You a Catch and I Caught You

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Marshall POV

I watched Sabrina brushing her teeth and splashing the sleep out of her eyes while bopping her head to Biggie blaring from her phone. I started to recognize the fact that I could get used to this shit. I watched her dress in a pair of my sweats and a hoodie I gave her which were far too big on her, and she looked cute as shit. I didn't realize how much I missed Sabrina in the past week. I was excited as fuck just to have her in my vicinity.

Sabrina went back to her apartment for the afternoon to get herself together for our date later that night. She didn't have anything at my place since I basically kidnapped her ass from work to fly her back to Detroit. I had to make sure she didn't leave me again. Sabrina told me she never wanted to get married, so I could feel better about being with her if that pressure was already off the table. I decided to truly pursue her.

I had a couple hours to kill, so I found myself working out downstairs in my gym. If I was going to keep seeing my girl, I wanted to keep looking good for her. I pumped my biceps noticing that they even had scratch marks on them from last night. I grinned to myself while I fantasized about last night. I loved how Sabrina clung to me so hard when she thrusted her body against mine. My mind went to her sucking my dick, and I started to get hard all over again. I was planning on not even touching her last night, but she needed me as badly as I needed her. We both knew that what we found together couldn't be duplicated with anyone else. I never had sex like that before in my life, it had to be with Sabrina.

It took an eternity for 7 o'clock to roll around, but when it was finally time to pick her up for our night together, Sabrina looked sexy as fuck! She was wearing white jeans with a purple strapless top and matching purple heels. Her haired flowed fucking perfectly over her shoulders and she was glowing. I hoped she liked me as much as I liked her. Making this a real relationship might be a difficult task, but I was willing to try.

I took her to a place I knew well with a private dining room, so we had seclusion. I got a steak and made fun of her for ordering chicken tenders. Her giggle was crazy. I felt so good making her laugh, that she could be happy-go-lucky in front of me. We spent the evening talking about a great range of topics. We talked about hip hop and music in general, then our conversation turned to politics, and we discovered that we shared the same views and the same exact beliefs, which is basically that this orange motherfucker is fucking up our country. Then we talked about sneakers and what her next week at work would entail. Sabrina's role in the production of the Carhartt's would only take about a month. I had to have another project waiting in the wings to make absolutely positive she'd stay put here in Detroit.

"You're fucking beautiful tonight." I skimmed her figure with my eyes as we walked outside to the back of the building.

"You're not so bad yourself."

It was nighttime now, dark out and quiet with no one around. Sabrina slipped her heels off before we walked through a meadow behind the restaurant down to a stream that flowed at the edge of the property. It was next to the woods, and the insects made a symphony out of their chirping. Things were different between us now; I could feel it. We walked by the water for a bit holding hands under a perfectly starlit sky.

"Brr..." Sabrina ran her hands over her bare shoulders.

"Here baby."

I took my leather jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. My hands went under it to pull Sabrina to me by the small of her back to kiss her there under the stars. I ran my beard over the soft skin of her chest to inhale her scent then kissed up her neck before leaning into Sabrina's lips again. We made out for a long time there by the water, a half hour or so. We had our privacy, and the scene was ill romantic. I had to thank Porter for the idea. I never took girls out like this or worried about dumb shit like pretty scenery before.

"I could do this all night." I said against her lips.

My girl's smile was so beautiful in that lighting, "I know, me too." It quietly escaped her mouth as she drew it to mine once more and ran her hands over the back of my head. I loved how she scraped her nails on my scalp, then held my face in her hand to stroke my beard with her thumb. I was never with a chick who got me so turned on just from kissing before. I knew she could feel my pants bulging against her when my hands moved from the small of her back down to her ass to cup it in my palms and kiss her harder.

"C'mon baby. Let's go home."


I leaned over to give Sabrina a sincere kiss before we entered my crib, "Go upstairs and make yourself comfortable baby. I'll be right there."

I roamed around the house making sure everything was locked and the alarm was on. I turned off the lights and fucked with the thermostat for a minute to give Sabrina a few minutes to get situated before getting out my phone to turn it to the playlist I'd made earlier in the week just for an occasion like this. I didn't know if I'd ever work up the balls to play it for her, but the mood was set. Tonight, was our fucking night!

Sabrina lay under the covers on her stomach when I opened the bedroom door and put my phone on the dresser. I took my jewelry off before peeling my t-shirt from my body. My dick twitched when I pulled the sheet down a bit to reveal Sabrina wasn't wearing a stitch of clothing. I gently peeled the fabric completely from her body revealing her plump round ass and I instantly wanted to make her cum so hard.

"Mm..." I rubbed over her bare back, kneading her shoulders, then bent down to slowly kiss the back of her neck. It caused her to shiver, and my dick to get fully hard. "You want me to give you a massage baby?"

Sabrina let out some kind of pleasant inaudible moan which I took as a "yes", so I pressed play to my playlist before I began kneading her shoulders. I rubbed on her neck and down her back paying attention to each place I touched that she told me how amazing it felt. Sabrina giggled at the spiky tickling sensation of my beard while I was kissing on her neck, and I laughed too until I ran my hands under her to cup her titties and play with her nipples turning the massage into sheer pleasure. I sat behind Sabrina to massage her ass and squeeze it fiercely in my hands before I bent down to bite into it like a peach. She squirmed eagerly beneath me and flipped over to her back as my fingers found their way to her sweet, wet pussy. I circled around her clit before I dipped my middle finger into her wetness, watching intently as her head slowly rested back on the pillow while she relished in pleasure, her eyes gently closed while she moaned.

My cock grew so fucking huge as I squeezed the life out of Sabrina's titties to lose my face in between them and I was proud of its size. She reached down to pump my dick in her fist a few times, then lightly ran her fingernails up and down my shaft. I was so turned on I was shaking, my heart was pounding, and I fucking loved it. She was the most beautiful fucking sight I had ever seen in my life, and I was so fucking horny I couldn't believe it. I don't usually bring chicks home to my bed like this, but this girl is different. So different.

"I want you so fucking bad baby." I managed right as I spread her legs to ease myself inside her. It hit so right as I slid through her juices watching her close her eyes and wrap herself around me tighter.

"Fuck me Marshall..." She slowly whispered by my ear, and I picked up the pace a little groaning heavily at the overwhelming sensation. Each of our breathing became erratic, our excitement was building up while we reveled in each other's pleasure. My hand wandered to her thigh, then back to her ass to pull her body closer around me. Each breath felt better than the last, and I know it felt every bit as good to Sabrina as it did to me. We both came so hard at the exact same moment in a way I'd never quite experienced before.

I slowly slid myself out of her to collapse my sweaty ass onto the bed with Sabrina snuggling into my arms. I itched my head to perspiration dripping from the workout we just had. I pulled her in tighter against me to feel her heart beating so rapidly. She definitely didn't fake that shit. I didn't know why I couldn't stop smiling as I felt our breathing rising and falling together to return to normal while I stroked her back.

I played with her hair until we had both calmed down, "That was like...some love-making shit.".

"Yeah, it's definitely intense." She sounded sleepy.

We laid there in the darkness for a while until I noticed her breathing was steady, and I pointed my eyes down to stare at her sleeping in my arms. She looked so beautiful, and our connection was undeniable, which is something I've never come across before. This shit is fucking crazy.          

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