I Want This Shit Forever

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Marshall POV

I sat there in the studio daydreaming of Sabrina's pussy in my face. The way she laid back on her desk earlier with her magnificent titties bouncing as I fucked her tight body was fucking perfection. It was a shame I had to go and fuck everything up. Or rather, Desiree fucked it up for me. I knew Sabrina wouldn't stand for me having sluts showing up at her job. Sabrina was far too intelligent and beautiful for my bullshit.

I felt stupid. I didn't enjoy watching another one of my relationships blow up in my face, or whatever the fuck Sabrina was to me, but this one was fully my fault. Of course, I couldn't treat Sabrina like she was just another silly hoe, what was I thinking? Sabrina has an important job that I'm sure she had to work long, hard hours for years to get where she's at. I found it seriously attractive that she set and achieved such lofty goals for herself.

"Was she happy to see you?" Porter spoke loud and cheerily as he entered the studio, "You get that good daytime pussy?"

I scoffed, "Nah man. I mean, yeah, but it didn't go like it was supposed to. I managed to fuck it up."

"Sorry dawg."

Denaun joined me and Royce filtered in.

"Desiree followed me there and made a big fucking scene in the parking lot. Sabrina doesn't need that kind of bullshit at her job. She never wants to see me again."

"Shit Marshall, you always fuckin with those crazy bitches." Royce shook his head. "You create drama when it's not needed."

I sat back and spoke slowly, "Sabrina ain't like that. She's calm and confident. She doesn't need anything from me, she's fine on her own."

Denaun's eyes got big, "Maybe that's why you two don't belong together."

"You should do something to let her know you care." Royce removed his jacket and sat next to me, "But I'm pretty sure you don't."

I slouched down in my chair in silence turning what Royce said over my conscience. Royce and Porter were working on their own shit, and I sat moping for a good twenty minutes with the pen. I ran my hand over my face and when my fingertips touched my nostrils, I was instantly reminded once more of how sweet Sabrina's pussy tasted earlier. I had played this all wrong, I was just so physically attracted to her it clouded up anything else.

The afternoon was dope as shit though when I got a text from my homie Drake.

D: Yo Marshall! I'm playing Detroit this weekend! Are you in town??

I got excited as fuck when we made plans to bring me out onstage to perform my verse in Forever live with Drake at the Joe Louis Arena on Friday night!

I left the studio early that day but left Sabrina alone. I knew she was majorly pissed at me, and my juvenile antics and I wanted to give her some space to not come off as too pushy. I tried sending her a few texts to apologize which were left unanswered. My evening was spent in my home studio writing new material and wanting so badly to go over there right now to feel her soft naked body against my own.

For a minute I ignored it, but that was short-lived. I drove by her house over the weekend and sat outside for over ten minutes like a stalker.

It wasn't until Monday that Paul called to inform me, Sabrina had never shown up at work. I was concerned that something was wrong until he explained that she had left Michigan to return to Oregon. I knew Sabrina was pissed, but damn. She meant business! Then I thought about what Royce said but I didn't even know what that shit meant. Flowers? Candy? A moonlit dinner for two?

Fuck that shit!

I talked about the concert with Paul every day and had one quick rehearsal later in the week. I made sure my daughters, and my brother and his chick all got tickets, as well as some of my homies. I always loved performing in my hometown, and my kids are huge fans of Drake, so I anticipated it to be a great night with some surprises.


Day of the Concert

All week I prepared for this performance, and all week Sabrina evaded my calls. I couldn't believe she made a clean break like that. I missed the shit out of her!

I had Paul make special arrangements to bring Sabrina back to Detroit for a special night together. I hoped she wouldn't find it manipulative, but I really needed to see her again. I can't treat Sabrina like a little girl. She's a grown-ass woman with a skillset and goals, I can't be too stupid not to treat her as such. My plan was to whisk her off her feet. A woman like Sabrina needs to be caught off guard, I needed to make her see I'm serious.

I didn't go to the studio the morning of the show, because I had to go to the arena for sound check. It consisted mostly of me moping around on my phone with Paul and then with Sabrina. She took three times to answer.

"Please don't hang up! Please don't hang up!" I paused with her still hanging on the line, "Baby, where you been? You didn't answer my calls all week." I tried my best to keep my voice soft and sweet so she would stay on the line.

"I went back to Oregon. I had some things to take care of."

"Like what?"


"I wish you would have told me. I never got to take you out that day because of that stupid shit." I hoped she sensed the longing in my voice.

"Marshall, I have to go."

"Sabrina! Sabrina, when you get done today, there's gonna be a plane waiting and I want you to get on it!"


"Sabrina please. I got a special night planned, baby please."

I could feel her smile through the phone.


I couldn't wait until I saw her later that night. I put my phone in my pocket and prepared for the show. I had to practice coming out of the floor straight to the stage. I spent the afternoon buggin out with Drake as we went way back, then retired to my dressing room. Oregon is three hours behind Detroit, it works out perfect for Sabrina's arrival to be an hour before the show. I was able to snooze for an hour or two happily awaiting my girl's arrival.

When it was finally time to start getting ready, I placed my Kangal followed by my hoodie on my head, then slid my feet into a pair of crisp white Nike's which reminded me of my girl. Sabrina had such a cool fucking job, and I could tell she truly loved it.

Paul brought Sabrina to the backstage area to meet up with me and every time I see her, she's looking dope as fuck.

"Your hair's different again! You look fucking beautiful!" I pulled her in for a tight hug and ran my nose over her curls, as I kissed her cheek. "Thank you for coming."

Sabrina grinned from ear to ear. I bet when she woke up and went to work this morning, she didn't think she'd be in Detroit at Joe Louis Arena tonight.

"I googled this stadium as soon as we pulled up. Drake and Future are performing here tonight! Marshall," she leaned in to hug me again and she smelled fucking delicious, "This is amazing! My Friday night just got fucking awesome!"

I gave her a flirty smirk and took her by the hand pulling her further to the backstage area, "C'mon, you wanna meet Drake?"

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