Spend Some Time

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Marshall POV

AN: I want to make it clear that I in no way know the circumstances of the Kim Mathers situation, but I realized that this was happening in this time period. It's simply my version of what took place.

And thank you so much for helping this story reach over 3K views!

Marshall POV

I sat there at the studio trying to get some work done but kept obsessing about Sabrina. She was all I could think about! The way I fucked her yesterday bent over the couch was better than any shit I had before. I wouldn't even call our sex fucking, I made love to my girl the way I licked down her spine, played with her pussy until she came. She was so fucking wet, and I loved it. The girl drives me fucking crazy!

I was starting to get hard at work just from thinking about it, I had to listen to another beat to distract myself. My thoughts soon enough turned to something that had nothing to do with Sabrina or our relationship continuing to heat up. Paul called to tell me that Kim hadn't been passing her drug tests. I paid for her lawyer which is the same guy I'd been using for years; he was the best attorney in Detroit. He was the one who represented me when I pistol whipped that bouncer. I took care of everything for Kim making sure it wasn't leaked to the public and the bitch still has the nerve to get high. She just doesn't learn her lesson.

Underneath it all, I will always have a soft spot for Kim. Not romantically, but as the mother of my kids and as someone who still has the same sickness I once had, which is addiction. Kim would get better for a few months and sometimes years, but she always would return to her old patterns and get herself into trouble. I wished so bad that she could get better for herself and for the kids, but so far, she always fails at getting clean.

Paul informed me, "Yeah, so for the past nine months there was nothing. Kim's been going to counseling, laying low. Now suddenly this is the third test that's shown up dirty. She's going to have to go back to court for violating probation."

"I'm so sick of her thinking she's above the law." I admitted then sighed. "Ok, set up a meeting and I'll take care of it."

"You know, Kim's not your responsibility anymore Marshall. Your ex-wife is a grown woman; she can take care of her own legal representation."

"I know man, but I feel like some of her fucked up behavior is my fault. I feel bad for her. Besides, it's none of your business Paul."

"Whatever Marshall." I could tell Paul was displeased. "Anyway, how's it going with the other one? The Nike girl. You still obsessed with her? You didn't chase her away already, right?"

"What wit Sabrina? Nah man, things are awesome. She's levelheaded; we work well together. The Carhartt is almost finished, Sabrina reports her progress to me weekly."

"No but I mean outside of work." There was a long pause. "I just want to be sure that you stay in Nike's good graces."

I was annoyed, "Why would I not be? I just told you, everything's awesome between Sabrina and me."

"Yeah, well I think you and I have different definitions of awesome Marshall."

It pissed me off that Paul still treated me like a child sometimes, but I guess he had his reasons. He doesn't understand why I still take care of Kim and he doesn't need to. That's my business. Sabrina is nothing like Kim. Sabrina has confidence, she has wit. She's everything my ex wasn't. I didn't know if I should tell Sabrina about this. When she asked about Kim, I told her we don't even talk anymore which is totally true, but I didn't mention our agreement with me helping her out with her legal troubles from her DUI last year.

I invited Sabrina over after work and I planned to be totally transparent with her. I didn't know if she would blow up at me, but Sabrina didn't seem like the jealous type. When I looked out the window to see her pulling up my drive, she looked so fucking cute. Pink and black camo pants and pink tank top. I was so proud to call this woman my girl. When she got out to give me a hug, her sweet scent permeated my senses.

"I missed you." I pulled her tighter, "How was your day?"

"Better now that I'm with you."

I wound my arm around her waist as we walked inside the house then picked her up to take her straight to the bedroom. I don't know what it was about Sabrina; I still got excited every time I saw her. I'm not normally like this, but ever since I've met Sabrina, I have had the libido of a teenager. I knew she felt the same about me. There's some things your body just can't hide. Sabrina was probably fantasizing about me at work all day too because she was so wet and ready for me. I loved having a girlfriend to come home to and give it to me real raw after work. I made her cum three times. Our sexual connection was insane.

It was already getting dark outside when we finished. We got a shower together then found our way downstairs for something to eat. Sabrina sat at the island looking cute as fuck with her hair twisted up in a towel while wearing one of my t-shirts and basketball shorts. I kissed her quickly before I started whipping up grilled cheese. I kept staring at her out of the corner of my eye noticing how beautiful she was with no makeup.

"I got something to tell you." She beamed brightly so I knew it was good.

"Yeah? I got something I need to talk to you about too." I mentioned hesitantly.


"You first." I nodded at her.

"Well, I thought they were going to send me back to Oregon for a while, but they're not."

I shrugged, "That's dope."

"They're sending me to New York City instead."

I looked up, "I'm about to fly to New York to record with Rick in like five days!"

"I know!" She came up to wrap her hands around my neck and kissed my cheek sweetly, "So, I thought we could spend some time."

"That's amazing." I gave her a sincere kiss, "We'll have so much fun together. I have a place in Manhattan so you can just crash there. Bring Ghost."

"Ok." She stared at me with anticipation, "What's your news?"

"Oh. Right. My news isn't nearly as exciting as yours." I started slowly and took a seat, "I'm gonna have to see my ex just for a little bit. I take care of all her legal shit, and I'm meeting with her and the lawyer to discuss the case."

"Oh. Ok." She answered emotionlessly.

"Does that piss you off babe?"

Sabrina thought for a moment before she answered, "No. I'm not crazy about it, but I trust you, Marshall."

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