Fly Her 'Cross the Country

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Marshall POV

It had been two months. Two fucking months! I had to return to Detroit for all these rehearsals and shit leaving Sabrina and the baby by their lonesome on the east coast, then I flew all the way over to Europe for some shows. While I was out of the country, Javius had an issue and had to go back into the hospital. I felt helpless, fucking helpless! Turned out he had RSV and because he was already in a vulnerable population, they kept him in the hospital for two weeks. Sabrina called me every day as she sat there by his side.

Apparently, Sabrina's niece showed up for court, but didn't pass her drug test. It was granted that Sabrina would have baby Javius in her custody for the next six months now, and through some finagling and Paul being a fucking genius-ass attorney, I was flying my girl and the baby home to Detroit on a private jet to be with me. I had a bunch of shit delivered to the house to prepare for the day I found out Sabrina was able to take him out of the state so they could come home. I planned on surprising the shit out of her because I left everything from Christmas still up. Christmas lights lined my driveway with a big wreath on the door.

"You kept the tree up!" Sabrina's eyes swelled with tears as she walked into my familiar home and Ghost came crazily running.

"I couldn't take it down. It didn't feel right putting everything away without celebrating with you first." I leaned in for a kiss.

I carefully took Javius from her so she could pet her dog, and the baby looked so much better. His face now had a healthy color and I noticed he gained some weight.

"You've gotten so big! You miss Daddy?"

Sabrina's eyes hit mine.

"Dad?!" My daughter's voice sounded from the kitchen, "Are they here yet?"

"Yeah, we're in here Hailie!" I called to her keeping my eyes fixed on Sabrina while holding the baby in my arms.

"Oh, my goodness...Hey Sabrina," Hailie kept her tone low as she strolled through the room to delicately reach out and touch his hand, "so this is baby Javius. Hi buddy."

"How was he on the plane ride?" I asked as we all sat down on the couch and Ghost looked on curiously at the baby.

"Crabby! He's probably going to sleep here soon. He ate right before we landed."

"He's better now though, right? I mean, he's not as sick as when he was born." Hailed asked as I placed him in the bassinet that now lined my living room, along with a baby swing with a big shiny ribbon on it.

"He's doing a lot better. Aren't you?" Sabrina cooed, smiling over him as she stood to remove her coat that she was still wearing, "He typically sleeps for around four hours at a time now which is much better than before."

"What's he like? Does he still cry uncontrollably sometimes, or has that ended?" Hailie continued.

"Yes. Javius will always be high-risk because of his beginnings. We'll just have to keep a close eye on him."

The baby rested in the bassinet peacefully while the three of us kept our voices low so as not to disturb him. My girlfriend caught up with my daughter for about half an hour before excusing herself for a shower once Javius was in a deep sleep. I covered him with another blanket and caressed his little head. I had forgotten what it was like to have a baby in the house. I knew if the day came for Coco to get him back, it would surely hurt.

"Sabrina seems so dedicated to him." Hailie told me once we were alone.

"She is. Sabrina's awesome. I have so much respect for her stepping up like this honey, you don't even understand."

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