One More Chance

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Marshall POV

"Wait, Uncle has a girlfriend? And you met her already?"

"Yes! She works for Nike, that's how they met. It was so cute, she brought him soup!" Hailie filled Laney in on my relationship status as if I wasn't even there.

"Aw, she must really like you." Laney looked over at me cooking on the grill, "What does she look like?"

Hailie cut-in straight away, "She's pretty. Like, so pretty."

"When were you going to tell me about him Uncle?"

"I'm not keeping her a secret. Hailie only met Sabrina by chance because she came over to surprise me while I was sick. She's Italian, her hair's darker but she colors it sometimes. She's short, beautiful." I checked my phone, "She's pissed at me though. I screwed up yesterday."

Laney shook her head in astonishment, "Are you serious? What did you do?"

I scrunched my face trying not to relive the previous morning in my head, "Nothing. I said some dumb shit. Was accusing her of shit." I checked my phone once more.

"You're gonna ruin it before I even get to meet her!"

I texted Sabrina a bunch last night and a few times this morning already trying to convince her to come over and talk, but she was giving vague, one -word answers. I got the burgers from the grill and placed them on the patio table in front of my daughters. I felt stupid for treating Sabrina like that yesterday and I apologized through texts a million different ways. It might have been obsessive, but I wanted to show her I can communicate.

Hailie was telling us about school and Evan and all the exciting things she had been up to lately. I left my phone alone for an entire ten minutes before it vibrated, and I know my face showed pure joy when it was my girl. It was perfect because my kids were about to leave, and I could spend my Sunday afternoon groveling to Sabrina. I gotta quit being a fucking jealous asshole around Sabrina, I just desperately want her around me.

"Oh shit, you're already on your way?" Haley and Laney watched me through cheery intent stares, "Ok, see you soon babe." I ended the call and looked up, "Ya'll gotta get going."

"Oh, I see how it is." Hailie joked.

"I'm sorry girls, you know you guys will always come first to me, but Sabrina makes me feel a little different. And she said she's ready to talk, so I gotta make this right. I'll call you tomorrow."

I kissed my daughters each on the cheek before I rushed them around the side of the house and to Laney's car. Sabrina managed to be driving her hot new ride up my drive right as they were leaving, and I noticed Laney almost breaking her neck to get a good look at my woman. I laughed to myself at how interested the girls were in my new relationship and how eager they were to get to know Sabrina. I gotta make that happen.

Sabrina parked in my driveway, then hopped out of her new whip and that might have been the sexiest I'd ever seen her in the daytime. She was wearing an orange tank top with the Nike swoosh on it and fucking tight-ass workout shorts with an orange pair of Nike Huaraches. Her new little dog jumped out after her and she spoke sweetly to him, adjusting his leash. He was the cutest thing, and she's so gorgeous. I'm one lucky motherfucker.

"Hey pupper." I bent down to pet her puppy and he got so excited wagging his tail and stood up on my knee to lick my face.

"His name is Ghost. He's a Jack-A-Bea."

"A Jack-A-Bea?" I said his name in a high-pitched tone, "Ghostie, Ghostie." And he rolled on his back for me to pet his belly.

I stood to face Sabrina, and there was still an awkwardness about her.

"You hungry? There's a couple extra burgers that didn't get eaten."

"No thank you honey; I just had a salad before I came over."

My girl's eyes were so beautiful that day, and she was still calling me "honey", so I guess that's a good sign.

"Oh." My voice stayed low, "So, you wanna take Ghost here for a walk?"


Sabrina and I walked along the grounds of my property and down to the lake. I hardly ever went down there, but I wanted to show it to her. We started laughing together at Ghost when he'd stick one little paw in the water, then shake it off. It was good to see Sabrina smile again, she was in a better mood than I expected. She didn't even have to come over today, so I guess she's still into me. Don't let me fuck this up!

"You really think that of me?!" My girl forcefully spoke up. "You actually think that I would find some new guy and have him over at my place in a matter of days?! You look at me as a whore, unfaithful, a liar?"

"Honestly no not at all, but sometimes all the damage that was done to me in my past fucks me up."

"You don't know that I care about you Marshall? I thought I felt us growing closer, but I guess I was wrong."

"No, you're not wrong. That shit is so real." I stepped forward to place her hair behind her ear, then stroked her face between my forefinger and thumb.

"Marshall, I can't stay in this relationship if you're never going to trust me."

"I trust you baby; I know you'd never fuck around on me."

"You say that now, but that wasn't the first time I've seen you act like that."

I silently looked her in the eye because I knew it was true and I didn't have a good defense.

"And then you called me a bitch." She added.

"Babe, I'm so sorry. That was wrong of me, I apologize."

Sabrina turned away from me and continued to walk by the water, then bent down to give Ghost all her attention. This was always the point in a relationship that scared the fuck out of me. Once I'm crushing so hard, I start smothering her, I feel like I can't live without her. I've been through this before and I'm scared shitless that she's gonna start looking for the door. I wanted to say all the right things, I'm clueless with women. Especially Sabrina.

"You don't have to fear me, Marshall."

"I know. I know baby." I pulled her up and into my arms. "Look, I know I've fucked up more than once with you now, but I get intimidated by you because I know you're so far out of my league."

Sabrina laughed hard when I said that.

"Marshall, what are you talking about? I'm pretty sure it's the other way round, Eminem."

"Hey, you think I date chicks like you all the time? Or ever?! Sabrina, I've never been with someone who's so intelligent with a fancy education and a successful career. Not to mention you're fucking sexy as fuck! And you're so confidant I swear, I stand back and look at you and everything you do, and I'm amazed."

"Really?" My girl smiled through teary eyes.

I couldn't believe I was being this vulnerable with her, "And I love that you didn't fuck me on the first night." I thought for a second, "Well, no not really, that actually kinda sucked."

We both laughed and I was feeling so much better, "Nah, but I never forgot that. You could've fucked me right there in that hotel room and your husband never would've known, but you didn't."

"I'm not like that."

"I know. And I don't come across that too often. Or ever."      

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