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Marshall POV

I pleasantly woke up to a mind-blowing blowjob from Sabrina; I could get used to this shit! It scared the fuck out of me that we would be doing the long-distance relationship thing for a while due to both of our hectic work schedules, but I was so proud to call this woman my girl. Why'd I have to fall in love with this chick? I'd be missing Sabrina the entire time I was in Europe, and I was gonna be mad busy with rehearsals all next week with hardly any free time. I didn't know if I would get to see Sabrina again before I left to go on tour since we wouldn't even be in the same state, but as I stared at her getting dressed for work, I felt like I could explode again. She wrapped a baby pink thong around her hips making it snap.

"Yo, why'd you have to make me fall in love with you?" I asked as she crawled over me in the bed to kiss me.

"I didn't think that would happen." She got up to slip on a gray t-shirt and zipped her ripped jeans, "But now that I have you, I feel like I could conquer the world."

Sabrina finished her look with a gray pair of Nike boots looking all fine and kissed me again before heading off to work. I wanted her to have a driver to get her there safely, but she insisted on taking the train. Sabrina was an independent woman and I loved that about her. She was only going to be gone for an hour or two anyway, it wasn't a full day's work. She said it was just a business lunch to schmooze over the customer.

I spent my morning on the phone with Hailie and had to hear how all the other parents would be attending parent's weekend at her university, including her mother. It was just another function I wouldn't be able to take part in because of my celebrity status. I couldn't hang out with my girlfriend because of work, I couldn't spend time with my daughter because of fame. It's times like this when I wonder if this rap shit is all worth it. My career has been amazing, but it would bring me some peace to blend in like everyone else.

I played with Ghost for a while, giving him breakfast while I waited for Sabrina to return. I found myself in an overwhelming sadness, I was about to be across the ocean for sixteen days without my kids or my girlfriend to keep me sane. My pathetic tears turned to straight bawling for a second when I squinted my eyes and fresh sobs escaped my mouth. Ghost jumped into my lap to start licking my face when he sensed my sorrow.

I quickly got myself together when I heard the jingle of keys and the door being unlocked. Sabrina entered the penthouse while having a conversation on the phone, and I quickly wiped my face before she could see me crying. Her loyal doggie ran to her feet and jumped for joy in the return of his beautiful owner. Sabrina bent down to pet him and hold him close, but she wasn't paying me no mind; she seemed too interested in her phone call. She was telling whoever it was that they had to be honest and take responsibility.

"Hey babe!" She kissed me when she hung up, "You'll never believe what just happened!"

I kissed her back, "Who was on the phone?"

"Oh, that was my niece. I'm going to see her tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I thought you were leaving for Oregon tomorrow."

"No, I have some family shit to take care of first in Pennsylvania well Jersey actually, but that's beside the point." She kicked off her shoes, took her hair down, and motioned for me to follow her back to the bedroom, "I'm so excited for this new project! Wait til you see it! It's gonna be fucking dope!"

She was so smiley and excited, and it rubbed off on me to see her so happy, "That's great baby, I can't wait to see you help it come to life."

"But look! They gave me this!" She reached into her big purse to pull out some sort of lanyard.

"What the fuck is it?" I leaned in to get a look.

"It's passes to that thing tonight; it's called The Diamond Ball. Kendrick Lamar is performing."

"Yeah, that's Rhianna's foundation, she's invited me before, but I'm not into the red-carpet thing."

"Well, I wanna go! It's good for networking, showing my face. I'm in the fourth row! But I don't have anything to wear to an event like that."

"I can get you a better seat than that." I stared into Sabrina's hopeful eyes for a moment then took my phone out to text Rhi, "Gimme a minute, I'll take you to The Diamond Ball tonight baby."


Sabrina didn't watch the performances from the fourth row that night. She watched it from backstage with me, rubbing shoulders with all types of important people! My girl looked gorgeous as always, but we kept it low key. Sabrina wore a purple cocktail dress as that was her best color. Her dark hair was straightened tonight, and she now had a few streaks of blond and red in the front. Her dress was off the shoulder and unbelievably stunning.

I wasn't performing with anyone that night cuz I wasn't there for that. I wanted to have a special night with Sabrina before we parted ways tomorrow to work on separate projects in differing states for our own individual careers. Usually, bitches I fucked with inevitably sponged off my success, but now that I had a woman who's capable of attaining her own goals, I didn't know how to handle it. I try not to be intimidated.

We finally made it into the backseat of the escalade to be driven home after another amazing night together, "Baby, thank you for always being discreet. As you already know, I'm a private person."

"It's ok, I understand Marshall."

Sabrina looked me in the eye, and I knew every word from her mouth was true.

"You're a very important person, I accept the fact that you don't like to make your presence known all the time. I actually enjoy the anonymity of it."

She surprised me with that, and I stared into her eyes intently as I stroked her hair, "You do?"

"Yes. Marshall, it feels good to keep what we have just between the two of us. And our closest friends and family of course, but..." She thought for a moment and brushed her fingertips over the ring I had given her, "I understand if you don't want fans knowing about me. This is for you and me. We don't need to share it with the world."

I felt tingles when she said that; I finally found a woman who understands me. Sabrina felt secure with me, and I was forever grateful. I teared up yet again that day. Being around Sabrina has turned me into such a softie. I slouched down to relax into the seat and pulled my girl into me. I wrapped my arms firmly around her and ran my nose over her hair, then pulled it to one side to run my lips over the back of her neck.

"Can I ask you something?"

Sabrina lightly nodded against me.

"What's with the no alcohol? You drank Sprite tonight. And other times I notice you drink some fancy iced tea, but never any booze."

"I don't feel the need to. Before I met you, I'd drink wine sometimes and I still sometimes have a margarita or a mimosa at brunch with the girls, but I noticed you never drink so I don't even feel like drinking when I'm around you either."

My eyes shined over at her response.


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