I Don't Stand for That Shit

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Sabrina POV

I walked into that meeting feeling a calmness I'd never known. The way Marshall held me and whispered in my ear that he'd see me in a little right before I entered gave me confidence. I clicked my heels through the hallway and took a seat at the conference table adjacent to Mr. Reynolds. I'm not allowed to tell anyone what went on at that meeting, I only design and execute production of Nike Sport Apparel.

I do not enjoy politics, but I understood that our country was currently in a crisis and if I was ever given an opportunity to voice my opinion, I would speak loud and clear. I do not think politics belongs anywhere in my job as a fashion designer, I just enjoy art and symmetry. However, I do believe that people have a right to their beliefs and agree that there is a police brutality problem in America that must be addressed. And if I were ever called into a confidential meeting at my job and asked my opinion, I would say that all people are allowed to express themselves however they want whether it's through fashion, through hip hop, or even through protesting. That's why I got into fashion in the first place, people can define themselves however they want. I'll always support people who have the balls to fight for their beliefs.

Heidi briskly caught up with me, "Thanks so much for backing me in there. I feel very passionately about this, I couldn't just sit back and say nothing."

"Of course, I understand. I feel the same way. No one should be censored."

Marshall's Escalade pulled up with his window down and music blaring, "Hey sexy!"

Heidi and I said goodbye and she waved in Marshall's direction before she hopped in her car. My energy was as I was walking on air when I exited that meeting, I knew we were right in the middle of something that was about to go down in history. I was so thrilled to be a part of it. I grinned wildly when I hopped in Marshall's SUV. He didn't question me about the meeting, but instead blared some old song of Biggie's.

I turned the volume down, "So, where are we going?"

"Back to your place. I figured we could start moving all your shit out so you can stay in Detroit."

"Marshall..." I tried to soften this as much as I could for him, "There's no guarantee that I'm going to stay in Detroit permanently. It makes sense for right now, but I'd like to still have my place here in Oregon to go back to if I choose."

I could tell my words didn't suit him as his expression became cold and silent, turning the dial to blare hip hop throughout the car. I stared out the window trying not to let him see my hurt face. Somehow, Marshall seemed to know exactly where he was going as he got off at the exit to my apartment then got in the lane to make a left. I felt like I had to say something to make the echoes of our conversation disappear from my mind.

"It's right over th- "

"I know where it fucking is." He muttered as he zoomed around the curve in the road and made a hard right to turn into the lot of my building.

We entered my apartment which never really felt like home to me. Nike had provided relocation assistance for me to move across the country and the plan was for Brandon to sell our home and then buy a new one here in Oregon. That plan was now a broken dream. My place was basic, no frills, just a plain small apartment. My kitchen remained without table or chairs, but still had my succulents lined around the window.

"You Dr. Greenthumb?" Marshall asked as he slowly entered, taking in all my foliage.

"Kinda." I closed the door quietly and stood there watching Marshall gawk at my makeshift greenhouse.

He stepped closer to the mantle to study the pictures of my family and friends. That didn't even feel like my life anymore. I hadn't seen my family in over six months and all my closest friends were having babies; they didn't have time to talk. I miss my family; I miss that life I used to live. Everything around me was always changing but I truly enjoyed every minute. I adored my job; I loved my time with Marshall.

"What's this?" Marshall pointed to the vase that was still neatly placed next to a mini-Eiffel tower.

"That's uh, a thing I got in France."

"Nike sent you to France too?!"

"No, it wasn't for work. Nike isn't big in ole Pari'." I smiled and rubbed some of the dust off with my pointer finger.

"Was it with him?"

He seemed annoyed as I silently nodded.

"That bothers you? I had a life before you Marshall, ya know?"

"If you're not with him anymore then why the fuck you still have it up?"

"Because it's beautiful." I continued to shine it up using a paper towel and lined it up with my other décor. "I don't even associate it with my ex. It's not like he got it for me, I bought it while out sightseeing by myself. He was back at the hotel asleep."

I shrugged as Marshall calmed down a bit, but I could tell it still bothered him. He was trying so hard to hide it. It seems that Marshall Mathers has a jealous streak. I rested my hands around his neck to put him at ease.

"I can take it down if you want me to, but it really doesn't have any symbolism to my marriage for me. I was with Brandon for a long time, but we never had the passion that you and I have. You don't have anything to worry about baby."

Marshall leaned down to kiss me, but it didn't feel right. He was still cold.

"Whatever Bri."

"Ugh! But not that...don't call me Bri! Please, don't ever call me Bri!"

There wasn't any food in the house, so we decided to step out for a bite to eat but there was no conversation in the car. I don't know why the whole vibe was still off.

"Marshall why are you acting so weird?"

He stayed quiet and spoke an annoyed, "I'm not fucking weird!" but that wasn't true.

"Baby, don't be like that." I scooted over to nuzzle up to him, "I'm so excited to spend some time together here in Oregon, let's not ruin it."

My sleek nails ran up his inner thigh as he tried to hide his smile behind his mesmerizing eyes.

"Watchu trying to do to me?" He leaned in for a kiss.

"Eyes on the wheel! Focus!" I teased his cock with my fingertips while I slowly ran my tongue against his ear before whispering, "You're the only one I want baby, you're the only man I think about."

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