Ooh Baby I Like It Raw

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(One Year Later)

Marshall POV

"You seem different baby." Desiree's boney fingers annoyingly poked at my newly scruffy face. "When are you going to shave this off?"

Desiree was the busty blond chick I'd been fucking for a couple months now, but I didn't give a shit about her. She was just something to kill the boredom. I couldn't stand her high-pitched laugh; her voice was irritating as fuck. Des was far too young, and I knew she was only hanging out with me for my money. She was desperately trying to break into the entertainment industry and was always asking me about every producer, director, and artist I knew in the business. I pathetically gave in by getting her in a music video a few weeks ago. I only did it because the girl sucks my dick on demand, but I was ready to be done with her.

"I got ten minutes, get down on your knees girl." I started lightly pushing her head.

"No, I wanna fuck! Fuck me, Marshall!" Desiree sat on my desk to spread her legs wide open and reached her hand in my pants to stroke my cock.

"I don't have any rubbers on me, just suck my fucking dick!"

Desiree enthusiastically got on her knees to stretch her botoxed lips over my cock and start pumping me down her throat. It didn't take but two minutes until I shot my fucking load and just wanted her to get the fuck away from me as soon as possible. The chick was a struggling actress, annoying as fuck, and we didn't have anything in common because she was only a couple years older than Hailie. I tried not to think about that part though. I zipped my pants up before I grabbed her coat for her so I could kick her the fuck out.

She stalled by wiping her face with a napkin from her purse then reapplied her cherry red lipstick, "Baby, if you're done here, maybe we could spend the afternoon together. I never get to see you."

"I can't." Luckily, my phone beeped with a text, and my manager's name appeared on the screen. I hoped he had some good news for me.

PBunyan: I heard back from them. She'll be here next week.

That text made my heartbeat flutter.

"Des, you gotta get out of here. I got shit to do." I glanced up at her for a moment then turned around to take a seat at my desk. "I'm too busy right now for a relationship, this shit isn't working out."

"Oh, so you only wanted me to come by to suck you off? You're a fake motherfucker!" Des threw her lipstick at me, but it missed and bounced off the wall with the lid flying. "And I was lying, you look old and your music sucks!

"You fucking done?!" I raised my voice trying to convince her to leave me alone before I lose my shit. "Crazy bitch."

"No, I ain't fucking done!" She started rummaging for more shit to throw at me as I rose from my chair. "I love you, Marshall! I wanted to spend every moment I have with you!"

"Desiree, this is fucking stupid! We've only known each other for a few months, it's not like we're even that serious." I stood firmly trying to shuffle her out.

"Marshall! What about us?!"

"Get the fuck out of here Des! Don't make it more than it was. We're not together no more."

I made sure to watch my fucking little slut get in her car and screech the tires peeling out of the parking lot of Heaven (my recording studio) to affirm she was gone, then announced to everyone to not let her on the premises anymore. No sooner had Desiree's pass been deactivated when Paul's Mercedes pulled in the lot. I knew he was gonna have a bullshit line of questioning concerning my requests for my new Nike project.

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