So Much Better...

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Sabrina POV

5 hours later...

Marshall was by my side through another cycle of meds, fussiness, crying, screaming, and shaking until the absolute first minute that it was time to do it all over again. Javius was in the phase where he could rest for a while, his medication was kicking in and his little belly was full. Even with the situation being so grim, I was still seeing his progress every day. It was heartbreaking but there was something beautiful about it at the same time. It was a bond that only Javius and I shared. It meant the world to me that Marshall could be a part of it. He got to experience first-hand what I've been doing every day and understand the weight.

"He's finally sleeping." Marshall whispered as he looked up at me from the sleeping baby in the bassinet.

I motioned for him to follow me back the hall, so we didn't have to whisper and collapsed into him the moment we were alone, "It means so much to me that you're here honey. Thank you, Marshall." Tears escaped my eyes.

"For what?"

"You know what." I looked in his crystal blue eyes and leaned in for a kiss, "You're amazing, you know that?"

He hid a little smile as his eyes shined, and I was glad to make him feel good.

"Amazing." I repeated myself, "You're being here means the world to me. I know you could've just ignored me and my problems."

"Sabrina, what kind of heartless asshole do you take me for?"

I laughed genuinely for the first time in weeks.

He continued low and sexy, "I love you. And if you're going through something, I'm going through it with you."

Marshall leaned in to kiss me for the first "real" time since he's been here, and I realized how much I missed feeling his lips against my own. My attention had been on other things for these past few weeks, and I was so fortunate to have such a caring, patient man in my life. Our tongues wrapped around each other fighting for dominance, igniting the fire between us. Our breathing quickened as we continued kissing hungrily, his fingertip lightly flicking my hardened nipple through my shirt. It had been far too long for us.


I pulled Marshall into the bathroom to push him against the wall and got down on my knees pleasantly surprised to find his dick already rock hard. He pulled the hair tie from my ponytail atop my head leaving my locks to fall freely around my face as his hands firmly grabbed the back of my head. We held eye contact as I dropped his pants down his thighs. I pumped Marshall's cock in my hands a few times before I licked my lips and surrounded his solid, velvety manhood with my mouth. I moved my lips over his entire length slurping and pumping the base in my fist. My tongue flicked over the tip a few times then devoured him again.

"Shit baby, that feels so fucking good."

Marshall winced with pleasure breathing through clenched teeth when his hard dick hit the back of my throat. I couldn't help getting so wet; my body was pulsing. I was so turned by all the sexy noises escaping Marshall's bearded mouth revealing how good I was making him feel. Desire shot more intensely through me when his hands reached down to play with my titties through my shirt. I moaned on his dick, going slowly to examine the entire length of Marshall's solid manhood with my tongue, his fingers grasping my hair, leading me to him. His dick seemed even bigger than I remembered. I noticed the veins peeking out of his strong, tattooed arms. His body was shaking in pure horniness while my eyes fixated on his.

"Take this shit off!" Marshall roughly yanked my shirt over my head then grabbed my bare tits forcefully.

Marshall played with my nipples while my lips glided over his cock, and I couldn't wait much longer. I still found my boyfriend so fucking sexy as the day I met him. He pulled me up a bit to feel the hotness between my legs while his gaze held mine and rubbed my slit slowly back and forth. My head fell back, and my toes were curling at how crazy he made me. His solid dick flinched when I ran my long nails daintily over his shaft and Marshall leaned in to kiss me breathlessly pulling my pants down my ass in one quick swoop.

"You make me so hard baby." He hoisted me up on the sink and lined himself up to fit my body perfectly.

We both moaned as he placed his hands firmly on my ass pushing me onto him, his massive cock filling me all up as my legs wrapped around his torso. I had been preoccupied with life for these past weeks, I didn't even realize how badly my body needed some attention. I knew Marshall was feeling exactly what I felt at that moment. Our breaths entwined together, and I couldn't help the sounds that were breaking free from my mouth.

"Shit!" He slammed into me a little harder, my pussy tightly surrounding his dick.

"Mmm..mmm...mmm... mm." I moaned into my orgasm knowing full well that feeling my throbbing wet walls would instantly milk Marshall's hard cock.

He distinctly pumped one more thrust, holding his hands firm and steadily on my ass as time stood still for a moment. Marshall cursed under his breath and moaned as we exploded together. Our bodies pulsed simultaneously in pleasure then melted into one another. Our muscles lightly relaxed as we caught our breath, smiling into each other's face. I had missed the passion this man brings to my life so much.

"You're still hard." I examined his glistening semi-hard dick when he withdrew it from my body.

Marshall grinned, "I could fuck you all night long." He kissed me, "but we have other things to take care of right now. He'll probably be awake soon."


The following day, my other two sisters Emmanuella (Emmy) and Sophia made the trip into the city after they dropped their own kids at school to come see the baby. It was awesome that Marshall upgraded my accommodations because this way I was staying in a place right next to the hospital in case Javius had any complications. I think my sisters were more excited about meeting my boyfriend than meeting the baby. Their mouths dropped when Marshall walked out of the hallway and into the kitchen about halfway through our visit.

"You never told me you were dating Eminem!" Emmy screamed as soon as we made our way down the elevator and into the Philadelphia streets.

Marshall insisted that I get out of the house with my sisters. He noticed last night that my nails were so grown out as self-care hadn't been on my priority list lately. I trusted Marshall by now, he knew how much medicine the baby takes, and he fed him for me twice this morning already. I would be gone for about an hour. I told Marshall we may even go out to lunch if everything is going smoothly with Javius. I've never left him before.

"Is that why you moved to Detroit? Do you know him well? Is he helping you with your career?" Sophia interrogated me.

I spilled my guts and told my sisters all about how Marshall and I met by our shared love creating the Carhartt sneakers and how he was so impressed with my work. It felt phenomenal to finally tell my family who I was involved with for the past few months and how we feel about each other. Sophia was sincerely happy for me, Emmy...meh. Sometimes she's my friend, somedays not so much. She seemed happy for me though.

My energy was hopeful and confident when I returned home to Marshall and the baby that evening. My baby. Our baby. I kissed Marshall who was right there waiting for me by Javius' side. I knew Marshall was only staying for a few days until he had work stuff to take care of, but his short visit meant everything to me. My family only came by sparingly for an hour or so a week. Marshall would be staying for three more days. I could experience what it would be like to have a child with Marshall, and how special that would be.

I cautiously peeked in the bassinet to be lovingly reunited with my sleeping baby, "Don't worry sweetness, Mommy's home."  

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