Cause We Need a Little Controversy

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Sabrina POV

My eyes groggily peeped open after getting just a mere hour or two of slumber. I smiled when I realized my muscles still ached from last night, then got lost fantasizing about Marshall and I making love all over his suite. At first, he was so sexy and tender, peeling my clothes slowly from my body, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms. Then, our dopamine started pumping as it turned to passionate, animalistic pleasure. Multiple orgasms are a rare art that I had never experienced until the day I was with Marshall Mathers. Before, I would finish once if I really concentrated, maybe twice on my birthday. When I'm with Marshall, he makes me cum over and over then in half an hour he's ready to go again. We've felt an intense sexual force connecting us together since the day we met and that feeling has never faded.

"Mmm..." Marshall wrapped his arms around me as he woke and ran his beard against my cheek before kissing my temple, "I love waking up like this."

"I know, me too. I love you honey." I turned my head to kiss his lips.

"I love you too." He checked his phone quickly then tossed it to the side, "I still got a few minutes." He wrapped his arms tighter around me, "You staying for the show tonight?"

"Yes. I leave tomorrow morning." I quietly admitted.

We both laid there silently for a moment in the realization that this warm feeling that had overtaken us was only going to last for another mere twenty-four hours before we would be separated again. I knew I loved Marshall. I knew I wanted us to build our lives together, but I wasn't exactly sure how that would work. He would never consider moving to Oregon for any length of time because of his daughters being in Detroit.

"So, tag, you're it!" I playfully slapped his chest, "When are you coming to visit me again?"

"I don't know baby, but it's going to be soon. And you got a car still sitting in my garage that needs to be driven. You need to come home to Detroit." I giggled and Marshall turned me in his arms to kiss my forehead and look in my eyes, "Let's not worry about it today. We only have a short amount of time together Sabrina and I intend on enjoying every minute of it."

And that's what we did. We had mind-blowing morning sex before making it to soundcheck with me on Marshall's arm, we ate together in his dressing room, I watched him get dressed, place his chain around his neck and lace up his Nikes. Then I watched from backstage as Marshall put on another extraordinary show as the crowd roared. It was so exciting to be Marshall Mathers' girlfriend! When the moment came to say goodbye, it was sad, but there were no tears. We both knew we were doing what was necessary in our careers.

3 months later...

Marshall and I continued to take turns traveling to each other's city about every other week. Even when we were apart, we were at the point in our relationship where we texted "Good Morning" every day and spoke on the phone each night. Sometimes we had phone sex, but there was nothing like the real thing. He even sent roses to my work a few times and I told my colleagues they were from my boyfriend, but I didn't dare speak his name.

Hailie and I went out to lunch one of the weekends I was in Detroit, and she told me how she appreciates me being in her father's life and how he talks about me to her a lot apparently. I put her mind at ease and honestly admitted that Marshall makes me very happy. I had met all of Marshall's family a few times by now and continued to bond with his daughters. They are genuine, good people just like Marshall himself. I had quite a collection of my clothes there at Marshall's place by now, and my dog had made himself right at home. It was Thanksgiving, and my boyfriend had convinced me to spend it with him and his family in Detroit instead of back home in Pennsylvania. My family was less than understanding.

My niece shouted at me over the phone, "You never told me you weren't coming! Now I'm going to have to face her alone!"

"Coco, it was a last-minute decision to spend the holiday with my boyfriend's family. And I didn't even think you would be there; you haven't spoken to your mother this whole time."

"I still talk to Grammy. And she says she has some stuff for the baby." She sounded sad.

"Oh." I ran my fingertips over Marshall's watch collection as I stood in our bedroom examining his bling, "Well, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. You're a big girl. You should've taken care of this months ago."

I reassured my niece and tried desperately to get her off the phone as I watched from the bedroom window while car after car arrived in Marshall's driveway. I spent another twenty minutes prepping Coco for what my sister might say to her before I could freshen up and make my way downstairs. I hoped none of Marshall's family thought I was being rude and ignoring them. Maybe I should have gone home for the holiday.

I noticed that everyone was taking their places around the table when I descended the stairs, "Hello, I'm so sorry I was taking long, I had some family business to attend to." I smiled and waved my hand in a general greeting to Marshall's family seated around the table.

"Everything aight?" he asked gently as he scooped some stuffing onto my plate.

"It's fine." I told a white lie, then started obsessing about what was going on with my own family at the Thanksgiving meal back home at that very moment.

All three of Marshall's daughters were there and their boyfriends. His brother Nate and his wife and three kids were in attendance. There was also an aunt whom I had never met before and a guy who I learned was Laney's brother, but not Hailie's. I didn't understand all the dynamics exactly, and I didn't want to be nosy and ask. I just understood that everyone here was family, and Marshall has a truly loving heart under his tough demeanor. Early in our relationship, Marshall shared with me that two of his daughters were adopted and that spoke volumes to me. They all welcomed and accepted me with open arms.

We hadn't even finished the meal, when my phone started blowing up, but it wasn't my niece this time. It was my sister Diana. I didn't know what happened between the two of them, and I didn't care. I'm a grown-ass woman, I have my own life. I ignored my phone vibrating on the table and smiled at Marshall. When we finished, we started clearing our plates to the kitchen and Marshall placed a few desserts on the table.

"Maybe you should get that." He said when my phone rang for a third time.

I felt ridiculous showing up to the dinner table last and being the first to get up to take a phone call, but it had to be important. The shit was probably hitting the fan back home. I excused myself and made my way out of the dining room, through the kitchen, and stood in the living room in front of the huge fireplace to take the call. Whatever it was must have been important, but I didn't understand why it was imperative to speak immediately. Ghost cocked his head from his kennel when I put it on speaker to hear my sister screaming.

"How could you not tell me she's pregnant?! She said you've known the entire pregnancy! What kind of sister are you? That's the same as lying."

Ghost barked and I went over to pat his head, "Diana, calm down. Coco is an adult now. She makes her own decisions."

"There's no way in hell she can care for a child! She has no fucking clue, her boyfriend's a bum. I don't even know where they're living!"

My dog was full on screeching now in his cage, going nuts. He wasn't used to hearing such excitement and banter.

"See? Maybe that's why she didn't tell you!" I tried to keep my voice down, "All you ever do is talk shit and lower her confidence. It's Courtney's decision if she wants to share it with you or not. I guess she has her reasons."

Diana scoffed, "You haven't been home in a long time Sabrina! She's addicted!"

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