I Can Show You How I Live in a Lil' Bit

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Sabrina POV

It felt as though I was floating on air when I woke up for the second day in a row in Marshall Mathers bed. He held me all night while I slept, and I knew things were different between us now. I used to be a little nervous when I thought about how famous and how powerful Marshall was, but it melted away when we became close like this. I didn't know what the future held between us; I just knew I had the most amazing weekend of my life. Marshall held me for a little until his phone started pinging and he got up to get dressed.

"My daughter's here." He pulled his joggers over his naked ass.

"Oh, shit! What should I do?" I whisper-yelled.

Marshall pulled me in to smack my lips with his, "Just chill. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I laid there for a while unsuccessfully trying to fall back asleep. The sound of Marshall's voice faintly echoed from downstairs when I rose from bed to make my way to the bathroom to wash off and pull one of his big, bulky t-shirts over my head. I felt a little creepy but tiptoed across the huge bedroom to carefully open the door and take my time inching down the hall. I positioned myself perfectly to have a clear view overlooking the living room from the balcony above. I recognized the young woman as Marshall's daughter Hailie.

"These are damn good grades." He was saying to her as he held a paper in his hands.

"Thanks dad, this means I made the Dean's list again! I might even be able to graduate early."

"That's amazing honey, you make me so proud." He pulled her in for a deep hug. "I love you Hai, I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too Dad." She smiled into his shoulder.

I felt like I was intruding and made my way back to Marshall's room to allow them their privacy. It wasn't but a few minutes when he returned to me sitting in the bed playing on my phone.

"She just left." He announced. "Hailie wanted to show me her grades, she's doing so great."

"That's awesome. It must be because she has such an attentive father."

Marshall tried to hide a smile for a second then leaned over the bed for a kiss, "I gotta go wash my balls."

I awkwardly watched as he did this weird thing where he got naked, then stood in the jacuzzi tub to suds up his area and rinsed off under the water. I almost fell over from laughing so hard while he looked over at me and grinned.

"Oh my god!" I wiped my tears from laughter, "I've never seen anyone do that before."

"I don't need a full shower, I just needed to rinse off." He dried his junk off before pulling on shorts and a t-shirt.

"Well, I guess I'm going to go back to my place for the afternoon. I have plans I have to skim through for work, and I want to find a place to get my nails filled."

"Baby don't go yet," He kissed me, "You haven't even seen the downstairs yet. C'mon I'll show you."


"You have a whole gym in your house?!"

I couldn't believe everything that was in his basement. It wasn't even a basement; it was like a whole other home downstairs. He had a videogame room, home studio, a billiards room, a family room, a hot tub, shower, and a gym. Marshall led us through the equipment as I stared on in awe. He sat down on the bench to straddle it and pull down the weight as his muscles rippled. I felt honored that he even allowed me down here.

"You're so sexy Marshall." I ran my hands over his biceps.

"Yeah? You think so?" His eyes smiled.

"Of course. I can tell you spend a lot of time working out, you're so strong." I sat down on the workout bench straddling him as he let go of the weight to put his arms around me and start nibbling on my neck. "Marshall...Marshall" I tried to pry his lips from my jugular. "Marshall, what's your relationship like with Kim?"

"Oh fuck, why'd you have to mention her right now?"

"If I'm going to be with you, I'd like to know a little about your past as well. I'm not trying to be nosy, but if I'm to be your girlfriend, I'd like to know about your ex."

"What do you want to know?"

"I don't know, will she jump me if I happen to run into her?"

He shrugged, "I don't fucking know, that bitch is crazy."

I scoffed, "Well that's not very reassuring."

He smiled, "Nah, I'm kidding. I think Kim knows better than that. She would just get herself into even more trouble that she don't fucking need."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that.

"And no, I'm not in love with her. I don't even see her anymore. There's no reason to, the kids are grown now."

"That's good to know." He pulled me in close to hug my whole body for a second, "Marshall, there's another side to you."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I haven't met your children, but I know you're a really great dad. I can tell. I'd love to meet them one day."

"And you will."

We both smiled at each other for a beat, "Well I guess I should get going..."

I tried to get up to make my way out of there for the day, but Marshall pulled me back down to grip me to him, "When will I see you again?"

"I don't know, sometime this week."

"I wanna see you now." He ran his hands under my shirt clutching me to him as he gave me a rough, hungry kiss.

We just did it a few hours ago, but when he ripped my shirt from my body, then peeled his t-shirt over his head, and pressed our bodies together, I couldn't wait to feel him inside me again. Our kissing became heated quite quickly, his hands wriggling my joggers to the floor. Marshall whipped me around to lay me on my back, but it was awkward, and my legs were clumsily lopsided. It wasn't mind-blowing good as I knew it could be.

"Here, turn me around!" I pushed him back a little.

Marshall watched wide-eyed as I swung my naked leg over the workout bench and bent over it to pop my ass into the air. Marshall came up behind me to take both titties in his hands and squeezed my nipples in his fingers making me all fucking wet while I felt his hard dick poking into my ass. Our physical connection is insane. It's like Marshall knows exactly where and how I want to be touched. We both moaned into the sensation as he slid his dick inside me, his firm frame smacked against my ass until we came together once more. 

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