That's Just the Way It Is

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Sabrina POV

I knew he was using me, that's just the way it is. I was expected to pathetically wait around for whenever Marshall was ready for me to be his dirty little secret, but honestly, I didn't even care. I was using him too in a way. I was loving every minute I spent with Marshall Mathers right now even if the situation was a little messy. I would enjoy it while it lasted, I was a big girl. Even though it would feel more secure to be in a relationship, I needed this relief in a way I couldn't even explain. It was my way of truly moving on from my marriage. I just hoped that Marshall liked me half as much as I him, and not only physically.

I quickly rubbed lotion all over my body after our sexy shower and wrapped my hair up trying to hurry before Marshall left for the day. He didn't' say he was leaving, but I knew he would give me some lame excuse to get gone. I wished for him to want to be around me besides other than sex for once. It would feel amazing to get a little portion of his time. I wanted to know Marshall underneath his sexy rapper persona.

I was sure Marshall would hit it and run just like he always does, but he was sprawled out on my bed in his gray sweats and no shirt when I came out of the bathroom. "Hey. You doing anything today?"

I shook my head "no", then started choosing what clothes to wear. It was Sunday, and freezing, so I decided on my lavender Nike sweats. I used one hand to hold the big fluffy towel wrapped around my body and the other to drag the curtain closed. I had sex with Marshall three times now, but he had never stayed afterward and watched me get dressed. I felt a little wave of energy flutter over me at this new level of intimacy and wondered if I was reading too much into this or if he felt the same way. Or even noticed.

"Cuz I figured, I mean, I don't wanna go out or anything, but maybe we could hang out here together. Watch a movie? Play a game?"

"Sure." I answered emotionlessly then let my towel fall to the floor. I purposely bent my bare ass over just a few inches from Marshall's face and pulled my pants over my legs. My gaze met his as I turned to face him, and carefully pulled my shirt over my head with my hair still wrapped in a towel.

He shamelessly gawked, "You're really beautiful Sabrina. You know that, right?"

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "I'm sure that's what you tell all the girls. I thought you would have something to do today. You're always so busy." I said it with a twinge of sarcasm in my voice and went to the bathroom to do my hair.

"Baby don't be like that." He appeared at the doorway.

I circled the serum in my palms, spreading it over my sopping strands to the tips, then looked up, "Marshall, every time I see you, I have sex with you!"

"I know." He grinned. "And it's fucking phenomenal. What's wrong with that? We agreed, we have chemistry."

I plugged the hairdryer in and picked up the comb, "We do." I underwhelmingly sulked and turned on the dryer to start doing my hair.

Marshall stared at me for a little, then turned to walk back through my bedroom. I thought he was going to leave because I'd upset him, but he came back with the little bench that sat in the corner of my room. I didn't know what he was doing when he took the hairdryer from me and motioned for me to sit before him. My eyes looked on in shock for a moment, I'd never had a guy do my hair before. It was awkwardly romantic.

"Here, sit down."

Marshall hastily took the blow dryer from my hand while I perched myself on the bench trying not to let the corners of my lips curl into a smile as I looked on in the mirror to Marshall behind me concentrating on my hair. His eyes were so blue that morning as he held my locks in his fist and moved the dryer carefully over it to not burn me, his fingers brushed the wet hairs at the back of my neck causing me to shiver.

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