Afternoon Delight

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Sabrina POV

I was given only a two week notice when I found out that I would be relocating to Detroit for a few weeks to add my input on the new version of the Eminem Carhartt. I was secretly confidant that it was Marshall himself who had requested my presence for this project. I had never forgotten our time alone together almost a year ago and sometimes regretted that I didn't follow through with it that night. I thought about it every day since. I wasn't the type to have sex with men I barely knew, I didn't have much experience.

This past year has been a whirlwind with going through a divorce, and then being fortunate enough to travel with my work quite a bit, even out of the country! This new distraction with Marshall Mathers was exactly what I needed to continue to explore this new version of myself. I still had his number and had texted Marshall the afternoon they told me I was transferred that I couldn't wait to work with him again, but it remained unanswered.

Moving was a bitch because Michigan is nowhere close to Oregon, so I got to only fill three suitcases with my belongings. This move was only temporary, and I would be staying in a fully furnished luxury apartment in downtown Detroit. I wondered if it was typical for Nike to put their employees in such accommodations or if anyone else from our office was transferred to Detroit, and I quickly discovered the answer was "no".

I arrived in what was to be my new home on a Thursday and spent the entire weekend making myself comfortable in my new surroundings while anticipating the chance to see Marshall now that we were in the same town again. I knew he would make his presence known soon enough. It wasn't until Monday morning at my new place of work that I got a glimpse of him. I was out of my element as I was still meeting all my new associates and settling into my new office. I held my composure and treated the meeting just as last time, confidant in my abilities and eager to learn. Marshall gave me a quick hug after the meeting, but we didn't get to spend any time until he stopped by my place unannounced later that night.

I had so many questions I wanted to ask him, but quickly forgot every single one while he was pinning me against the wall, burying his face in my breasts, and running his hands all over my body. Emotions didn't matter at that moment. I hadn't been with a man in an eternity and feeling Marshall's strong, masculine frame against me was electrifying. Marshall's hot, short breaths tickled my ear, and his eyes turned radiantly blue the instant he became highly turned on. I loved listening to him growl in the back of his throat while he pumped himself in and out of my tantalized body with his beard scratching roughly against my neck.

What I found with Marshall that night was so insane, I never knew passion like that even existed. We were both so attracted to each other, I was so turned on, I actually started to shake. I loved every moment of our late-night activities right up until it was over. When we were done, Marshall just cleaned off, got dressed, gave me a kiss, and disappeared into the night. I didn't know if the expectation was for him to sleep there with me in my bed, but I at least wanted to share a conversation or maybe even a cuddle.


My new job in Detroit was amazing. I loved every minute I spent meeting new colleagues on my team and touring the immaculate building. I had my own office at this location which was another new experience for me, and I took my time settling in. I couldn't help but speculate when I would get to see Marshall again, but I didn't hear from him at all that day. Or the day after. I would have to continue to wait patiently.

I loved the fact that Nike had no dress code, so employees could be their authentic selves. I usually wore a hot pair of kicks and streetwear, although I dressed more professionally this first week for the sake of my first impression wearing a skirt and collared blouse. I even wore a pair of heels instead of sneakers. I buddied up with Elise, the receptionist, and we started having lunch together each afternoon. She was considerably younger than me, and her body was covered in tattoos which she made sure to flaunt with her scantily clad choice of attire. But she was sweet and as interested in fashion culture as I was. She spent a lot of time asking how I became the Lead Textile Developer for Nike Global Sports Apparel.

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