I Can Count on You

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Marshall POV

I couldn't face Sabrina while I was sick as fuck. While we were on the flight home, my nose became totally stuffed, my head was throbbing, and my stomach felt like it was about to release at any moment. It was still too soon for Sabrina to see me puke my fucking guts out; that would be humiliating. When we finally landed in Detroit, I barely said goodbye to Sabrina because I was so weak and dizzy. I felt like shit. The car ride back to the crib was a blur and upon arriving at my home I stumbled dizzily up the stairs, changed into basketball shorts, hurriedly closed the drapes to make the bedroom pitch black, and slept for the next day and a half. Paul was gonna pop a fucking artery with me being gone from work for an entire week.

I texted Sabrina a couple times when I finally got out of bed to tell her how sick I was and that I missed her. I wanted to invite her over, but I couldn't let her see me with my nose still all red and disgusting. I was a little better, but I was still laid up on the couch and would be no fun at all. I couldn't eat, I couldn't fuck. All I could do was sit around and feel like shit. I worried about what Sabrina was doing right now without me there. I really hope this girl wouldn't fuck me over and that she needed me half as much as I her.

"Here, at least try to eat this." Hailie handed me the frozen pizza that she nuked for me, "And no more Red Bull. You need to be drinking water."

"The Red Bull wakes me up, my muscles are still mad fatigued. It sucks." I sat up on the couch to try to take a bite of pizza.

"So, where's your girlfriend? Did she stay back in Oregon?"

"Nah, she's here in town. I texted her earlier to tell her how miserable I am." I glanced at my phone again, "Thanks for stopping over honey. This is my first time out of bed."

"Of course, Dad. You've always taken care of me when I'm sick." Hailie set the meds she brought over on the kitchen table, "So, tell me about her. Is she pretty? What's her name?"

"Oh my god, she's gorgeous and her name's Sabrina, but I don't just like her for her looks. There's a lot more to her than that." I moaned as I pushed the pizza away and laid back on the couch.

I was glad Hailie kept asking questions about my girl because it was a subject I loved talking about lately. I hoped Sabrina wasn't pissed at me. She could clearly see on the plane that I was sick; she knew I wasn't just avoiding her for the past two days. Actually, it has been three days now. I couldn't even fucking keep track of time. I know Sabrina has always kept it real with me, but I've been fucked over by so many bitches it's hard to believe that this won't turn out the same way. This thing with me and Sabrina is a little different because she's a professional woman. I've never dated someone of her stature before.

Hailie and I sat there in silence watching TV and I pulled my hoodie back on. I couldn't decide if I was hot or cold. I glanced at my phone to check if Sabrina had responded yet to no avail, but there was a text from my manager reminding of all my commitments coming up. My girl should have finished up at work by now so maybe she went to the gym. I didn't want to invite her over just yet, she was far too beautiful to see me still like this, but I planned on asking her to come over sometime during the weekend if I continued to get better. A lite knock sounded at the door and my daughter rose to answer it.

"It's Paul." I called after her. "He's supposed to be stopping by for this thing."

I waited for Baldy's annoying speech about my obligations and to start giving me shit about not being around all week, but then I heard Hailie's sweet voice cheerily greeting Sabrina! I almost forgot, I put her on the list for security so she wouldn't have to wait for me to be beeped in anymore. I was relieved to see her, but I just wanted to hide because I knew I was in bad shape, so I sat up straight trying to look as normal as possible.

"Hey Marshall!" Sabrina looked like a deer in headlights from awkwardly meeting my daughter at the door and not knowing what to say. "How you feeling?"

"Better, now that you're here."

"I brought you some soup from that place across from my work." She walked slowly to me on the couch, and I reached for her hand to draw her into me.

"Aw, babe. That's sweet." I pecked her cheek and Hailie stood there staring with a toothy grin plastered on her face.

"Well, I can get going if you want. I guess I should have called." Sabrina began to get up, but I stopped her.

"Baby, you're my girlfriend. You don't need to call first. I want you here."

"Really? I mean, I didn't want to just barge in."

Hailie cut in, "Of course! Dad was just saying how much he missed you!"

Sabrina looked at me, then at Hailie, then back at me again.

"Sorry, I didn't properly introduce you two. Sabrina, this is my daughter Hailie. Hailie, this is my girlfriend, Sabrina."

Sabrina stood up to address Hailie in a friendly demeanor, "I'm sorry, I didn't know if your dad had told you about me yet, so I was unsure how to introduce myself when you opened the door. I'm glad to meet you. He talks about you all the time."

"Aw, he talks about you too!" Hailie's eyes sparkled as she spoke, "He told me you work for Nike, that you're the one who designed his sneaker."

"That's right, I am."

"That's amazing!"

I was happy as hell that the two of them seemed to hit it off straight away, it made me feel good. I knew Hailie loved every minute of this because she so badly wanted me to be in a happy relationship. I was happy as fuck that Sabrina came over to see if I was alright. I tried to adjust myself on the couch and reached for a tissue to blow my nose which reminded me that I was a disgusting, red-nosed, chapped-lipped mess.

The door sounded once more, and Hailie went to answer. This time it was Paul. Hailie told us that she had some date to go on with the boyfriend and left, so she didn't really get to spend a lot of time with Sabrina. That's ok though, we'll set something up once I get fully better. I should have my daughters over for one last swim before summer is over. If I'm going to be with this woman, my daughters must approve.

"Oh, so you're really sick." Paul's burly voice boomed as he joined Sabrina and I in the living room.

"What'd you think I was fucking lying?"

"Well, I thought maybe you took a couple extra days off to be with Sabrina here." He joked as he nodded in her direction.

"Oh, I wish!" I yelled from the couch, blowing my nose once more.

"Good to see you again Paul." Sabrina smiled tenderly, "I didn't know if you'd remember me."

"Are you kidding me? Marshall here wouldn't let anyone forget who you are."

Paul was already wearing out his welcome. I still felt like shit, I wasn't into talking, I just wanted to chill. I was so fucking happy that my girl stopped by to check up on me and bring me soup even if I did look like a zombie. She could just sit here with me and watch a movie; I didn't feel like worrying about work shit. And I definitely wasn't expecting Sabrina to meet my daughter and my friend/manager both in one night.

"Ok, what do you want man? I wanna be left alone with my woman."

"Marshall, the trip to New York was supposed to be next week, but I'm gonna push it back. I think you need some time to get your shit together more."

"I do! I need a week, maybe two. I got a lot of songs though."

"Yeah, you said. Ok. I'll set it up with Rick. That shouldn't be a problem. I know he'd set aside everything he's doing to work with you." He dapped me up and said goodbye to Sabrina, "Alright then, just wanted to touch base. I got a plane to catch. See ya next week."

Paul exited and I got up to take some medicine. At least I was upright, but my head hurt like a motherfucker. I had to go take a shower and brush my teeth. I can't believe I'm allowing Sabrina to see me like this!     

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