Love Tap

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Marshall POV

I sat outback on the patio of the mansion of the legend Rick Rubin. This was my second album that he is the executive producer for, and his house was on beautiful grounds in upstate New York while Sabrina stayed two hours away for some work meetings in the city. Nike was paying for her expenses, but I set her up in a place I had in Midtown which isn't far from her job. I made sure she had everything she needed until I got back to her. I even made a phone call to a pet store and had a bunch of shit delivered for Ghost. We were spending three nights away from each other and I thought about Sabrina every moment we were apart.

Sabrina barely paid attention to me on the plane ride here. She kissed me goodbye before we parted ways, but something was still off. I guess she was feeling some type of way about my ex-wife, and I couldn't blame her. I only wanted to be with Sabrina, but I know I don't always treat her right. I'm constantly paranoid that she's being sneaky, and she doesn't deserve that because I know she's an honest person. There's no reason for me to think any differently, Sabrina's always kept it real with me. I'm being a fucking hypocrite.

Skylar came out to join me on the porch. Me and Skylar dated back in the day, but for the past six or seven years, it's all been professional. She was helping produce a song on the new album and doing some vocals. Thankfully it wasn't a bitter breakup, and we were still able to talk. She's the only ex I've ever been able to remain on a friendship level. We could still make music together without shit being weird.

"Finished! That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would." Skylar announced as she took a seat next to me and smiled when she took her phone out, "I wanna get home so bad; I just met this guy, and I can't wait to see him again. I bet you're eager to get home to see your girl too, right?"

My eyes looked up to meet hers, "How you know I got a girl?"

Skylar raised an eyebrow and shrugged, "You've looked at your phone like, a gazillion times in the studio. And I don't know, you seem different. Happier. You got that new love glow about you."

I gave a little laugh before I spilled my guts, "Yeah, I got a girl. She's amazing. I met her at Nike, she's a designer there."

Skyler's eyes widened, "Are you serious? That's awesome."

"Her name's Sabrina and she's intelligent, she's hilarious. She's hot as fuck." I showed Skyler the picture of Sabrina as my screensaver, and she nodded in approval.

"She's very pretty. I'm happy for you." She smiled genuinely.

"We basically just spent the entire summer together."

"That's great!"

"Well, I don't know. We got a," I paused trying to come up with the words, "a weird thing going on right now. And now I got two songs about Kim on this new album, she's right I do still talk about that bitch way too fucking much."

"Oh Marshall! Are you fucking it up?"

"No!" I scoffed, "You're so fucking blunt."

"Someone needs to be. I guarantee you, you're the one who's making it weird." She pointed over at me when she said it.

"No." I stayed quiet for a second cuz I knew she was right, "I love her Skylar. Like, I'm fucking in love with the girl. She's different. Polished. Sabrina's this rare individual."

"Ok. So, what's wrong?"

"Well..." I thought for a moment, "There was this one time that I accused her of having feelings for her ex-husband or whatever because of some dumb fucking vase on her fireplace, which I know, is stupid. Then the other day we was at the crib and when the girls came over, Kim walked right in like she fucking owned the place."

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