Bitch, Ima Kill You

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Sabrina POV

I fucked Marshall the minute he got home from work every day that week. I went back to my apartment at night because of the mere fact it was closer to my job, but each afternoon Marshall would text me telling me to stop by. I finished work before he did, so I would grab something for us for dinner on my way and then Marshall would want to get it on as soon as he pulled up the drive and our food always got cold. It didn't matter. I was always in the mood around Marshall. I never got so crazy over anyone like this before.

Tonight, was different though. It was the night that I would officially be meeting all three of Marshall's daughters, so I left clothes at his house the night before to come straight over from work to shower and change. I even brought all the things to make a taco bar so we could all have some dinner and sit around getting to know each other. The aroma of the spices was starting to fill the home when Marshall announced, "They're here."

He went out to the driveway to greet them while I stayed inside smoothing down my hair one final time trying to act normal. A pang of nerves hit me when the front door opened and in walked Stevie, Laney, Hailie, Marshall...and then another female in a pink ballcap followed them. She looked up, her eyes hit mine, and it was Kim! I could have slapped him for putting me in this awkward position. I smiled delicately as I didn't know what else to do and then started fumbling around with the food trying to look busy. I didn't want to be rude. She stayed distanced from me to stand just inside the foyer, but we made eye contact from afar.

"That wasn't an invitation for you to follow us in." Marshall's voice was bold, and he backed Kim towards the door.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't misplace these for tomorrow night." Kim handed him a bunch of papers from her purse while she made eye contact with me, "You always tended to do that when we were married."

He scoffed, "Bye Kim."

"Thanks so much for doing this, Marshall.  I owe you."

Marshall sighed in disgust, "Yeah, get out! Just stay out of trouble."

Kim turned on her heel and giggled and I'm certain it was at me. So immature, I'm sure her daughters told her that Marshall has a girlfriend and she just had to get a glance at me. Marshall slammed the door shut, and I heard him mumble something under his breath as he joined his daughters and I in the kitchen. It was already a tense situation and Kim coming in to get a good look at me made it even more awkward.

"Sorry babe. I didn't know she was gonna pull that." Marshall put his arm around me.

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I dismissed it.

"You're Sabrina?" Alaina's face was lit up.

"Yes I am."

"I'm Laney. Uncle says you work for Nike."

That's all it took to break the ice and I started talking about Nike, which led to fashion, which led to beauty and before we knew it, Marshall was serving the dinner while the girls and I were still in deep conversation. We all got along so well and had so much in common which is probably because I'm closer to their ages than I like to admit. Marshall's daughters were all so sweet, and I think it was safe to say they liked me too.

"Take Stevie straight home and drive slowly. It's getting dark." Marshall told his daughters as he kissed them goodbye.

We stood on Marshall's porch watching them drive away as he turned to me to put his arms around my neck, "They love you, just like I do."

I smiled, confidently knowing that I felt a true connection with Marshall's daughters, "I'm sure we'll continue to get on well honey. They seem so sweet."

Marshall sighed, "I'm sorry about that bullshit from earlier baby. The bitch just wanted to see you in person."

"I figured." I opened the door to lead us back inside the home, "Was that laugh at me?"

"Probably. Fuck that bitch, she hates seeing me happy."

"Then why do you do so much for her?"

Marshall shrugged, "Don't get me wrong, Kim has an obnoxious need for attention, and I can't fucking stand her, but she also has a lot of demons that I helped contribute to."

"Mm." I nodded and entered the foyer.

"Babe," he called as he followed then grabbed my arm gently to turn me around to face him, "This don't mean nothin."

"Marshall, I haven't spoken to my ex since the day we signed the divorce papers. The two of you haven't been together in what? Like, ten years? I understand you have kids together and all of that, but..."

I stopped and sighed while Marshall stared intently.

I continued, "Why do you need to take care of her DUI for her? And why does she think it's ok to just come barging in your house? Does that happen a lot?"

He rolled his eyes at me, "Now you sound like Paul."

"Well?" My voice grew as I stared him down. "Marshall, I'm your girlfriend. When's the last time you had sex with Kim?"

His answer was urgent, "A long fucking time ago! Months before I met you."

"Months?!" I was shocked, "How many months?"

"Sabrina, it never overlapped. I've always been faithful to only you."

"But you fucked your ex-wife that recently.   Like within the past year you guys have hooked up?"

He cautiously nodded his head. 

"I didn't realize that." I grabbed my stuff to start for the door, "That's good to know."

"Baby, that bitch was just something to kill time.  It's nothing like what you and I have.  Sabrina, it's really nothing I swear. I don't love her!" Marshall yelled, trying to keep me from leaving.

"I believe you Marshall, but you're still leading her on and I don't like it. Thank you for being honest with me though. I know you could have just lied."

"Sabrina, baby please don't leave me over this dumb bitch."

"No, I'm gonna go. I gotta let Ghost out." I stopped to run my hand over Marshall's cheek and kissed him before I left, "You've given me a lot to think about."

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