomach then traced my clit with his tongue.

"Mmm, that feels so fucking good Marshall." I managed through short breaths and held his head firmly between my legs with his arms wrapped around my thighs to draw me in closer. He pleased me like that for a few minutes, fiercely licking my pussy as I moaned.

"Fuck that, I wanna feel all of you." He drew his mouth away from me to slowly pull me up to straddle him on the edge of the bed.

I felt myself become even more wet than I already was when Marshall said that, and hurried to rip his shirt off over his head and eased his pants down to run my hands over his velvety hard dick. My eyes slowly drooped shut while my breathing became heavy as he rubbed all over my ass and bit into my tittie. Marshall's lips hit mine to kiss me hard before he pulled me up on his cock and slid his manhood over me, feeling my wetness for a few strokes before I lowered myself fully onto him, balling my hands into fists clinging to the comforter.

Marshall's head fell back for a moment, then he panted as he fucked me, "Does that dick feel good baby?"

"You're fucking amazing baby."

"Yeah?" He grunted, thrusting into me harder.

Marshall used both hands to smack my ass harshly causing me to ride him faster, feeling my pleasure build. My long hair hung down in Marshall's face, but he didn't seem to mind one bit. He held his hands on each side of my waist, guiding my pussy to his dick with each thrust. I couldn't help all my moaning and scratching him up at how good it felt. My thighs squeezed his abdomen tighter, my mouth purring in satisfaction.

"There you go Sabrina, ride me!"

I love when he talks like that, it turns me on so fucking much. It made me go even faster, smacking our bodies simultaneously, our mouths crashing together as his arms encircled tightly around me. I was about to reach my high, both of our mouths moaning and growling at how crazy we are about each other.

"I wanna cum with you baby!" Marshall urgently spoke as he repeatedly raised his hips to meet me, mercilessly bouncing my short frame on his dick.

Marshall forcefully pounded himself against me a few more glorious times until we both shouted out in pleasure climaxing together. I could feel him pulsing against me and panting for breath as if he'd just run a marathon. I smiled to myself as I laid on Marshall's chest after making love and enjoyed the aftershocks swirling around us. When we finally peeled our bodies apart, we stuck together from our glistening post-sex afterglow.


We didn't even talk about the phone call anymore. There was no need to. Usually, I was the first to work and the last to leave, but I took a personal day the next day so I could spend every single minute hanging out with Marshall while he was in town. I deserved it. We deserved it. We didn't know when we would get to see each other again, but Sunday morning, we held each other so tightly, whispering 'I love you' until the moment arrived, and he had to catch a flight. Hopefully, my plan for next week all works out.

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