Rock Bottom

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Marshall POV

I made good on my promise and took Sabrina on a trip to Los Angeles for a long weekend, just the two of us. Both Hailie and Laney were staying at the crib back in Detroit to watch baby Javius and take care of the dog. I was working some of the time while we were in California, but I gave Sabrina my time in the evening after I left Dre's studio. She was feeling a little under the weather, wearing yoga pants, a hoodie, and a pair of Nike Slides. It was simple but she looked sexy as fuck. My girl could pull off any look.

I never make it a point to be a big spectacle out in public, so we wound up ordering room service to enjoy our night privately. After a delicious quiet dinner, I took Sabrina into the sitting area of the suite where we cozied up on the couch. I treat this girl different than any other woman I'd been with. Our evenings at home were full of attending to a baby, we hadn't gotten a lot of time to ourselves lately. I needed to persuade Sabrina repeatedly to even leave the baby alone with Hailie and her boyfriend for an entire four days.

"We needed this, I'm sorry if I've been distant lately," Sabrina said lightly as she leaned back into my arms then started to trace my tattoos with her fingertips, "I don't like living my life in limbo like this. And the guilt of just up and leaving work becomes overwhelming at times."

"Babe, you're doing what you know is right. I don't want you to be upset about it. Enjoy this time with the baby. Even if..." I stopped to find the right wording, "it doesn't work out as we planned."

"My entire life I've had everything organized." She sat up a little to look at me, "My goals have been laid out. And now... everything is so different. Up in the air. Uncertain."

"Sweetheart, you take such good care of Javius every day, you deserve a break. And you take care of me too. You've made my house a home."

"I try to stay busy through the anxiety. I love taking care of him. So much." Her voice cracked, "But sometimes I worry they're going to come rip him out of my arms. I've never known a fear lurking over me quite like this before."

"Babe," I pulled her closer a little lost for words, "I'll be here with you through it. I understand what you're going through, I've grown attached to him too. I've been through a lot of rough shit in my life, we'll deal with it as it comes."

"And don't get me wrong, I want Coco to get better, but... I just want Javius to be safe." Her voice started to break as she muffled in a cry, "I can't even imagine a parent putting drugs before their child!"

Our eyes locked at the irony as this was a topic Sabrina and I talked about before. I was honest with Sabrina from the start about my battle with addiction. I try not to think about it anymore because it tends to bring up a lot of painful memories I so desperately want to forget. But with Sabrina, it's different. I wanted to be transparent with her. She was my girlfriend, she deserved to know more about my past.

"It's hard to explain. I used to feel like such a fucking piece of shit that all it made me wanna do is more drugs. I know, it makes no sense. It took me so long to forgive myself for being such a shitty dad."

Her eyes sympathetically hit mine, "Thank you for telling me, Marshall."

"The whole family was at the hospital waiting for me to come around while my organs were shuttin down. I can't believe I put them through that shit." I shook my head and buried my nose in her hair, "And I still didn't learn my fucking lesson. I collapsed again like two months later, that time I took methadone."

"Oh my god!" Sabrina seemed astonished. "I know you had a problem, but it's different hearing it straight from your mouth, ya know? I've never tried drugs; it scares me so much. I've never really known depression that cut so deep. I'd be afraid I'd have a heart attack and die or something."

"Honestly, for a long time I think that's what I was trying to do is kill myself."

"Marshall? Why would you do that?" She looked up and stroked my beard.

"As fucked up as it is, I understand what your niece is going through. You get so far into the shit that you think everyone is just better off without you anyways."

"That's awful." She buried her head in my chest as I held her tighter for a good twenty seconds then looked up, wiping her hair from her face, "I'm sorry honey, you went to all this trouble to get us this beautiful suite so we can have a special night together. I don't mean to be a killjoy."

"It's ok, I don't regret anything. It makes me appreciate my career that much more. And spending time with my daughters," I looked in her eyes, "coming home every night to you and the baby. It's times like that make me realize how relieved I am I decided to stay."

Sabrina sat up to straddle me and leaned in to give me a kiss, twirling her tongue around mine. My hands inched under her shirt to run my thumbs over her stomach for a minute before cupping her tits as she wasn't wearing a bra. My dick was coming to life when I leaned in to continue kissing her and squeezed her clumsily over those yoga pants. She smelled so fucking intoxicating, her skin irresistibly silky.

I stopped kissing to put my forehead to hers and spoke quietly, "I thought you didn't feel good. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to baby."

"No, I took medicine. I'm a little sniffly, but...I feel a lot better. I still want you." She put her head down a little and whispered the last part.

I couldn't help smiling when she admitted that, "Mmm, this is intriguing. You wear this for me?" I asked lowly while dipping my hands down the back of her pants to wrap the strap of her thong around my fingers. "Lie back baby."

I crawled over Sabrina to smash my hungry mouth into hers then made my way down to her titties. Clawing and biting her as I ripped her shirt briskly over her head. I made my way down her body with my tongue, stopping right above her pussy to nibble on her pelvic bone and listen to her moans of anticipation. I wrapped her smooth thighs around my head, once again being hit with the lingering scent of her body lotion. When my tongue touched her pussy, Sabrina squirmed, running her nails over my scalp, wincing in pleasure as I licked her spot over and over again. My dick was throbbing with excitement from watching her play with her hardened nipples while I ran my mouth over her sweet pussy. Sabrina raised her pelvis as she came, clawing the covers, before grabbing the back of my head to push me even closer to her pussy. I lapped her juice before placing myself inside her, my breath was taken at the overwhelming sensation.

"I can't wait much longer baby." I managed as I repeatedly pounded into her wet walls.

"Fuck me Marshall..." Sabrina dug her nails in as I felt her warm, wetness surrounding me.

"Oh shit! Oh Sabrina!"

This girl is so fucking different.

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