I Get Around

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Marshall POV

I loved getting daytime pussy, but I had shit to do. I told Sabrina I'd call her later and left her office as soon as possible when we were done because I was supposed to have dinner later with Hailie and this new guy she's been dating. Apparently, she told Kim that he might be the one. It was crazy that my little girl was now in college and spreading her wings to take on the world. I have no idea where she gets her maturity from.

"Dad!" Hailie smiled and rose when she saw me enter the back door of the restaurant.

We were in a private dining room at some quaint place she picked out.

"What's up honey? How you doin?" I kissed her cheek.

"Dad, this is Evan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir." The tall blond pretty boy stuck out his hand.

He was huge compared to me. His hand engulfed mine when we shook them.

"Nice to meet you Evan. Hailie has told me a lot about you."

We sat down a bit awkwardly to sip some water and look wide-eyed at each other.

"So, man, Hailie says you two met at school. And that you play football." I added.

Evan started talking about sporting events at university and what he wants to use his degree for when he graduates. I tried to pay attention until I started receiving some strange texts from Desiree. I hadn't even heard from the bitch in two weeks now. I kept my phone on my lap to glance down and reply quickly. This fucking little smut wants to keep me around for as long as possible to try and milk every penny.

Des: I still need to get my guitar from your house.

M: I'll send you a new one.

Des: I also left my jean jacket at your studio.

M: I'll put it on the front desk when I leave tomorrow. I don't wanna see you!

I tried to focus on Evan's rambling, but then a series of crazy bitch texts started coming in.

Des: Fuck you Marshall!! I'll fucking come there if I want to whenever I want to!

Des: Who else are you fucking?

Des: I knew it! I knew the entire time!! Fucking LIAR!

"And then I just kept seeing her everywhere!" Evan was now chuckling, and Hailie reached for his hand.

"Oh yeah?" I looked up again and smiled. "It's crazy how shit works out."

M: Fuck you Des! I saw you the other night with dude in your car! Lying slut!

I set my phone face down on the table, "Well, the two of you seem really happy. Just make sure you always treat my daughter with respect man."

"Of course, he does. We have so much fun." Hailie leaned in and they rubbed their noses together.

I instantly felt stupid that my twenty-year-old daughter was in a happy healthy mature relationship and here I was forty-three, secretly having quickies with the Nike girl at work, then fighting over text messages with my side hoe. I should grow up and take my own advice. Who the fuck am I to talk about treating women with respect? I didn't even know how to function in a normal relationship. I need to get my shit together.


It was Saturday morning when I went over to Kim's house to pick up my other daughter Stevie to take her to a basketball game. She was making me wait mad long in the driveway while she finished getting ready and my ex-wife came out to shoot the shit. I wish Kim wouldn't even talk to me anymore. Every time I turn around, she's doing some crazy shit. We hooked up every now and then, but it wasn't like it used to be.

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